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On the Far Side of the Mountain (Excerpt I)



On the Far Side of the Mountain (Excerpt I)

ByJean Craighead George

This June morning is hot and humid with a haze so dense I can barely see the huge hemlock tree in which I live. I like the haze. It has erased all but the great tree trunks, making my mountaintop home as simple as it was when I first came here more than two years ago.

[2] I lean back in the lounging chair I constructed from bent saplings held together with rope made from the inner bark of the basswood tree, and enjoy the primitive forest.

[3] A wind rises as the sun warms the earth. The haze moves off, and I see my pond, my millhouse, and the root cellar. The fi rst year I lived here I had only a tree, a bed, and a fireplace.But one idea led to another, and the next thing I knew, I had built myself a habitat. Things just kept evolving.Take this lounging chair, for instance.One day I replaced the old stump I sat on with a three-legged stool, and then I replaced the three-legged stool with this comfortable chair.




[4] The people changed, too. At first I was alone. Then my family arrived and—except for my lively sister,Alice—departed. I don’t know where Alice is this morning. She was going to go strawberry picking, but the haze is too dense for that. Maybe she’s sitting on the porch of her tree house talking to herself just as I am. A haze mutes not only the birds and beasts, but people,too.

[5] As a hot dry wind clears the air, I can see Frightful, my peregrine falcon, sitting in front of the six-foot-indiameter hemlock tree that I hollowed out for a home. Unlike the chairs and people, Frightful has not changed. She still holds her body straight up and down and her head high in the manner of the peregrine falcon. Her tawny breast is decorated with black marks;her back is gray blue; her head black.When she fl ies, she is still a crossbow in the sky, and she still “waits on” above my head until I kick up a pheasant or a rabbit. Then she stoops, speeding toward her prey at two hundred miles an hour, the fastest animal on earth. She almost never misses.




【第一段】单词haze经常被用来形容雾霾,但这里指山中的雾气或者山岚,不是污染物smog。短语can barely see意为“几乎看不见”,译文调整了语序,译为“看不大清”。动词erase(抹掉)如果直译显得不恰当(抹掉/擦掉了一切),换为“遮盖”。形容词simple不太好译,需要上下文才能弄清楚——这里指大雾遮住了很多人造物品,只剩下天然的东西,所以住所显得“简朴”。


【第三段】短语one idea led to another也可以译为“一个想法引出另一个想法”,但在上下文中意思不很清楚,因此译文明晰化为“造一个物件儿再造一个物件儿”;接下来的the next thing I knew(接下来我知道的)也不宜直译,译文简化为“到现在”。动词evolve意思是“进化、发展”,这里选择更明确的“改善”。







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