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Module 4 Fine Arts—Western, Chinese and Pop Arts




1. realise  vt.  领悟;了解;实现;实行

He didn’t realise his mistakes.


I realised my dream finally.


reality  n.  现实;实际

realisable  adj.  可实现的;可实行的

realistic  adj.  现实的;实际的;实事求是的

2. destroy  vt.  破坏;毁坏

The building was destroyed by the fire.


The accident destroyed my hope of happiness.


3. aim  vi.  以……为目标;打算;瞄准;对准

He aims to become a football player.


The factory must aim at increasing production.


(1)aim to do sth  力求达到;以做……为目标

They are aiming to reduce the cost by 50%.


(2)aim at doing sth (aim for sth)  希望达到……目标

They are aiming at collecting some stamps on the exhibition.


We are aiming for the best results.


(3)aim at  瞄准;对准

He aimed his gun at her head.


(4)be aimed at  目标是;目的是

The visit is aimed at expanding relations between the two countries.


4. scene  n.  景色;风景

The sunrise is a beautiful scene.




The beauty of the scene filled us with great pleasure.


We passed through lots of beautiful scenery on our journey through the Lake District.


5. expression  n.  表现;表达

I sent my teacher some flowers as an expression of thanks.


The scenery is beautiful beyond expression.


beyond expression  难以形容

freedom of expression  言论自由

give expression to  表达出……

6. alive  adj.  有活力的;有生气的;活着;在世

Tommy is alive with happiness.


Although he is eighty, he is still very alive.


Is your mother alive?



My grandfather is more alive than a lot of young people.


bring... alive  使……有趣

come alive  引起兴趣;生动起来

7. stand  vt.  忍受(尤其用于否定句、疑问句)

I can’t stand his brother.


She couldn’t stand being kept waiting.


8. adopt  vt.  采纳;采用;正式通过(建议、政策等)

All three teams adopted different approaches to the problem.


The council is expected to adopt the new policy at its next meeting.


9. imitate  vt.  临摹;仿造;模仿(某人的讲话、举


His handwriting is difficult to imitate.


People imitate diamonds with crystal.


Jane imitates the cuckoo.


He can imitate his teacher perfectly.


You should imitate great and kind people.


10. observe  vt.  观察;注意到(不用于进行时)


He observed a stranger hanging around the store.


They observed that it was getting dark.


The farmer observed what was going on between them.



You think badly of her, I observe.


He observed keenly but said little.


11. aspect  n.  方面

The book aims to cover all aspects of city life.


She felt she had looked at the problem from every aspect.


12. like  n.  爱好;嗜好

dislike  n.  憎恶;不喜欢

We all have different likes and dislikes.


He did not try to hide his like (dislike) of his boss.


13. be/get tired of  对……厌烦

—Why did you close the door?

—I’m tired of listening to the baby crying.



Kate told me she was tired of running errands for her sister.


注意:be tired of和be tired with两个短语结构相近,但意思不同。be tired of 表示“对……厌倦”;be tired with表示“因……疲劳”。

14. put off  推迟;延期

Don’t put off till tomorrow what can be done today.


We’d better put off the meeting till Friday.


15. at one’s best  处在最佳状态

Beijing is at its best in late spring and autumn.


Jack told me that he didn’t really feel at his best yesterday.


16. be fond of  喜欢;喜爱

(1)be fond of sb  喜爱(尤指认识已久的人)

Over the years, I have been quite fond of her.


(2)be fond of sth/doing sth  喜爱(尤指长期喜爱的事物或做的事)

We were fond of the house and didn’t want to leave.


17. tell by  从……可以看出

You can tell by the color of the meat.


—How can you tell?

—Just by listening to what people say.



tell... from...  把……与……区分开来

tell off  责备;斥责     tell apart  把……区分开

tell against  对……不利     tell of  提及;描述

18. take turns  轮流

take turns in sth/to do sth  依次、轮流做某事

The male and female birds take turns in sitting on the eggs.


in turn  依次;轮流;逐个;转而

The children called out their names in turn.


by turns  轮流地;依次

The book is, by turns, funny and very sad.


19. a series of  一系列的

He attended a series of important meetings.


He did a series of experiments.





Today many people call Paul Cézanne the “Father of Modern Painting”. In fact, he sold few pictures and won no prizes. He had to be supported by his father and was also helped by the writer Émile Zola, his boyhood friend. Only in the last ten years of his life was his greatness recognized.

Paul Cézanne was born in Aix-en-Provence, France, on Jan 19, 1839. His father was a successful banker. Cézanne received an education at the Collège Bourbon and studied drawing at the Aix Museum. After studying for a short time at law school and working in his father’s bank, he went to Paris to study painting. Then he often returned to Aix. He worked many summers painting the scenery near his father’s home away from the center of the city.

Cézanne took part in the first exhibition of impressionist paintings in 1874, though he later broke with the impressionists. He was more concerned with structure and color than with the effects produced by light.

Not until Cézanne was about 60 years old did galleries and museums begin to look for his works. Even with his new-found success he still remained unsociable. However, he continued to paint until a week before his death on Oct 22, 1906.

Most 20th-century painters were influenced by Cézanne. He invented a way of modeling three-dimensional (三維的) forms by painting in small areas of color. He painted from nature but often changed a shape or its color to express its special effect. His finest works are very calm and peaceful but they are powerful expressions of forms in space.

1. During most of his life, Paul Cézanne seemed to ___ .

A. be a failure B. be a great artist

C. like to help others D. like to make friends

2. What was Paul Cézanne’s attitude towards impressionist paintings in his later life?

A. Hopeful. B. Uncertain.

C. Favorable. D. Uninterested.

3. What does the last paragraph mainly tell us about Paul Cézanne’s ?

A. His finest works. B. His painting style.

C. His favorite painters. D. His powerful influence.


France has been one of the main pioneers of many forms of artistic expression throughout its history. France and art are strongly connected with each other, and it would not be possible to think of world art without thinking of France.

The importance of art in France can be easily seen by the great number of museums and art exhibitions throughout the country. They include the Musée du Louvre, which is one of the great museums of the world. There is also the Musée du Moyen Age in this list, which exhibits medieval art works, and the  Centre Pompidou, exhibiting art from the twentieth century. Among other important museums and exhibitions are the Musée d’Orsay, where visitors can observe a collection of French art from the century, and the Musée Picasso, which exhibits amazing art works from this outstanding artist. The Musée Rodin is another great place to visit in order to enjoy French art and to observe some amazing sculptures from this artist.

The relation between France and art can be traced back to as long ago as the Stone Age. Many art works dating from this period have been found in France and provide unique information about the culture and art of the world. In France, each different period of time was strongly connected with art and had its own art expression forms and characteristics, and they were closely connected with French history and culture.

4. What can we learn about France from Paragraph 1?

A. It has the greatest museum of the world.

B. Its art plays an important role in world art.

C. It has the largest number of famous artists.

D. Its art makes it the most famous around the world.

5. How many museums are mentioned in the text?

A. Four. B. Five.

C. Six. D. Seven.

6. Where should you go to observe some amazing sculptures?

A. The Musée d’Orsay. B. The Musée du Moyen Age.

C. The Centre Pompidou. D. The Musée Rodin.

7. What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A. France has the most art forms of the world.

B. French art is the beginning of the world art.

C. Art works from the Stone Age are the most valuable.

D. In France, different periods of time have different styles of art.



Life will be peaceful if you always do kind things. I teach my daughters to develop a habit of  others. The little acts of  give you opportunities to provide service for others. They can make you remember how  it is to be kind and helpful.

We  in a rural area. Most of what we  is beautiful nature. One of the exceptions to the  is the rubbish that some people throw out of their car windows as they drive along the rural roads. One of the few  of living there is the lack (缺少) of  public services, such as rubbish collection, which is common in the .

A helping behavior that I practice regularly with my daughters is picking up rubbish in our neighborhood. My daughters often have a  to see who can collect the most rubbish. They will often say to me in a(n)  voice, “There’s some rubbish, Daddy— the car!” And if we have time, we will often get out of our car and pick it up. Although it may seem , we do it. In fact, we  it. We pick up rubbish in parks, on sidewalks, almost anywhere.

One day I saw a stranger picking up rubbish on the road. I stopped. He  his head and smiled, “I saw you doing this with your family. It’s a good  to protect our environment.”

There are many other ways to  kindness for others. You may share a dinner with a beggar, visit  old people in the nursing home, or help the blind  the street. You can think of something that can be finished  but helpful. It is fun, self-satisfying, and what’s more, it can set a good example. Helping others is helping yourself.

1. A. watching B. welcoming C. helping D. teaching

2. A. kindness B. happiness C. carefulness D. politeness

3. A. wise B. common C. difficult D. great

4. A. work B. live C. travel D. walk

5. A. see B. dream C. need D. expect

6. A. nature B. beauty C. area D. community

7. A. favorites B. disadvantages C. wishes D. answers

8. A. comfortable B. modern C. necessary D. excellent

9. A. city B. village C. square D. street

10. A. rest B. competition C. test D. chat

11. A. surprised B. tired C. excited D. angry

12. A. catch B. push C. move D. stop

13. A. strange B. interesting C. simple D. amusing

14. A. enjoy B. experience C. understand D. mind

15. A. covered B. hid C. shook D. raised

16. A. activity B. idea C. result D. instruction

17. A. provide B. bring C. get D. create

18. A. sad B. silent C. unhealthy D. lonely

19. A. know B. cross C. tour D. notice

20. A. suddenly B. impossibly C. easily D. freely


Andy Warhol was one of the most famous artists of pop art. He is best remembered  his paintings of Campbell’s Soup Cans.

Pop art was a new style of art  began in England in the mid-1950s and aimed to show popular, everyday things. Warhol chose  (use) paint and canvas but at first he had some trouble  (decide) what to paint. Warhol began with Coke bottles  his work wasn’t getting the attention he wanted. Later, a friend advised him to paint something like money and a can of soup. Warhol painted both of them.

Warhol’s first  (exhibit) came in 1962 at the Ferus Gallery in Los Angeles. He exhibited his canvases of Campbell’s Soup, one canvas for each of the thirty-two   (type) of Campbell’s Soup.

However, Warhol found that he couldn’t make his paintings fast enough on canvas. Luckily in July 1962, he (discover) the process of silk screening. It uses a  (special) prepared piece of silk as a stencil (模板),  (allow) one silk-screen to create similar patterns many times. Warhol would use this style for the rest of his life.

1.  _________2.  __________ 3.   __________  4.   ____________5.     ___________

6.  _________7.  __________ 8.   __________ 9.   ____________10.     ___________




The Valley Art Center encourages art appreciation in people of all ages and backgrounds through education, inspiration and opportunities to experience the arts.

Concept Based Oil Painting

The course will conclude with a group discussion of the students’ works. IMPORTANT: Students will be responsible for bringing all necessary materials. Guidance will be offered on color, tools and techniques, but the emphasis (重点) will be on thinking creatively. Supply list is available online. And don’t forget your lunch. $192/$173

Digital Photography for the Fraidy Cat

Learn the basic of digital photography. We will start with understanding what those symbols on your camera mean. You will also learn when to use a flash. In this class you will practice what you have learned using your camera! $96/$86

Drawing for the Fraidy Cat

Everyone can draw! If you have ever wanted to learn how to draw or just want to refresh yourself in drawing skills then this is the class for you. Students will work on many of projects with different drawing materials to develop their own personal style. A list of suggested supplies is available online. $96/$86

Enamel on Metal

In this art form, drawing skills are not required for this colorful and expressive craft (技艺). Beginning students learn several basic classical techniques and those with experience are guided in limoge, cloisonne, champlevee or other techniques of choice. All equipment and supplies are included in first project fee of $8, payable to the instructor at first class. $96/$86

1. What does the course Concept Based Oil Painting emphasize?

A. The skills of painting.

B. The discussions of art works.

C. The guidance of basic painting.

D. The creative thinking of students.

2. What will you do in Digital Photography for the Fraidy Cat?

A. Learn how to repair a camera.

B. Explore how to develop the film.

C. Visit some landscape and portraits.

D. Get to know the symbols on your camera.

3. Which will prepare necessary materials for learners?

A. Enamel on Metal.

B. Drawing for the Fraidy Cat.

C. Concept Based Oil Painting.

D. Digital Photography for the Fraidy Cat.


In the US, tornadoes (龍卷风) are responsible for 80 deaths and more than 1,500 injuries each year. Although they happen quite frequently, tornadoes are difficult to predict. Why? Tornadoes develop from storms, but only some storms are likely to become tornadoes. Scientists don’t know where and when a storm will touch the ground and turn into a tornado. Today, the warning time for a tornado is usually just 13 minutes.

Time Samaras is a storm chaser. His job is to find tornadoes and follow them. When he gets close to a tornado, he puts a special tool called a turtle probe on the ground. This tool measures things like a tornado’s temperature, humidity (湿度), and wind speed. With this information, Samaras can learn what causes tornadoes to develop. If meteorologists understand this, they can warn people about tornadoes sooner and save lives.

How does Samaras hunt tornadoes? It’s not easy. First, he has to find one. Tornadoes are too small to see using weather satellites. So Samaras can’t rely on these tools to find a tornado. Instead, he waits for tornadoes to develop. Every May and June, Samaras drivers about 40,000 kilometers across an area known as Tornado Alley, looking and hoping to spot a tornado.

Once Samaras sees a tornado, the chase begins. But a tornado is hard to follow. Some tornadoes change direction several times—for example, moving east and then west and then east again. When Samaras finally gets near a tornado, he puts the turtle probe on the ground. Being this close to a tornado is terrifying. Debris (碎片) is flying in the air. Then wind is blowing at high speed. He must get away quickly.

The work is risky, even for a skilled chaser like Samaras. But danger won’t stop his hunt for the perfect storm.

4. What do we know about tornadoes from Paragraph 1?

A. They rarely occured.

B. They often develop into storms.

C. They usually come down in winter.

D. They can be warned in a very short time.

5. A turtle probe is used to ___ .

A. chase tornadoes

B. predict tornadoes

C. decrease the power of tornadoes

D. collect information about tornadoes

6. What is Paragraph 3 mainly about?

A. How tornadoes develop.

B. How powerful a tornado is.

C. How the turtle probe works.

D. How Samaras chases a tornado.

7. How is the job of a tornado chaser according to the text?

A. Difficult and dangerous. B. Exciting and popular.

C. Special and interesting. D. Stressful and troublesome.



Whether you are on top of the world or feel you are holding it up, we all need help sometimes. Here are four ways to get to a better place.

Pay attention inside.

It is the small voice, the feeling in your heart. If you are really listening, you will hear what is right and what is wrong to do. You’ll know better how to take steps to change.

Setting aside peaceful time allows you to get your mind clear. Then you can go on to build great things. So pick a place, make it regular, and bring peace to your mind.

Speak with someone you don’t know.

Sometimes you need to take a practical step beyond yourself. A number of non-profits (非营利组织) provide a listening ear. Sidewalk Talk is a great one.  You can stop by and talk, opening your heart and sharing your worries.

Get out in nature.

Try being a tourist in your hometown. I am sure there is something peaceful to see. Relaxing outings help you rise far above your latest worry or self-doubt. Nature can lift you higher.

Sometimes we can give a hand to others. I hope these tips will help you out of the depths and reach higher heights.

A. List your thankfulness.

B. Fill your mind with peace.

C. Sometimes we need a helping hand.

D. Being a listening ear makes us feel valued.

E. Caring people set up a space on the sidewalk.

F. If you’re looking for somewhere to start, it is within you.

G. There’re few things as comforting as being a part of our nature.

1.  _________2.  __________ 3.   __________  4.   ____________5.     ___________


A man worked in a post office. His job was to handle all

1    that had unclear addresses. One day he came across a

2     which was written to God. He opened it and it    3   , “Dear God, I am an 83-year-old woman and I live on a very small pension (養老金). Yesterday someone    4    my purse. There was a hundred dollars in it, which was all the money I had    5    until my next pension comes. Next Thursday is Thanksgiving Day, and I have    6    my last two friends for dinner. Without that money, I have nothing to buy food with. I have no family to    7    to, and you are my only    8   . Can you please help me?” The man was    9   , and went around showing the letter to all the other workers. Each of them searched their    10    and donated a few dollars. By the time he

11    his showing, he had collected 96 dollars. And then he

12    it to the old woman.

Thanksgiving Day came and went. The workers    13

forgot about it. Then one day, there came another    14    from the old lady to God. All the    15    gathered around when the letter was opened. It read, “Dear God, how can I ever thank you enough for what you did for me? Because of your    16   , I was able to    17    a lovely dinner for my friends. We had a very    18    day, and I told my friends about your    19    gift. Thank you very much!” Seeing this, all the workers felt     20

with the nice thing they had done. They looked into each other’s eyes and smiled.

1. A. stamps B. money C. mails  D. postcards

2. A. book B. letter C. report D. article

3. A. wrote B. talked C. read D. told

4. A. observed B. stole C. lost D. liked

5. A. borrowed B. wished C. paid D. left

6. A. invited B. met C. asked D. visited

7. A. refer B. relate C. turn D. belong

8. A. family B. hope C. support D. partner

9. A. excited B. amazed C. surprised D. moved

10. A. rooms B. offices C. wallets D. desks

11. A. finished B. planned C. organized D. toured

12. A. showed B. sent C. gave D. handed

13. A. gradually B. usually C. especially D. easily

14. A. card B. note C. letter D. gift

15. A. friends B. workers C. officers D. guests

16. A. work B. influence C. expression D. kindness

17. A. bring B. choose C. prepare D. enjoy

18. A. nice B. strange C. common D. formal

19. A. traditional B. wonderful C. expensive D. extra

20. A. annoyed B. confident C. pleased D. hopeful



The first drawings on walls appeared in caves thousands of years ago. Modern graffiti (涂鸦) seems to have appeared in Philadelphia in the early 1960s, and by the late sixties it had reached New York. The new art form really took off in the 1970s, when people began writing their names, or “tags, on buildings all over the city.

In the early days, the “taggers” were young street men who were trying to mark their space. They worked in groups and called what they did “writing”—the word “graffiti” was first used by The New York Times and the writer Norman Mailer. Art galleries in New York began buying graffiti in the early seventies. But at the same time that it began to be considered as an art form, John Lindsay, the then mayor of New York, declared (宣告) the first war on graffiti. By the 1980s it became much harder to write on subway trains without being caught and instead many of the graffiti artists began using roofs of buildings.

The argument over whether graffiti is art is still going on. Peter Vallone, a New York City councillor, thinks that graffiti done with permission can be art, but if it is on someone else’s buildings it becomes a crime. On the other hand, Felix, a member of the Berlin-based group Reclaim Your City, says that graffiti shows freedom and makes cities livelier.

Graffiti is now sometimes big business. The Frenchman Blek le Rat and the British artist Banksy have become internationally famous by producing works which often make humorous points. Works by Banksy have been sold for over £100,000.

1. The 1970s is thought to be an important period in the history of graffiti because it was when ___ .

A. graffiti was found in caves

B. modern graffiti first appeared

C. graffiti first reached New York

D. modern graffiti first became really popular

2. Who created the word “graffiti”?

A. Some street artists.

B. Art galleries in New York.

C. A newspaper and an author.

D. The mayor of New York in 1970s.

3. How did things change after the first war on graffiti?

A. New York looked a lot cleaner.

B. Many people gave up doing graffiti.

C. It became safer to take subway trains.

D. Graffiti artists had to find different places to paint.

4. What does Peter Vallone say about graffiti?

A. It can be beautiful when it’s done by a skilled artist.

B. It is a crime if the artist doesn’t have permission.

C. It gives people the freedom of expression.

D. It is far from being considered art.


The sport of skateboarding has had more ups and downs than a skate park.

It was nothing more than a scooter (踏板车) made with roller-skate wheels and a wooden box. Another piece of wood at the top of the box served as the handles (把手).

It wasn’t until the 1950s that the box and handles were taken away.  That’s when skateboarding was truly born. Every kid wanted a skateboard! By 1959, skateboards hit store shelves. A few years later, professional skateboarders brought pleasure and surprise to people.

Those first boards were dangerous, though. Neither steel wheels nor clay wheels were safe. After serious injuries were reported, the popularity of skateboarding went downhill.  Cities didn’t like them. By 1965, the sport was almost dead.

They were made of new material, a type of rubber. The ride was smoother and safer. New skateboard designs had a kick tail that turned up at the end. The new design made tricks (技巧) possible. Skateboards were hot again!

Since then, skateboarding has gone up and down in popularity. Today, skateboarding video games help to make it more and more popular. Many cities have built skate parks where skateboard lovers can do tricks.  Some skateboard lovers even want to make skateboarding an Olympic sport.

A. In 1966, sales had dropped.

B. Stores stopped selling them.

C. Kids started riding hands free.

D. Competitions are held around the world.

E. In 1975, new skateboards were made with better wheels.

F. The earliest form of the skateboard dates back to the

early 1900s.

G. During this time, skateboarding was seen as something

to do for fun.

1.  _________2.  __________ 3.   __________  4.   ____________5.     ___________




1. Her hobbies include music and ____ birds and flowers.

2. Only in his dreams does he give ____ to his fears.

3. Although the lady is very old, she is still as ____ as young people.

4. It’s ____ in America to eat turkey on Thanksgiving Day.

5. His dream has become a(n) ____ .

6. She and her friends have the same likes and ____ .

7. It’s ____ for the trees to flower so early.

8. One had better see life in its various ____ when young.

9. She ____ that all the seats were already taken.

10. The museum had several paintings representing the ____ early style.


1. 我现在热衷于打篮球。(be crazy about)


2. 昨天他告诉我他厌倦了一直做同样的事。(be/get tired of)


3. 他还是个孩子的时候就喜欢画画。(be fond of)


4. 我们讨论了工作中的一系列问题。(a series of)


5. 由于天气糟糕, 我们最好将运动会延期举行。(put off)



Once a man asked a painter to paint a picture to him. He told the artist he didn’t want any shadows in the picture, just sunshine, but the artist did so. While the man saw the finishing picture, he was disappointed. Without shadows, everything in the picture looks flat and unreal. The point of the story is that we need both shadows and sunshine to have a completely picture, just as we need both rain and sun to have living world. People, too, needs both sadness and happiness. We often learn important lessons during sad times. So when we will feel sad, we should try to stop and think about that we might learn from the experience.


假定你是李华,你校将举办高中生中国古代诗词大会(Chinese Ancient Poetry Competition)。你想邀请喜爱中国古代诗词的外教Mr Smith观看比赛。请你用英语给他写封电子邮件,内容包括:











Exploring with Picasso


Picasso’s mother said that the first word he uttered was “pencil”. One story tells that he started to draw before he learned to say any words at all. He was interested in drawing, painting, and sculpturing from the time he was a small boy in Spain. Picasso was an inventor and explorer. However, he didn’t invent machines or explore strange places. He explored and experimented with art. He was always able to work anywhere or anytime, day and night. He carved a figure from the nearest stick of wood, painted with his fingers, made drawings with a rusty nail, and even made a bull’s head from the handlebars and seat of a bicycle. Picasso painted Spanish fighting bulls, horse races and clowns. He painted people and animals as they are. He also invented a kind of art called “cubism”, which is made up of simple shapes like squares or cubes. If you look closely at the picture named Three Musicians, you’ll see not only shapes but also three men. What other things can you find in the picture? Picasso explored the world of art and discovered new ways of looking at our world.




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