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Module 6 The Internet and Telecommunications



pass vt. 超过

contain vt. 包含;包括

crash vi. (计算机)崩溃

create vt. 创造;发明

design vt. 设计

concentrate vi. 集中(注意力、思想等)

disadvantage n. 弊端;缺点

invention n. 发明

permission n. 许可

access n. 接近;通路

software n. 软件

source n. 来源;出处

data n. (复)数据

defense n. 保护;防卫

network n. 网络

percentage n. 百分数;百分率

document n. 文件

essay n. 文章

statistics n. (复)统计数字

fantastic adj. 极好的;美妙的

independent adj. 独立的

average adj. 平均的

accessible adj. 可进入的;可使用的

sideways adv. 横着地;斜着地

via prep. 途经;经由


consist of 由……组成

as well 也

become/be known as 作为……而出名;被称为……

go down 下降

come up with 提出

from that moment 从那时起

concentrate on 聚精会神;集中思想

compared with 与……相比

log on/of 登录;退出

hard disk 硬盘

personal computer 个人电脑

web browser 网页浏览器


log vt. 记录;登录

shorten vt. 缩短

keyword n. 密码;口令

breakdown n. 故障


download vt. 下载

hesitate vi. / vt. 犹豫

surf vi. (互联网上)冲浪;浏览

site n. 位置;场所;地点

inverted commas 引号

separate adj. 单独的;分开的

per prep. 每一;每


1. contain vt. 包含;包括;装有;容纳

The book contains twenty pictures.


The classroom can contain 60 people.



(1) contain侧重所含的量与成分。

The basket contains a variety of fruits.


This drink doesnt contain any alcohol.


(2) include侧重于对比整体与部分,指某整体包含或容纳某部分。

The money I gave you included Xiao Zhangs.


This dictionary is 100 yuan, postage included.


(3) include常以including(名词或代词前)或included(名词或代词后)的形式出现在短语中,用来举例、解释或补充说明。

There are ten of us here, including three girls.

= There are ten of us here, three girls included.

Everybody has something to say, me included.

= Everybody has something to say, including me.

2. design vt. & n. 设计

The experiment is designed to test the new medicine.


Who designed the Water Cube?


This building is a bad design.


design for 为……设计

be designed for/to do 专为……而做(设置)

by design 故意地;有意地

have designs on 对……抱不良企图

3. create vt. 创造;发明

An artist should create beautiful things.


The government plans to create more jobs for young people.




4. shorten vt. 缩短

The days shorten in November in this country.


The teacher told me to shorten my report to one page.


5. breakdown n. 故障;失败;(身体)垮掉

I dont know how to deal with the network breakdown?


He couldnt work after his breakdown.


break down 出故障;坏掉;失败;垮掉;把……分类;划分;分解

The machine has broken down.


Our car broke down on the motorway.


Negotiations between the two sides have broken down.


Each lesson is broken down into several units.


Sugar and starch are broken down in the stomach.


6. disadvantage n. 弊端;缺点

If you dont speak good English, youll be at a big disadvantage when you try to get a job.


What is the disadvantage of using water power?


常用搭配:to ones disadvantage 对某人不利

7. defence n. 保护;防卫


A thick coat is a good defence against the cold.


People used to build strong walls round their towns as a defence against enemies.


This fort was once the main defence of the island.


常用搭配:in defence of 保卫……;为……辨护

They fought in defence of their country.


Hundreds of people gave their lives in defence of freedom.


8. average adj. 平均的;一般的;普通的

(1) average通常只能放在名词前作定语,不用作表语,且没有比较级。

What was the average temperature yesterday?


The average age of boys in this class is 15.


(2) 表示“一般的;普通的”,可用作定语,也可用作表语。

He is just an average student.


There was nothing special about the film—it was only average.


average n. 平均

above/below average 平均水平以上 / 以下

on (an/the) average 平均而言;根据平均标准

the average of ……的平均数

an average of (跟数词)平均有

注意:the average of...做主语,谓语动词用单数,意为“……的平均数”;an average of + 复数名词作主语,谓语动词用复数。

9. independent adj. 独立的;有主见的;分开的

Mozambique became independent in 1975.


My elder sister has moved away from home and is now



常用搭配:independent of sb/sth 不相关的;不受影响的

I am old enough to be independent of my parents.


10. consist of 由……组成

consist of常用整体作主语,表示“整体由部分组成”,引申为“包含有”,不能用于被动语态。

This necklace consists of gold and diamond.


The city consists of five districts.


11. as well 也

as well多用于口语中,语气较轻。通常用于肯定句


Ill come to London,and my sister will come as well.


Are they coming as well?


12. concentrate on 聚精会神;集中思想


I cant concentrate on my studies.


Right now we should concentrate on doing some things for our plan.


13. compared with 与……相比

Compared with our small apartment, our uncles house seemed like a palace.


How does life in Britain compared with life in the States?


短语:compare...to... 把……比作……

compare...with... 把……和……比较

14. become/be known as 作为……而出名;


She was known as an excellent dancer.


These chocolate bars are known as something else in the U.S..


1. be known for 因……而众所周知

He was known for his frankness.


2. be known to 为……所知

Hes known to the police because of his previous criminal record.


15. go down 倒下;(船等)下沉,沉没,下降;




She stripped and went down with a bump.


The ship went down with all on board.


A glass of wine would go down very nicely.


The price of eggs is going down.


The color of the sky deepened as the sun went down.


16. come up with 提出;赶上

We werent able to come up with any new suggestions.


We came up with a group of tourists.




About 21,000 young people in 17 American states do not go to classes in school buildings. Instead, they receive their school education by working at home on computers. The Center for Education Reform says the United States has 67 public “cyberschools,” and that is about twice as many as two years ago.

The money for students to go to a cyberschool comes from the governments of the states where they live. Some educators say cyberschools receive money that should support traditional public schools. They also say it is difficult to know if students are learning well.

Other educators praise this new form of education for letting students work at their own speed. These people say cyberschools help students who were unhappy or unsuccessful in traditional schools. They say learning at home by computer ends long bus rides for children who live far from school.

Whatever the judgment of cyberschools, they are getting more and more popular. For example, a new cybershool called Common-wealth Connections Academy will take in students this fall. It will serve children in the state of Pennsylvania from ages five through thirteen.

Children get free equipment for their online education. This includes a computer, a printer, books and technical services. Parents and students talk with teachers by telephone or by sending emails through their computer when necessary.

Students at cyberschools usually do not know one another. But 56 such students who finished studies at Western Pennsylvania Cyber Charter School recently met for the first time. They were guests honor at their graduation.

1. What do we know about students of a cyberschool?

A. They have to take long bus rides to school.

B. They do well in traditional school programs.

C. They study at home rather than in classrooms.

D. They receive money from traditional public schools.

2. What is a problem with cyberschools?

A. The equipment costs a lot of money.

B. The students find it hard to make friends.

C. They get little support from the state government.

D. Its hard to know students progress in learning.

3. Why are Cyberschools getting more popular?

A. They are less expensive.

B. They serve students in a wider age range.

C. Students can work at their own speed.

D. Graduates are more successful in society.

4. How can students in cybershools ask the teachers questions?

A. By watching TV.

B. By writing letters.

C. By attending meetings.

D. By telephone or sending emails.



log crash access percentage design

contain data defense source breakdown

1. A small ____ of the farm produce was ruined.

2. The only ____ to the farmhouse is crossing the road.

3. Do you know the ____ of the Amazon River?

4. I thought the building was going to ____ .

5. This soldier died in ____ of his country.

6. This library ____ a large number of foreign language reference books.

7. You ____ into your email account via the Web to send email.

8. The book is ____ to be used in two ways.


1. This computer contain a large number of electronic

switches. ___

2. How many players does a team consist in your school? ___

3. Not only the students but his English teacher were invited

as well. ___

4. You should have a rest if you want to avoid breakdown. ___


1. 因特网使我们和更多人交流成为可能。

2. 开车时驾驶员的注意力要集中在路上。

3. 我想你错了。你应该拿出更好的想法。

4. 与城市相比,农村非常安静。


1. All students have free access ___ the library.

A. by B. to

C. for D. in

2. ___ the next ten years, our population will grow by about one million people.

A. For B. From

C. Since D. Within

3. ___ 2015, Chinas total population will be kept under 1.5 billion.

A. Before B. As

C. By D. To

4. He got home before the sun ___ .

A. went down B. came down

C. got down D. crashed down

5. — Its too hot. Would you mind my opening the door?

— ___ Please do it now.

A. No problem. B. Certainly not.

C. Of course. D. Good idea.

6. The foreigner can speak English, and he can speak French ___ .

A. either B. also

C. as well as D. as well

7. Sorry, Mary isnt at home ___ . May I take a message?

A. at the moment B. in a moment

C. for a moment D. after a moment

8. The new book ______ 7 modules, ___ one main revision.

A. contains; including B. includes; included

C. contains; included D. includes; including




document invention independent breakdown definite

military accessible permission create pass

1. Can you give me a(n) ____ answer by tomorrow?

2. The computer is one of the most important ____ in the world.

3. Our headmaster is ____ to the students.

4. Although she is young, she is very ____ . She can do homework without asking for help.

5. We will have to take ____ action against the terrorists.

6. You cant take photographs here without ____ .

7. Unless he stops driving himself like this hell have a(n) ____ .

8. The name of the ____ should be shown on the cover.


1. Whether this happened with design or not, we shall never know.


2. You must concentrate all your energies in the study of English.


3. We often compare Beijing with the heart of our country. ___

4. This data showed that the lake was badly polluting. ___


1. 作为一个学生,掌握一门外语是很重要的。

2. 它作为一只聪明的狗而出名。

3. 我们没有理由嘲笑其他人。

4. 我们看到一匹马在飞速奔跑。


1. If you compare his work ___ hers, youll find hers is much better.

A. for B. by

C. to D. with

2. — What do you remember Alexander Graham Bell as?

— As ___ inventor of ___ telephone.

A. /; the B. the; the

C. the; / D. /; /

3. We can achieve much information ___ the Internet.

A. with B. in

C. at D. on

4. Prices are going up all the time; it seems they will never ___ .

A. go away B. go down

C. go back D. go by

5. The writer ___ his own special language.

A. designed B. discovered

C. found D. created

6. Peace talks between the two countries have ___ with no agreement reached.

A. broken in B. broken down

C. broken up D. broken out

7. He asked who ___ this new design for the library.

A. came up with B. put up with

C. kept up with D. caught up with

8. Tomorrow is ___ Teachers Day and well make ___ card for our English teacher.

A. /; / B. /; a

C. the; a D. the; /


“Fire! Fire!” It was a large old wooden house and my room was on the top floor. I 1 out of bed, opened the door and stepped out into the passage. It was full of thick smoke.

I began to run, but I was still only 2 . The smoke grew 3 and I could see flames around. I found an open door and ran into a room to get to the window. But 4 I could reach it, one of my feet was caught in something 5 and I fell down. The thing I had fallen over felt like a bundle (捆) of clothes, and I picked it up to 6 my face from the smoke and heat.

I saw a flaming door-way in front, and I put the bundle over my face and ran. The flames burned me terribly, but I got 7 . As I reached the cold air outside, my bundle of clothes gave a thin cry. A woman in a borrowed night dress and a mans coat screamed (尖叫) as she saw me and came running 8 . “My baby!” she cried. I had some difficulty in 9 her voice. She was Mayors wife, and I had 10 her baby.

1. A. jumped B. stood C. looked D. kept

2. A. half-woken B. impressed C. organised D. abandoned

3. A. thicker B. bigger C. smaller D. thinner

4. A. as B. after C. before D. until

5. A. hard B. big C. small D. soft

6. A. hide B. wash C. cover D. pass

7. A. up B. through C. over D. along

8. A. slowly B. carefully C. angrily D. madly

9. A. making out B. making up C. making off D. making sure

10. A. helped B. saved C. found D. hurt




pass concentrate disadvantage average frequent

independent definite conclusion fantastic ordinary

1. On ____ men smoke more cigarettes than women.

2. Can you ____ me to win the first place?

3. The washing machine has two serious ____ .

4. He comes to visit me ____ , usually three or four times a week.

5. ____ ! You should be proud of yourself.

6. A week ago you made a(n) ____ promise.

7. In China farming is no longer completely ____ on the weather.

8. I wish you would ____ on your profession.


1. Some people read the books or watch TV while

others have sports. ___

2. More than 80 per cent of the population is workers. ___

3. My own problems seem nothing comparing with other

peoples. ___

4. The number of known mistakes in this passage rose from 32.



1. 我想讲清楚,我不同意这个计划。

2. 这个班学生的平均年龄为15岁。

3. 当我看见那个男孩时,另一辆车就超过我了。

4. 在我看来,这是一个重要的文件。


1. An average of ten students ___ passed the exam each class.

A. wasnt B. werent

C. hasnt D. havent

2. I agree with most of what you said, but I dont agree with ___ .

A. something B. anything

C. nothing D. everything

3. As a teacher, she made ___ her duty to look after all the students.

A. this B. it

C. that D. one

4. We hope well soon ___ our disappointment and be happy again.

A. take off B. put up

C. go down D. get over

5. Students should be encouraged to use ___ Internet as ___ tool.

A. /; a B. /; the

C. the; a D. the; the

6. Its not ___ good idea to drive for four hours without ___ break.

A. the; a B. the; the

C. a; a D. a; the

7. This area experienced ___ heaviest rainfall in ___ month of May.

A. /; a B. the; a

C. a; the D. the; the

8. They walked along ___ Yellow River for two hours before they arrived ___ home.

A. /; / B. the; /

C. the; the D. /; the


In the morning, Slim got up and prepared breakfast for his wife as usual. Nicole, his wife, was listening to music in the bedroom. Suddenly, Slim felt that his body was shaking. He had the rapid response that there was an earthquake! He shouted quickly, “Dear, earthquake! Go to the toilet!” Nicole heard the shouting, took the first-aid box quickly and ran into the toilet. The house was shaking even more dramatically (剧烈地).

Bathroom was the next door to the kitchen. Slim picked up a kitchen knife and two pieces of bread outside the kitchen. He tried to run along the wall to help Nicole. However, there was a dark suddenly with an explosion. The house crashed down and many things fell from above. Nicole was quickly buried in ruins. She felt it very difficult to breathe and tried to stand up, but impossible.

A few minutes later, the land was silent. Nicole heard the sound of short breath and thought it was Slim! She shouted to him but made no answer! He probably fainted (晕倒). Nicole kept calling his name and she finally heard a response. The two people encouraged and calmed each other. They knew that there must be a way to escape.

Slim found that they were close and were separated by the fallen stones and some powder. He started to dig with the kitchen knife. He felt pain in his fingers. Finally, he removed the last piece of larger stones. Slim touched Nicoles one hand, then dug the surrounding stones of her body. Finally, Nicole was able to move slowly. They sat on the ground and hugged together.

1. What was Nicole doing when Slim was preparing breakfast? (Within 5 words)

2. What did Nicole take when she heard Slim shouting? (Within 3 words)

3. Why did Nicole feel difficult to breathe? (Within 6 words) .

4. How did Slim get Nicole out of the ruins? (Within 10 words)

5. What can we say about Slim as a husband? (Within 5 words)



Some teenagers are crossing their dream colleges off their lists. Others are thinking of giving up their senior trips or reducing prom costs. Many are finding their work hours cut while their expenses rise.

So, who exactly is punishing them? Is it their parents, teachers or employers? No, its the economy.

If you are like most teenagers, you probably dont understand what “recession (经济萧条)”, “negative economic growth” and “subprime mortgage crisis (次贷危机)” actually mean. And you probably dont spend your days watching the ups and downs of the stock market.

Its safe to say that most teens dont know much about the economy except for one thing: its bad. But just how exactly is the economy affecting teens?

“The single largest thing I have noticed is the recessions ability to affect my college choice,” said Heather Richars from Downey High School in California, US. “With the economic situation the way it is, I have thought less about going to a private or out of state university, and more about public schools in California, mainly because of the price of tuition,” said Richars. “I had been a fan of attending a private school up until this year.”

The economy cuts into other areas of teenagers lives, too.

Joey Camarda, a student at Modesto High School in California, who works at an ice cream store, said, “Probably due to the economy, I have been getting less time at my job, and because of that, I am not getting enough money to help pay for college.”

Tara Mooney, a senior at Beyer High School, has also begun to notice that money is tight.

“Things are getting expensive,” she said. “When it comes to applying for colleges and wanting to go on senior trips, I have to pick and choose instead of doing it all.”

1. It can be inferred from Paragraph 1 that the teenagers ___ .

A. are short of money

B. want to go to college

C. are busy looking for work

D. have to work hard to live a better life

2. How did Joey Camarda find the recession affect him?

A. He had to find more part time jobs.

B. He had to help his mother do more housework.

C. He had found that he had more time to study.

D. His plan to pay for college would be hard to realize.

3. What does the underlined words “pick and choose” probably mean?

A. To look for.

B. To be very serious.

C. To make a careful choice.

D. To examine from head to foot.

4. Which should be the best title of the text?

A. Teens lives affected by economy

B. A world affected by recession

C. Teenagers worry about their future

D. Negative economy growth around the world



pass compare afford create statistics

astonish shorten exhausted contain aim

1. The Internet has ____ thousands of millionaires.

2. They opened the door, removed the two money bags ____ $279,000.

3. The magicans next trick will ____ you.

4. We cant ____ to waste time training a dog.

5. The letter is too long. Can you ____ it a little?

6. I happen to have the latest population ____ with me.

7. He has done no work and hasnt any chance of ____ the exam.

8. ____ with other people, she was indeed lucky.


1. Statistics shows that there are more boys than girls at school.


2. I was on a disadvantage because I dont speak English. ___

3. His brother has turned a writer. He is chairman of the meeting.


4. I would like to become completely independent from my parents.



1. 如果你需要更多的信息,别犹豫联系我。

2. 未经许可你不能进来。

3. 我们不得不缩短我们的午餐时间。

4. 这些练习是为帮助英语差的同学设计的。


1. The singer usually sings while playing ___ guitar.

A. a B. /

C. an D. the

2. ___ the books and let me get into the bag.

A. Take out B. Take off

C. Take over D. Take in

3. Speaking of all the songs he has written, I think this is probably his ___ one.

A. well-known B. better-known

C. most-known D. best-known

4. We always have ___ rice for ___ lunch.

A. /; / B. the; /

C. /; the D. the; the

5. — What about a bicycle for your birthday?

— Great, but I would like ___ bicycle.

A. a ten-speed B. ten-speed

C. a ten-speeds D. ten speeds

6. — Would you like a dress?

— ___

A. Its nice to be here. B. No, I am afraid I cant.

C. Yes, I would like a red one. D. Right, see you.

7. He did not hesitate for a minute ___ the child.

A. saving B. to save

C. save D. to saving

8. We shall take ___ measures to stop air pollution.

A. a series of B. a series

C. series of D. the series of

Father of World Wide Web


Tim Berners Lee is the man who wrote the software programme that led to the foundation of the World Wide Web.

Britain played an important part in developing the first generation of computers. The parents of Tim Berners Lee both worked on one of the earliest commercial computers and talked about their work at home. As a child he would build models of computers from packaging material. After graduating from Oxford University he went on to the real thing. In the 1980s, scientists were already using a primitive version of E-mail. While working at a laboratory in Switzerland Tim Berners Lee wrote a programme which let him store these messages. In 1990 he wrote the HTTP and HTML programmes which form the basis of the World Wide Web.

The next year his programmes were placed on to the Internet. Everyone was welcome to use them and improve them if they could. Programmers used his codes to work with different operating systems. New things like web browsers and search engines were developed. Between 1991 and 1994 the number of web pages rose from 10 to 100,000.

In 1994 Tim Berners Lee formed the newly formed World Wide Web Consortium or W3C. More than 200 leading companies and laboratories are represented by W3C. Together they make sure that everyone can participate equally on the Web.






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