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Module 6 Old and New



第一部分 听力(共两节,满分20分)



1. Whos coming to Shanghai next week?

A. Mary. B. Nancy. C. Larry.

2. What will the woman do tomorrow?

A. Go to a party. B. Go shopping. C. Meet Tom.

3. Where can the man find a bottle of milk?

A. On the third shelf. B. On the first shelf.

C. On the second shelf.

4. What are the two speakers talking about?

A. Flying kites. B. An exam. C. Colors.

5. Whats the probable relationship between the two speakers?

A. Patient and doctor. B. Teacher and student.

C. Manager and employee.




6. What will they do tomorrow?

A. Have breakfast together. B. Go bowling together.

C. Play tennis together.

7. When will they plan to meet?

A. 8:00 am. B. 8:00 pm. C. 7:00 am.


8. What can you know about the room according to the conversation?

A. A small room. B. A bit noisy room.

C. A room for non-smokers.

9. How much will Richard pay for the room?

A. $114. B. $104. C. $140.


10. Where does the woman want to go?

A. The Central Park. B. The New York Hotel.

C. The subway station.

11. At which street can the woman get off if she takes the subway to the Central Park?

A. At 46th Street. B. At 44th Street. C. At 45th Street.

12. Why cant the woman walk to the Central Park?

A. She is too tired. B. Its too far. C. Its too late.


13. Where does the woman want to go?

A. Chicago. B. Atlanta.

C. The World Trade Center.

14. How can the man guess where the woman lives?

A. From her address. B. From her dress.

C. From her accent.

15. Whats the mans dream?

A. To be a driver. B. To be an actor. C. To be a teacher.

16. Where does the man come from?

A. Georgia. B. Chicago. C. New York.


17. Whats the opportunity Amelia got in 1927?

A. She could be a worker in Boston.

B. She could be the first woman pilot to cross the Atlantic.

C. She could be the first woman to cross the Atlantic.

18. Whom did Amelia marry?

A. A pilot. B. A reporter. C. A publisher.

19. What happened in January, 1935?

A. She got married. B. She became the first woman pilot.

C. She flew from Hawaii to North America.

20. When did Amelia become the first woman pilot to fly solo across the Atlantic?

A. In 1931. B. In 1932. C. In 1935.

第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分40分)

第一节 单项填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

21. It is hoped that the peace talk could ____ the war to an end between the two countries.

A. take B. get C. give D. bring

22. In order to build the Three Gorges Dam, many local residents have to ____ from their hometown.

A. keep B. separate C. remove D. replace

23. Bees were killed by their keepers because there was no way of getting honey ____ killing them.

A. for B. with C. without D. besides

24. — One hotel is not enough. Dont forget we have 300 guests here.

— No, Sir. This hotel can ____ 500 guests together.

A. cover B. contain C. include D. accommodate

25. She always dreams of becoming a famous star, but it seems that her dream will hardly be ____ .

A. reached B. realized C. provided D. made

26. It is difficult for me to understand this advertisement. It shows an unusual image which doesnt ____ .

A. make sense B. make effort C. take effect D. work out

27. I hope that the little ____ I have been able to do will do good to them all.

A. / B. what C. which D. for which

28. At the news that she won the World Title, the lovely girl couldnt ____ her emotion and burst into tears.

A. hold on B. hold out C. hold up D. hold back

29. I always dream of ____ to travel to different places, meeting lots of different people, and picking up a foreign language.

A. being a chance B. there is a chance

C. there to be a chance D. there being a chance

30. ____ the Han Dynasty, the Silk Road played an important role in trade among countries.

A. Dating back to B. To date back

C. Dated from D. Being dated from

第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)

After finishing college, Taylor became a teacher in a middle school. His favorite subject was 31 , because his hobby was traveling.

Taylor liked children, and was always ready to 32 with them, so the children learned a lot from him while having fun at the same time.

One September, at the 33 of the term, he was having his first 34 in a new class. To 35 , he decided to ask them some simple questions 36 he could see how much they had already known. He found some of the students had heard that he enjoyed 37 jokes, and they were ready to have some fun with him.

“Where is Turkey?” was the first question.

“Turkey? Sir,” a boy answered, “Youll find it on the 38 dinner table every December.”

“Very 39 , and it isnt a wrong answer,” said Taylor with a smile, 40 the class burst into laughter.

“Do you really know where it is?”

The boy 41 , in fact, know. “Part of it is in Southeast Europe and part of it is in Asia, sir,” he said.

“Good!” said Taylor. The next few students also had funny answers 42 Taylors questions.

Taylor knew that there was a girl in the class who was 43 and always got the highest mark in the exams, so he turned to her and asked her, “What is the 44 ?”

“Its an imaginary line drawn 45 the earth that has an equal distance from the North Pole and from the South Pole, sir,” the girl answered at once.

“Good!” Taylor said, “Very good.” But he thought perhaps she had 46 it by heart, so he asked her another question to 47 whether he was right or not.

“Do you really know what that means?” he asked. “Could you, for example, tie a knot (结) in the equator?”

The class laughed, but she answered, “Yes, sir.”

“Oh, really?” said Taylor, still with a smile.

“Yes, sir,” the girl said. “ 48 the equator is not a(n) 49 line, you could tie an imaginary knot in it.”

This time, Taylor 50 happily in students loud laughter.

31. A. music B. geography C. physics D. history

32. A. play B. work C. study D. dance

33. A. end B. middle C. beginning D. period

34. A. exam B. meeting C. speech D. lesson

35. A. calm down B. learn from C. start with D. end with

36. A. even though B. as if C. so that D. now that

37. A. saying B. telling C. creating D. learning

38. A. Christmas B. Easter C. Childrens Day D. Fathers Day

39. A. silly B. right C. wrong D. funny

40. A. however B. while C. until D. when

41. A. might B. could C. did D. had

42. A. for B. to C. of D. with

43. A. lucky B. young C. clever D. open-minded

44. A. moon B. equator C. earth D. line

45. A. between B. from C. around D. through

46. A. held B. put C. kept D. learned

47. A. see B. realize C. understand D. look

48. A. If B. As C. Although D. While

49. A. imaginary B. real C. long D. narrow

50. A. joined B. crashed C. turned D. stayed

第三部分 阅读理解(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)

There are many famous museums throughout the world where people can enjoy art. Washington, D.C. has the National Gallery of Art; Paris has the Luvre; London, the British Museum. Florida International University (FIU) in Miami also shows art for people to see. And it does so without a building, or even a wall for its drawings and paintings.

FIU has opened the first computer art museum in the United States. You dont have to visit the University to see the art. You just need a computer linked to a telephone. You can call the telephone number of a university computer and connect your own computer to it. All of the art is stored in the school computer. It is computer art, produced electronically by artists on their own computers. In only a few minutes, your computer can receive and copy all the pictures and drawings.

Robert Shostak is director of the new computer museum. He says he starts the museum because computer artists have no place to show their works.

A computer artist can only record his pictures electronically and send the records or floppy discs to others to see on their computers. He can also put his pictures on paper. But to print good pictures on paper, the computer artist needs an expensive laser printer.

Robert Shostak says the electronic museum is mostly for art or computer students at university. Many of the pictures in the museum are made by students. Mr Shostak says the FIU museum will make computer art more fun for computer artists because more people can see it. He says artists enjoy their work much more if they have audience. And the great number of home computers in America could mean a huge audience for the electronic museum.

51. The main purpose of this passage is to give information about ____ .

A. museums throughout the world B. an electronic art museum in Miami, USA

C. art exhibitions in Florida International University D. latest development of computer art

52. What do you need to see the art in FIU museum?

A. An expensive laser printer. B. A computer and a printer.

C. Pictures and drawings on paper. D. A computer connected to the museum by telephone line.

53. When was the FIU museum started?

A. When art students needed a place to show their works.

B. When Robert Shostak wanted to help computer artists.

C. When computer scientists wanted to do something about art.

D. When Robert Shostak wanted to do something for computer scientists.

54. The underlined word “audience” in the last paragraph refers to ____ .

A. art students B. computer owners C. exhibits in the museum D. those who will enjoy art

55. Why FIU is different from the other museums mentioned in this passage?

A. Because it is a computer art museum.

B. Because it was opened in the USA to show their students paintings.

C. Because it has no building except for a wall for its drawings and paintings.

D. Because all of the art works in FIU are painted on paper by the artists at home.

第四部分 写作(共三节,满分50分)

第一节 阅读表达(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


The sun was shining as Kevin walked to the old bench where he met Mike every afternoon after school. They were good friends and loved to play football. They didnt have enough money to buy a real football, but Mike had made a ball out of old socks covered with a piece of plastic. It wasnt beautiful, but it worked well. The two friends didnt stop kicking and running until very late.

The next afternoon, Mike and Kevin met again at the old bench. Soon the home-made ball was spinning (旋转) across the grass as the boys laughed and shouted happily. The ball was stopped by a boy wearing a nice pair of sneakers (运动鞋). Kevin was upset when he saw it was Steven.

The next morning, Kevins mother gave him an envelope. “Your uncle sent you a birthday present,” she smiled. Kevins eyes grew big when he saw the $100 bill. Later that day, a pair of new sneaker lay next to his chair, and in the corner, a real football.

The next afternoon, Steven invited Kevin to play football on the field next to the library. Steven did not want Mike to join them only because Mikes sneakers were dirty and he was not good at football. When the game was over, Kevin and Steven walked past the old bench where Mike was sitting. Steven picked up a stone and threw it at him. Kevin, holding his new football in his hands, walked on and did not look back.

One afternoon, as Kevin walked past the old bench, he saw something lying under it. He looked closer and saw it was the home-made ball. Kevin was full of sorrow at the sight of his old home-made ball, and he let out a sad sigh (叹气). As his sadness turned to anger, he picked up his new football and kicked it into the air. Kevin kicked it so hard that it flew past the library and over the school gate. Then Kevin walked to the bench and picked up his home-made ball. Holding it in his hands, Kevin sat down and waited.

56.Whats Kevin and Mikes common hobby? (within 2 words)

57. Why did Mike make a ball instead of buying one? (within 6 words)

58.What was in the envelope given by Kevins mother? (within 3 words)

59. Why did Kevin kick away his new football? (within 8 words)

60. Who did Kevin wait for at the bench? (1 word )

第二节 短文改错(满分15分)

The temple stands near this city. It dated from 1961 and is 50 meters high. It is one of the most famous temple in the country and about 50,000 tourists come to visit it in every year. Five years before, it was decided to repair the temple, but the work was completed last year. The ground floor has been complete painted, and the roof, too. All the rooms have been protected from birds by fix wires across the windows. Trees and flowers has been planted around the temple. We believe, by a few years, the temple will take on new look.

第三节 书面表达(满分25分)


1. 表示歉意;2. 解释原因;3. 另行安排。

Dear Tom,

Sincerely yours,

Li Hua


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