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Module 5 Great People and Great Inventions of Ancient China



第一部分 听力(共两节,满分20分)



1. Whats the man doing?

A. Hes showing his hand. B. Hes going to the TV station.

C. Hes offering the help to the woman.

2. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?

A.Doctor and patient. B. Classmates. C. Teacher and student.

3. When does the film start?

A. 8:05. B. 8:15. C. 8:30.

4. Where does the conversation probably take place?

A. In a restaurant. B. In an office. C. In a shop.

5. What caused the accident?

A. The girl was walking carelessly. B. Mr Black was driving across the street.

C. Mr Black was driving too fast.




6. Where do you think the talk happens?

A. At school. B. In a shop. C. In the street.

7. What does the man want to do?

A. He needs some help. B. He wants to buy a gift for his daughter.

C. He wants to buy some flowers.

8. What can we infer from the conversation?

A. Today is his daughters birthday. B. The man didnt buy the skirt.

C. His daughter probably likes red.


9. What are the two speakers talking about?

A. A visit to their relatives. B. A call to their close friends.

C. A plan for the party.

10. Why was the woman thinking about calling on Ann?

A. Because Ann just got out of the hospital. B. Because she wanted to invite Ann to a party.

C. Because Ann just moved to a new house.

11. They will have a little party at Ricks, wont they?

A. Yes, as they are very happy to be together. B. No, as Rick doesnt feel well.

C. We dont know.


12. What is Frank?

A. He is a sportsman. B. He is a businessman.

C. He is a worker.

13. How often does Frank play Golf?

A. Twice a month. B. Every weekend. C. On Sundays.

14. Whats the womans favorite sport?

A. Table Tennis. B. Swimming. C. Golf.


15. What can we learn about the man?

A. Hes lost his way. B.Hes lost something.

C. Hes going to the hospital.

16. Why is the man here?

A. To do business. B. To have a holiday. C. To find a job.

17. Where are they having the conversation?

A. In London. B. In the countryside. C. In a town.


18. What is the speaker talking about?

A. Where our school things come from? B. Inventions.

C. The man who invented the clock.

19. According to the passage, what invention changed the world a lot but we dont know the inventor of it?

A. Paper. B. Clock. C. Lock.

20. Why have we forgotten most of the inventors?

A. Most of them died years ago.

B. The whole world has been developing so fast.

C. Most of their inventions have become common things now.

第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分40分)

第一节 单项填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

21. Dont lose heart in the face of difficulty. ____ harder you study, ____ better youll become.

A. The; / B. /; the C. The; the D. /; /

22. They will leave for America ____ 3 oclock this afternoon while well fly to Australia ____ two days.

A. in; after B. after; after C. after; in D. on; in

23. Her dream ____ Canada has come true at last with the help of his friends.

A. to visit B. visiting C. in visiting D. of visiting

24. This is a typical family ____ everyone cares more for others than for himself.

A. in which B. in that

C. that D. which

25. Great changes ____ in my school since the earthquake in 2008.

A. took place B. are taking place

C. have taken place D. have been taken place

26. — Have you been to the Great Wall before?

— No, it is the first time that I ____ here.

A. have been B. had been C. have gone D. had gone

27. ____ industry developing, more and more pollution is caused.

A. As B. With C. Without D. When

28. ____ difficult the task is, Ill finish it on time.

A. What B. Whatever C. How D. However

29. — Cliff, I lost your ball at school. I suppose I should pay for it.

— Oh. ____ . It was just an old ball anyway.

A. Take it easy B. By no means C. You got it D. Forget it

30. He spent all the time he could ____ others.

A. to help B. help C. helping D. helped

第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)

It was very cold at 7 am that Monday morning in Harvard Square. I was nearly mad because I had just 31 the bus, so I had to stand in the freezing cold weather waiting for the next one. My mind was filled with anxiety and 32 thoughts. “Why didnt I leave two minutes 33 ?”

34 the others at the bus stop was a woman in her fifties wearing an old hat, an old pair of boots and a dark coat, but she had no 35 . Another woman, who looked to be in her middle twenties, said to the older woman, “ Your hands must be very cold. Youll get 36 in this weather.” She 37 her heavy backpack to the ground, bent down, and began 38 for something inside her backpack. The older woman looked 39 and said, “Oh, no, thats OK. Im fine.”

The younger woman 40 to search about in her backpack and the older woman 41 repeating, “Dont 42 yourself. Ill be all right.” 43 it seemed like so many minutes, the younger woman 44 a pair of purple gloves. She took the older womans hands and gently 45 a glove on each hand. The older woman said, “Thank you. Youre so 46 .”

Though I was very cold, the act of 47 gave me a warm feeling inside. It also motivated me to buy five pairs of purple gloves, similar to hers, and 48 them in my bag, just in case I 49 someone who was in great 50 on a cold day.

31. A. missed B. caught C. waited D. seen

32. A. unhappy B. terrible C. bad D. active

33. A. faster B. earlier C. later D. sooner

34. A. With B. Between C. Among D. Before

35. A. shoes B. coat C. scarf D. gloves

36. A. hurt B. cold C. hungry D. worse

37. A. pushed B. pulled C. lifted D. dropped

38. A. watching B. caring C. looking D. leaving

39. A. down B. up C. around D. out

40. A. decided B. continued C. planned D. tried

41. A. finished B. enjoyed C. stopped D. kept

42. A. worry B. trouble C. save D. waste

43. A. After B. Before C. Later D. When

44. A. put away B. picked up C. picked out D. put on

45. A. gave B. took C. wore D. placed

46. A. honest B. smart C. brave D. sweet

47. A. happiness B. kindness C. honesty D. greatness

48. A. lie B. take C. hang D. put

49. A. meet with B. ran into C. heard of D. turned into

50. A. need B. help C. condition D. surprise

第三部分 阅读理解(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)

The earth is not the only body that travels around the sun. With it are eight other planets, fellow members of the suns family.

Two of them, Mercury and Venus, are nearer while the other six, namely Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, also in their given order from the sun, are farther from the sun than the earth is. The farther they are, the longer trips they make around the sun.People noticed long ago that these traveling bodies moved around in the sky in definite paths. It is a force called gravity (重力) that holds them in their paths.

We know that every little bit of matter in the universe pulls upon every other bit of matter. The pull between two bodies is proportional (成比例的) to the product of their masses. Because the sun is so large the pull between the sun and the planets are thus great. If it were not for this pull, the planets would fly off into space. In the same way there exists a pull between the earth and the moon, which keeps the moon traveling in its orbit around our planet, the earth. Gravity holds you to its surface, and pulls back to it the ball which you throw into the air. Of course the ball also pulls on the larger earth but the earth is so much larger that the pull is not noticed.

Now remember that large bodies exert (产生) a greater pull than smaller ones which contain less material. But each object in the universe, no matter how small, pulls on all other objects to some degree.

51. How many planets travel around the sun in the suns family?

A. Nine planets. B. Eight planets. C. One star and ten planets. D. Ten planets.

52. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. The earth is the nearest to the sun among the planets.

B. Of all the planets, the earth makes the third shortest trip around the sun.

C. The earth is farther from the sun than any other planets in the suns family.

D. The planets travel in the sky in their own ways disorderly instead of in definite paths.

53. Which two planets make the shortest trips around the sun among all the planets?

A. Mercury and Venus. B. Neptune and Pluto. C. Saturn and Uranus. D. Mars and Jupiter.

54. What can we learn from the underlined sentence?

A. The pull between the sun and the moon is greater than that between the sun and the earth.

B. The pull between the earth and the moon is greater than that between the sun and the earth.

C. The pull between the sun and the earth is greater than that between the earth and the moon.

D. The pull between the sun and the earth is the same as that between the earth and the moon.

55. What can we learn from the passage?

A. Small objects cant exert a pull on big objects.

B. Each object in the universe exerts a pull on all other objects.

C. Large objects exert the same pull on anybody as small objects.

D. All the objects, big or small, must exert the same pull on one another.

第四部分 写作(共三节,满分50分)

第一节 阅读表达(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


Mr Clinton and his 13-year-old son Tony are basketball fans. Last October 10th was Tonys birthday, so Mr Clinton decided to drive him to New York, for the first game of the World Series. They had no ticket but hoped to buy a pair from scalpers (黄牛).

It was a two hours ride. After they arrived, they walked on the street for two hours, carrying a sign that read, “We need two tickets.” There were many scalpers around, but the cheapest ticket was $200. They were about to leave when suddenly a man stopped them. He took out two tickets and handed them to Mr Clinton.

“How much do you want?”

“Just a present,” said the man. “Enjoy the game.”

Mr Clinton wouldnt accept, so the man explained, “Im Jackson. Hans is my boss. He and his wife havent missed a World Series in 18 years. But he is ill and cant watch the game this time. So he told me to give the two tickets to people who I thought would actually enjoy the game. A lot of people looked as if they might just take the tickets and sell them. Then I saw you and I followed you for a while. You seemed very disappointed. You made me think of my dad and me when I was a child. I dreamed of going to a World Series game with my father. But my dream never came true.”

How do you suppose this made Mr Clinton and his son feel? Here is what Mr Clinton said, “This is the most wonderful thing that ever happened to us. My boy and I must have turned to each other over 30 times and said, ‘I cant believe this. We still never forget Jackson and Hans.”

56. Why did Mr Clinton drive Tony to watch the game of the World Series? (within 5 words)

57. What did Mr Clinton and Tony need in order to watch the game? (within 2 words)

58. Why couldnt Hans watch the game in person? (within 4 words)

59. Why didnt Jackson give the tickets to other people but Mr Clinton and Tony? (within 9 words)

60. How did Mr Clinton and Tony feel when they got the tickets? (within 7 words)

第二节 短文改错(满分15分)

Once there was famous scientist. He thought not only about his work. One afternoon he felt hunger. He went into the kitchen, boiling some water, and took an egg from the cupboard. He wants to boil the egg for three minute. He was thinking about his work, so he put his watch into the boiling water. He stood with the egg in his hand, looked for it. Then the servant came into the kitchen. The scientist was very surprising when she told him that he was doing. How a lovely scientist!

第三节 书面表达(满分25分)


1. 对环保的认识;2. 环保宣传;3. 交通方式的改变;4. 购物袋的改变。

注意:1. 词数120左右,信的格式及开头已为你写好(不计入总词数)。

2. 可根据内容要点适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear Tom,

Im so glad to receive your letter.

Best wishes!


Li Hua


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