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Jane Austen: Her 12 Best Characters


Jane Austen: Her 12 Best Characters

From spoilt but adorable Emma Woodhouse, to chalk and cheese1chalk and cheese相差甚远,天壤之别。sisters Elinor and Marianne Dashwood,to dashing romantic hero Mr Collins(okay, scratch that last description), here are the 12 of the most memorable characters from the six major novels of Jane Austen:Northanger Abbey,Sense and Sensibility,Mans fi eld Park,Emma,Pride and PrejudiceandPersuasion.

Emma Woodhouse—Emma

When Austen began writingEmma,she said, “I am going to take a heroine whom no one but myself will much like.” That proved to be prescient.Emma’s meddling in other people’s love lives throughout the eponymous2eponymous(书、电影或戏剧中的角色)与作品同名的。novel—she fancies herself as a master matchmaker, but invariably for much of the book her schemes lead to disaster—can be utterly infuriating.She’s nosy, smug, and even jealous of other people’s achievements. And yet, there’s something winning about E m m a’s p e r s o n a l i t y a n d h e r s e n s e o f d e t e r m i n a t i o n a n d i d e a l i s m, a n d a g a i n s t a l l r e a s o n y o u f i n d y o u r s e l f r o o t i n g f o r h e r, a n d h e r o w n r o m a n t i c s u c c e s s,b y t h e n o v e l’s e n d. I t’s t e s t a m e n t t o A u s t e n’s g e n i u s t h a t E m m a i s s o r e a l, s o a n n o y i n g, a n d s o d a m n l i k e a b l e d e s p i t e i t a l l.




Elizabeth Bennet—Pride and Prejudice

The heroine ofPride and Prejudiceis one of Jane Austen’s most famous and best loved characters. The second eldest of five daughters, with passions for reading and walking in the countryside as well as dancing and laughing, Lizzy3Lizzy西方女子教名,伊丽莎白的昵称。伊丽莎白·贝内特的朋友或家人经常称呼她为“莉齐”,下同。Bennett is wise,witty, fun-loving, beautiful and kind.She is also determined to marry for love, and initially disgusted by the sneering attitude of one Mr Darcy, new to the parish, and his unpleasant attitude towards her relatives. We all know by now what happens next between the two, but Lizzy’s journey through her own pride and prejudice towards the realisation that she truly loves Darcy is one of the greatest love stories in all of literature.



Elinor Dashwood—Sense and Sensibility

The thing that makes the character so likable, as opposed to just plain virtuous and cold, is that, through Austen’s writing, we are able to vicariously4vicariously产生共鸣的。feel every sting, slight and soul-crushing blow she endures.When the obnoxious5obnoxious令人讨厌的。, inferior Lucy Steele confesses to Elinor that she is secretly engaged to Edward Ferrars,the love of Elinor’s life, we feel our heroine’s pain with fierce intensity—and simultaneously understand her need to keep her own desires secret. Only at the very end of the novel, when she discovers that Edward is miraculously free, does Elinor finally lose control,unable to believe her own happiness.

Mr Darcy—Pride and Prejudice

Mr Darcy is not just the greatest romantic hero in all of Austen, but among the greatest in all literature. Mr Darcy begins the novel as a haughty6haughty傲慢的。,cold, sneering gentleman who finds little to tempt his eye in the countryside around Netherfield Park, which his friend Mr Bingley has rented. But in spite of himself, he fi nds himself falling in love with the quick-witted and beautiful Lizzy Bennet, even if their journey towards being together is beset by obstacles largely placed in the way by their families. Darcy’s transformation from proud and prejudiced to generous,loving and humble through his love for Lizzy is redemptive and heartwarming.He is also extremely rich, which helps.





Captain Wentworth—Persuasion

Captain Frederick Wentworth is a very modern gentleman7弗雷德里克·温特沃斯和传统靠家族继承的绅士不同,他是19世纪新一代靠自己努力而成功的绅士。in the world of Jane Austen, a commander in the British navy and a self-made man in the midst of the Napoleonic wars.Although his pride is initially hurt by Anne Elliot’s decision to break off their engagement in their youth, he continues to carry a torch for8carry a torch for暗恋某人。her across the years. A decent man and a dashing naval of fi cer: what more could you ask for in a romantic hero? Effectively, he is Mr Darcy but without quite so much brooding.

Mr Bennet—Pride and Prejudice

Rather bewildered by living in a household of five young women, Mr Bennet quietly gets on with making the social invitations and interactions that decency requires, and then retreats to his study away from all the action. Film adaptations invariably treat him as a kindly old soul, but he is sharper, more teasing and less tolerant of his wife’s machinations9machination阴谋策划。此处指贝内特太太处心积虑想把五个女儿嫁给有钱人,而不管她们的婚姻是否幸福。in the book.





Mary Crawford—Mans fi eld Park

Mary Crawford is a classic Austen antiheroine: lively, funny, worldly, and independent of mind, but antagonistic to plenty of people around her. “Nothing ever fatigues me but doing what I do not like”, she says at one point, and it’s hard to argue with that. She ends up serving more of a purpose as a foil10foil衬托。to Fanny than as a hero in her own right,and the book fi nds her morally de fi cient on account of her personal pride and her indulgence of her brother’s bad behaviour11玛丽·克劳福德纵容她哥哥亨利·克劳福德和范妮调情。.

Catherine Morland—Northanger Abbey

The naive protagonist ofNorthanger Abbeyis a likable character, whose burgeoning romance with the really quite lovely Henry Tilney—and desire to escape pushy unwanted suitor John Thorpe—make her easy to root for. It’s also impossible not to feel outraged at her treatment at the hands of Henry’s snobbish, controlling father, General Tilney.

Mr Collins—Pride and Prejudice

Oh, poor Mr Collins. Conceited,pompous12pompous浮华的,虚夸的。and entirely ridiculous,he’s the “eligible” bachelor that no one in their right minds would want to marry—part from poor, sad Charlotte Lucas, who feels compelled to do so due to her lack of prospects. Plus, who could forget Mr Bennet’s immortal to his daughter Elizabeth, after her mother insists that he make her marry Collins: “An unhappy alternative is before you, Elizabeth. From this day you must be a stranger to one of your parents. Your mother will never see you again if you do not marry Mr Collins, and I will never see you again if you do.”







Mrs Bennet—Pride and Prejudice

The brilliantly ridiculous, utterly irrational Mrs Bennet, with her nearmanic obsession with marrying off all of her five daughters, and her embarrassingly obvious machinations,is one of Austen’s greatest comic creations—but behind her silliness,there’s always an all-too-plausible desperation. Having fi ve daughters, and an estate saddled with an entail13entail〈律〉(不动产的)限嗣继承。当时英国法律规定,男子有继承权,而女子没有。, is a great trial.



Lady Catherine de Bourgh—Pride and Prejudice

Where wouldPride and Prejudicebe without Lady Catherine? One of the haughtiest and most magnificently awful aristocrats in all of literature,believing she can tell everybody around her what to do and how to behave,Lady Catherine is one of Austen’s most vibrant and formidable female characters.

George Knightley—Emma

InEmma, Mr Knightley is the hero Jane Austen most wanted to marry.He is the epitome of kindness, an underestimated heroic quality14简·奥斯丁终身未婚,通过塑造奈特利这一人物形象,奥斯丁可以从中找到归宿。. He takes care of a vulnerable woman like Miss Bates, and steps in to dance with lowly Harriet Smith when he sees that she has been snubbed15snub冷落,怠慢。by the awful Mr and Mrs Elton. He represents the perfect English gentleman and sets himself firmly against French affectation. He refuses to play the conventional hero and talk the language of love: “I cannot make speeches,Emma. If I loved you less, I might be able to talk about it more.” Perfect!










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