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Aamir Khan: Ten Amazing Reasons He’s More than an Actor



Aamir Khan: Ten Amazing Reasons He’s More than an Actor

ByNirmalya Dutta

It’s not often that a health website is bothered about a Bollywood star’s birthday but Aamir Khan isn’t a mere Bollywood actor. Quite like Rancho inThree Idiots, he has never been afraid to voice his opinion against injustice or speak up for causes he believed in—irrespective of the consequences or the feathers he ruf fl ed. And he did step on toes with1由短语step on one’s toes变化而来,意为不守规矩、越轨。his television debutSatyamev Jayate. For once, a show didn’t wish to entertain but educate. And educate it did—raising awareness about issues like medical malpractice, gender discrimination, dowry deaths2dowry death〈印度〉新娘因嫁妆不够而被烧死或逼死。, malnutrition,disability, pesticides and many others.But that’s what Aamir Khan does—in movies and real life—he expands your horizon and opens your eyes the world beyond the mundane. We love him for what he’s done for these issues:

1. Malnutrition

Many of us might think that Aamir’s altruism started withSatyamev Jayatebut he has been fighting for social causes long before the show. He has been a constant voice against malnutrition for a long time and in 2011 was made an official UNICEF ambassador against it. For UNICEF, he shot 40 short films on malnutrition in 18 different languages.

2. Female foeticide

We are a traditional, chauvinist, parochial and misogynist society which has no respect for the girl child andSatyamev Jayate’s fi rst episode had no qualms showing us the ugly truth. The show focused on the disgusting practice of female foeticide and how rampant it is all over India. The episode was path-breaking in the sense that it forced various state3state〈印度〉邦,相当于州或省。and central governments to clamp down on illegal sex determination practices and also led to special fast-track courts being set up to deal with the issue. One hour of Aamir on TV actually made people more aware about the issue than what the government and judiciary had managed in years! Female foeticide and Satyamev Jayate became one of the most popular buzzwords with everyone from netas,netizens to normal people.

3. Child sex abuse

While we thought Aamir had pulled all his punches with the female foeticide episode he went on to touch upon the even more delicate topic of child sex abuse. The episode showed how permeating child sex abuse was and some measures to contain the horrible practice. Since then the child sex abuse bill has been passed in both houses of parliament, which is more gender neutral and seeks harsher punishments against the perpetrators.

4. Medical malpractice

In another SJ episode, Aamir discussed the country’s woeful healthcare scenario and also touched upon the practice of medical malpractice. Of course our doctors were miffed and demanded an apology which the actor refused to give. This particular episode also made generic drugs one of the most popular terms in the country. Aamir Khan and his team were also invited by a Parliamentary Standing Committee to discuss the issue.

5. Fighting for the disabled

The disabled are often called the biggest minority and Aamir looked to high-light the trials and tribulations4trials and tribulations固定搭配,可译为“艰难困苦”或“考验和磨炼”等。faced by them in an episode of SJ. It focused on people with physical and mental handicaps and asked people to realise that we can make their lives much better by simply being a bit more considerate and aware of their needs.

6. IVF—Assisted Reproduction Techniques

While this wasn’t a social cause, Aamir made a world of difference by openly admitting to having his son Azad Rao Khan through in-vitro fertilization—an Assisted Reproduction Technique with his wife Kiran Rao. While most celebs would hide information like this Aamir and Kiran had no qualms about telling the world that he had a child through IVF. It also increased awareness about the procedure and fertility clinics all over the country started getting more enquiries about various assisted reproduction techniques.

7. Pesticides and fertilisers

The man also questioned one of India’s biggest triumphs the Green Revolution and showcased how in turn it could have been responsible for the indiscriminate use of pesticides and fertilisers. This has had long term ill-effects on people,fl ora and fauna5flora and fauna泛指动植物。in and around the area.He also popularised the concept of or-ganic farming for a healthier lifestyle.

8. Alcohol abuse

Another societal ill the man targeted with his show was alcohol abuse and the problems it caused like drunken driving, unruly behaviour and other direct ill-effects. He also touched upon the subject that alcoholism was hurting our society and went on to explain the need to support and rehabilitate alcoholics.

9. Safe drinking water

Despite being one of the cradles of civilisation which was nurtured next to a river and being surrounded on three sides by water, its scarcity is a big problem in India. Aamir highlighted our nation’s watery woes and showed us on SJ how the situation was similar in both urban and rural areas. He also highlighted the efforts of various individuals who had taken matters into their own hands to solve the issue with alternative solutions like rainwater harvesting and building reservoirs.

10. Women’s shelter

After fighting for the girl child on the show, Aamir had joined hands with an NGO to build a shelter for women in Ahmednagar district of Maharashtra.The facility provides short-term shelter, schooling, medical facilities and also provides abandoned girls a home.Though the actor has never gone on record to say how much he donated to the facilities, an insider said that he had given amounts to the tune of Rs 5 crore6Rs=Rupees印度卢比。crore是1000万卢比。to help build those facilities.

When he was featured onTIME’s cover, the blurb read, “He’s breaking the Bollywood mould by tackling India’s social evils. Can one actor change a nation?” We do believe he can.


1. 营养不良


2. 选择性堕胎


3. 儿童性侵


4. 医疗事故


5. 帮助残障人士


6. 体外受精——辅助生殖技术


7. 杀虫剂和化肥


8. 酒精滥用


9. 饮水安全


10. 女性庇护所







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