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A Visit to Grandmother


A Visit to Grandmother

This charming flower garden painting (oil on panel, 31.1cm x 34.9cm)is undated but it is believed that Arthur Hughes (1832-1915) completed the work around the time of his Royal Academy exhibit in 1864. An old label on the back of the painting identified this painting asA visit to Grandmotherbut a Hughes biographer suggested that it may actually beThe Visit. Either way,we clearly have a young girl approaching an older lady and her cat in a beautiful garden.

[2] Pink, blue and white fl owers add bright spots of color amongst the greenery which covers much of this work.The young girl is wearing a white dress with a blue sash and a hat, held on her head by a matching blue bow.

[3] This work had remained unseen publicly since it was sold by the Hughes estate in 1916. It sold at auction for$20,580 in 2007.

这幅描绘花园场景的迷人画作(板面油画,31.1厘米×34.9厘米)并未标明日期,但据信是阿瑟·休斯(1832—1915)1864年 前 后创作的,当时他的作品正在皇家美术学院展出。画作背面的一张旧标签显示,这幅画名为《探望祖母》,但休斯的一位传记作者说,该画其实可能就叫《探望》。无论画名为何,画面清楚呈现的就是一个女孩走向美丽花园中的一位老妇人和她的猫。[图见本期封底]






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