顾名思义,“廉政”即“廉洁政治”,英文为political integrity;但有时也指“廉洁政府”(clean government)。汉语中,该词经常与“反腐”(combat corruption)形影不离。
谈及廉洁政府,美国政治家约翰·林奇(John Lynch)曾说:“The citizens(of New Hampshire)expect and deserve a government as clean as our mountain streams.”(公民需要像山泉般洁净的政府。) 而说到反腐,有人曾将其与爱国主义相提并论:“Fighting corruption is not just good governance. Its self-defense. Its patriotism.”(反腐不仅仅是廉政,更是自卫,是爱国主义。)
一个洁净如山泉的政府当然也是中国人民的理想。为了加强廉政建设,总书记提出,要把权力关进制度的笼子里(Power must be “caged” by the system.)。要坚持“老虎”“苍蝇”一起打(We should continue to catch “tigers” as well as “flies”.)。下面是一些与“廉政”“腐败”紧密相关的表述:
加强反腐倡廉教育 strengthen education on combating corruption and upholding integrity
推動廉政文化建设 promote the culture of clean government
标本兼治 address both symptoms and root causes
综合治理 take an integrated approach
惩防并举、注重预防 mete out punishment and ensure prevention, with the emphasis on the latter
为政清廉才能取信于民,秉公用权才能赢得人心。Only if we remain clean and upright in governance and exercise power in a fair way can we win public trust and support.
一些领域的腐败现象仍然易发多发。Some areas are still prone to misconduct and corruption.
反腐斗争形式依然严峻。The fight against corruption remains a serious challenge.
反腐倡廉必须常抓不懈。We must persevere in our anti-corruption effort.
八项规定是一个切入口和动员令。The “eight rules” provide us with a starting point and a call for us to improve our work practices.
要加强对权力运行的制约和监督,把权力关进制度的笼子里,形成不敢腐的惩戒机制、不能腐的防范机制、不易腐的保障机制。We must enhance checks and supervision over the exercise of power, make sure that power is “caged” by the system, and form a punishment mechanism to deter corruption, a warning mechanism to prevent corruption and a guarantee mechanism to curb corruption.
共同推动党风廉政建设 work in a concerted effort to better Party conduct and uphold integrity
努力做到干部清正、政府清廉、政治清明 see to it that our officials remain honest and upright, that the government remains clean, and that political integrity is upheld
对腐败分子保持高压态势 maintain a tough stance against corrupt officials
猛药去疴,重典去乱。Just as we would take a heavy dose of medicine to treat a serious disease, we must apply stringent laws to address disorder.
常言道,先禁己身而后人,打铁还需自身硬。As the saying goes, one must discipline oneself before disciplining others, and one must be a good blacksmith to forge good tools.
显然,汉语中一个固定的表述,往往需要因地制宜地选择译文。如最后一例所示,“打铁还需自身硬”其实有不少译法,读者若感兴趣,不妨网搜研读,比较优劣,择优使用。 □
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