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Jane Austen: The Evergreen Storyteller



Jane Austen: The Evergreen Storyteller

ByNandini Nair

When Jane Austen’s fi rst novelSense and Sensibilitywas published in 1811, the title page simply read, “A Novel. In Three Volumes. By a Lady”.What could be greater justice than the fact that on her 200th death anniversary,that same anonymous lady gets her very own bank note1此处指将简·奥斯丁的肖像印在英镑纸钞上。? Austen is only the third writer to grace an English note(following William Shakespeare and Charles Dickens) and the first woman writer to do so. And really, no one can grudge2grudge怀恨;妒忌;不满。her the honour. (One can hope that Virginia Woolf might similarly be commemorated in the future.)


[2] When Austen died at 41, on July 18th, 1817, her profession as a writer did not make it to her epitaph3epitaph墓志铭,碑文。. Her brother Henry chose instead to focus on her “charity, devotion, faith and purity”.While she never got to embrace the title of an author when she was alive, death has ensured her legacy. Her books have been translated into 40 languages andPride and Prejudiceitself has sold over 20 million copies. If her epitaph were to be written today, we could, perhaps,borrow from Virginia Woolf who wrote in The TLS4=The Times Literary Supplement《泰晤士报文学增刊》,创刊于1902年,涉及人文学术和艺术的各个领域,被誉为当代最杰出的人文性书评及文化杂志。弗吉尼娅·伍尔夫从1905年开始为其写稿。of 1913, “More than any other novelist she fi lls every inch of her canvas with observation, fashions5fashion制作,塑造。every sentence into meaning, stuffs up6stuff up堵塞,堵住。every chink7chink裂缝;裂口。and cranny8cranny裂缝,裂隙。of the fabric until each novel is a little living world, from which you cannot break off a scene or even a sentence without bleeding it of some of its life. Her characters are so rounded and substantial that they have the power to move out of the scenes in which she placed them into other moods and circumstances.”


[3] The greatness of Austen is not only that she created the prototype of the modern novel, but that she continues to be relevant. Her novels have been endlessly adapted and modi fi ed because they still make sense today, because they can decode current sensibilities. Her characters can easily move out of London or Pemberley or Mans fi eld Park and be placed in Delhi or Shanghai or Beijing. Indianise the names, and we can all conjure our own comedy of manners9comedy of manners风俗喜剧,风尚喜剧(讽刺某群体行为的戏剧、电影或书籍)。本文作者为印度人,故此处指印度喜剧。. Mrs. Bennet,the mimsy busybody, could easily be Mrs. Batra, your Punjabi10Punjabi旁遮普人(的);旁遮普语(的)。neighbour with an axe to grind11with an axe to grind有城府的,别有用心的。and daughters to wed. Emma Woodhouse, the selfabsorbed, privileged damsel could be Aisha of south Bombay, whose arti fi ce12artifice诡计,奸计。overwhelms her potential. Mr.Darcy could be your Mr. Dasgupta,the dignified Bengali bachelor whose reticence will be misunderstood as snobbery.

[4] A fascinating study of Austen’s novels in facts, figures and charts published inThe Guardian13《卫报》,英国全国性综合内容日报,创办于1821年5月5日。brings to light the world she knew and the only world she wrote about. All her characters (in her six novels) are independently wealthy who have no professions. Balls and picnics feature14feature (in sth)在……中起重要作用。in all of her books. Evenings and afternoons are spent playing cards.And if romance is the fulcrum15fulcrum(杠杆的)支点,枢轴;最重要的部分。of her novels, then elopement16elopement私奔;潜逃。is also a prerequisite. The servants speak no lines. The only historic event of the time that gets a mention is the Napoleonic War (1803-1815). The Industrial Revolution and French Revolution17法国大革命,于1789年7月14日在法国爆发。get no airtime18airtime(广播或电视节目的)播放时间;(移动电话计费的)通话时间。at all. The lovers will marry by the end.



[5] Even if the nuts and bolts of her six novels are simple enough, the triumph of Austen is her singular wit.It is a cleverness born from immediate observation but one which is universal in nature. She says it well inNorthanger Abbey: “The person, be it gentleman or lady, who has not pleasure in a good novel, must be intolerably stupid.”

[6] Two hundred years after her death,you have to be a dud to not enjoy her novels.




文 / 南迪尼·那亚尔译 / 李艳



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