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Module 1 Life in the Future



第一部分 听力(共两节,满分20分)



1. When will the magazine probably arrive?

A. Wednesday. B. Thursday. C. Friday.

2. What does the man suggest the woman do?

A. Have a monthly spending plan. B. Save some money each month.

C. Spend money once a month.

3. How does the man come here?

A. By car. B. By taxi. C. By bus.

4. What will the man do?

A. Open the window. B. Find another room.

C. Go out with the woman.

5. What does the man mean?

A. He cant go to the cinema. B. He can go to the cinema on Saturday morning.

C. He can go to the cinema on Saturday evening.




6. Where is Janes bike?

A. Its in the room. B. Its in front of the door.

C. Its beside the door.

7. Who did Jane get her bike from?

A. From her classmate. B. From her friends.

C. From her parents.


8. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?

A. Teacher and student. B. Husband and wife.

C. Manager and secretary.

9. Where are the two speakers going?

A. The airport. B. The railway station.

C. The bus station.

10. Why do the speakers call Brenda?

A. To ask her to change clothes. B. To ask her when mother arrives.

C. To ask her if she can go with them.


11. Who is the man?

A. A repairman. B. A doctor. C. A neighbor.

12. How much will the woman pay for the repair?

A. About $100. B. Much more than $100.

C. Much less than $100.

13. Why was the window broken this time?

A. Because the children kicked the ball at home. B. Because the woman played volleyball at home.

C. Because there was a big flying stone just now.


14. Who is Frank Stone?

A. A friend of the womans. B. A visitor to the clinic.

C. A patient of Dr Miltons.

15. Why wont Mr Stone come to the clinic tomorrow?

A. The clinic will be closed. B. Dr Milton wont come to work.

C. He cant spare the time.

16. When is the clinic open in a week?

A. During the whole week. B. On weekdays except Thursday.

C. From Monday to Friday.

17. When will Mr Stone see Dr Milton?

A. 6:15 pm on Friday. B. 6:15 pm on Thursday.

C. 5:30 pm on Thursday.


18. How did the young woman feel when the old lady asked her to say “Goodbye, Mum”?

A. Angry. B. Frightened. C. Surprised.

19. What did the young woman do when the old lady left the restaurant?

A. Waved goodbye. B. Paid the bill. C. Walked out.

20. Why did the bill include the charge for the old ladys meal?

A. Because the old lady was too poor to eat in such an expensive restaurant.

B. Because the manager mistook the old lady for the young womans mother.

C. Because the young couple were too glad to do a favor for the old lady.

第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分40分)

第一节 单项填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

21. — What will houses ____ in the future?

— I think future houses will be intelligent and beautiful.

A. feel like B. look like C. sound like D. taste like

22. At this time tomorrow we ____ over the Atlantic Ocean.

A. are going to fly B. will fly C. are flying D. will be flying

23. — How are you getting on with your report?

—It ____ in three days.

A. will finish B. will be finishing

C. will be finished D. is going to finish

24. Mary will probably become ____ scientist and help develop ____ alternative energy.

A. a; / B. /; the C. a; an D. /; a

25. — How long will it be ____ China sends a manned spaceship to the moon?

— Perhaps two or three years.

A. when B. since C. until D. before

26. How to ____ waste is a great problem for the world today.

A. get rid of B. get out C. get over D. get across

27. You dont need to look very far ahead to make a ____ on the future development.

A. promise B. prediction C. decision D. conclusion

28. If we dont pay attention to the environment, our earths natural resources will ____

A. use up B. run out C. run out of D. be given out

29. Its easy to find that place; you can ____ take No.25 bus ____ No.65 bus.

A. either; or B. neither; nor C. either; nor D. neither; or

30. We will do our best to ____ the plan to change the traffic condition in the city.

A. carry away B. carry on C. carry out D. carry with

第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)

A jobless man applied for the position of “office boy” at Microsoft. The manager 31 him, and then watched him cleaning the floor as a 32 .

“You are 33 ,” he said. Give me your e-mail address 34 Ill send you a form to 35 , as well as the date when you may start.

The man replied, “But I dont have a computer, nor an e-mail.”

“Im sorry”, said the manager. “ 36 you have an e-mail, you do not exist. And anyone who doesnt exist cannot have the 37 .”

The man left the office, 38 , with only $10 on him. He then came to a supermarket and bought a box of tomatoes. He 39 the tomatoes in a door-to-door round. In less than two hours, he 40 to double his money. He 41 this three times, and returned home with $60. The man realized that he could 42 in this way, and started to go earlier every day. Thus, his money doubled or more every day. 43 , he bought a car, then a truck, and then he had his own delivery vehicles. Five years later, the man is one of the 44 food retailers (零售商) in the US.

He started to plan his familys 45 and decided to have a life insurance. He called an insurance broker (保险经纪人). When the 46 came to an end, the broker asked him his e-mail. The man replied, “I dont have an e-mail.” The broker said 47 , “You dont have an e-mail, but have succeeded in your business. Can you 48 what you 49 have been if you had an e-mail?”

The man thought for a while and replied, “Yes, Id be an office 50 at Microsoft!”

31. A. introduced B. interviewed C. examined D. invited

32. A. game B. test C. favour D. reward

33. A. employed B. trusted C. fired D. received

34. A. or B. so C. and D. but

35. A. put in B. drop in C. take in D. fill in

36. A. Unless B. Although C. If D. But

37. A. computer B. e-mail C. office D. job

38. A. optimistic B. frustrated C. amazed D. shocked

39. A. bought B. ate C. sold D. cooked

40. A. tried B. attempted C. managed D. failed

41. A. worked B. studied C. reviewed D. repeated

42. A. rely B. depend C. survive D. act

43. A. Shortly B. Definitely C. Luckily D. Naturally

44. A. fastest B. biggest C. oldest D. highest

45. A. trip B. money C. success D. future

46. A. interview B. plan C. insurance D. talk

47. A. curiously B. happily C. nervously D. patiently

48. A. believe B. imagine C. predict D. think

49. A. could B. should C. must D. need

50. A. manager B. boss C. boy D. cleaner

第三部分 阅读理解(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)

In the future your automobile will run on water instead of gas! You will be able to buy a supercomputer that fits in your pocket! You might even drive a flying car!

Not all past predictions have been proven wrong. A few of them have been surprisingly accurate. Some great thinkers had predicted the arrival of the credit card, the fax machine and even the Internet—years before they were invented. But for each prediction that has come true, some others have missed by a mile. Many of these predictions didnt consider how people would want to use the technology, or whether people really needed it in their lives or not. Lets look at some predictions from the not-too-distant past.

Robot Helpers

Wheres the robot in my kitchen? Nowhere, of course. And hes probably not coming any time soon. Robots do exist today, but mostly in factories and other working environments.

Back in the 1950s, however, people said that by now personal robots would be in most peoples homes.

So why hasnt that happened? Maybe because robots are still too expensive and clumsy (笨拙的). And probably the idea of robots cooking our dinners and washing our clothes is just too strange. At home we seem to be doing fine without them.

Telephones of Tomorrow

In 1964 an American company introduced the video telephone. They said by the year 2000 most people would have a video phone in their homes. But of course the idea hasnt caught on yet.

Why? The technology worked fine, but it overlooked something obvious: people long for privacy (隐私). Would you want to have a video phone conversation when someone after you just stepped out of the shower?

Probably not—it could be uncomfortable! Just because technology doesnt always mean that people will want to use it.

Flying Car

And finally, how about that crazy prediction of the flying car? Its not so crazy any more! But a flying car remains one of the most wonderful technology ideas to catch our imagination. Keep watching the news—or perhaps the sky outside your window—to see what the future will bring.

51. Whats the passage mainly about?

A. New technology introduction. B. Predictions that havent come true.

C. Predictions that can catch our imagination. D. New technology that can change our lifestyle.

52. Why Robot Helpers havent been used in most peoples homes?

A. Robot Helpers havent been developed yet.

B. Robot Helpers wont bring people practical use.

C. People find it difficult to control Robot Helpers.

D. Using Robot Helpers at home is simply a waste of time and money.

53. We can learn from Telephones of Tomorrow that ____ .

A. the video telephone is on the way out B. using the video telephone is uncomfortable

C. people dont want to let out their privacy D. the technology of the video telephone doesnt work well

54. How does the writer find the flying car?

A. It is too difficult to imagine. B. It is too crazy an idea to realize.

C. It is likely to appear in the future. D. It has been the focus of the news.

55. In the second paragraph the underlined word “accurate” can be replaced by “____”.

A. true B. practical C. wrong D. smart

第四部分 写作(共三节,满分50分)

第一节 阅读表达(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


I have a neighbor we call “Happy”. I have never seen her angry at anything and never heard her say a harsh (苛刻) word to anyone or about anyone.

Happy and her husband Ben, 70, have a huge garden. They spent many happy hours together working on it. Most of the neighbors watched interestingly as Ben doubled the size of their garden. As the cost of food climbed faster than Bens beans, we all wished we also had such a large garden. As the rest of us spent our dollars at the market, Happy could be seen picking beans in her backyard.

Last month, Happy and Ben invited most of the neighborhood over for an “all-day food fest”. We were told to bring gloves and arrive very early in the morning. We didnt know what was about to take place.

By 9:00 am, there were nine of us in the garden picking tomatoes, beans, okra, and squash. By 10:00 am, there was lots of laughter. We shared a lot of stories. By five oclock, everyone was a little drunk from the wine and beer. After dinner, we played games. As we were leaving, Happy and Ben handed each of us a shopping bag filled with the bounty (收成) of the day, already packaged and frozen. What a delightful gift!

Well, the point wasnt so much about the food. The true gift was a day of friends enjoying one anothers company. None of it would have happened if it had not been for Happy and Bens garden. Now they have a blog about gardening in case we decided to plant a garden. And I am so proud of my tomato plants!

56. Why is writers neighbor called “Happy”? (within 10 words)

57. Where do Happy and Ben spend much of their happy time together? (within 3 words)

58. Why did Happy and Ben tell their neighbors to bring gloves? (within 10 words)

59. What did they do in Happy and Bens garden? (within 10 words)

60. Whats the purpose of Happy and Bens setting up the blog? (within 6 words)

第二节 短文改错(满分15分)

As the world enter the 21st century, the development in science and technology will bring us more hopes and chances weve never imagined ago. People are hoped to have a peaceful and highly developing world. To catch up with the new development but to be successful in the new century the young generation is required to have different kind of skills and abilities, such as computer science and English. Otherwise one will not be left behind. Young people will study even hard at school. And they will prepare them mentally and physically meet the challenge of the new century.

第三节 书面表达(满分25分)

假设你是李华,最近你班举行了一场题为“Life in the Future”的讨论会,请你用英语写一篇发言稿,内容包括:

1. 人类的健康情况;2. 环境情况;3. 人们的日常生活;4. 人们的休闲生活。

注意:1. 词数120左右;2. 可根据内容要点适当增加细节,使行文连贯。

Life in the Future


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