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让我们看一下2019年江苏常州的一道中考题(用所给单词的适当形式填空):Mum, I ( finish)practicing the piano. May I go to play football now? 原句意为:“妈妈,我(完成)练习钢琴了。我可以去踢足球吗?”从题意可知句子中的动词finish的动作已经完成,所以句子中应用现在完成时。



He has finished his homework.他已把作业做完了。

He has lived here since 1978.自从1978年以来, 他一直住在这儿。(动作起始于1978年,一直住到现在,可能还要继续住下去。)

中考试题1:  (2019·广西·百色)Neither my sister nor I been to Xi’an before.

A. have never B. have ever C. has never D. has ever

剖析:neither...nor... “既不……也不…”,表示双重否定;它连接两个主语时,动词应与后面的主语保持一致,原句意思为“我和我妹妹以前都没去过西安”,因此应选B。

中考试题2:  (2019·湖北·武汉)I ate some fruit, which I since I was a child, and the vegetables from my garden.

A. have enjoyed B. enjoyed C. enjoy D. had enjoyed


中考试题3:  (2019·安徽)—It’s ten years since we came here.

—How time flies! We in China for so long.

A. work B. worked C. will work D. have worked



现在完成时与already,yet,before,recently,up to now,so far,never,ever,once等频度时间状语连用。例:

Have you found your pen yet?你已找到你的钢笔了吗?

I have been in the army for more than 5 years.我在部队已经待了5年多了。

I have heard nothing from him up to now.到目前为止我没有他的任何消息。


1. yet可用于疑问句和否定句,否定句译为“还”,疑问句译为“已经(放在have和has的后面,也可放在句末)”。例:

It’s 11 p.m. and Lin Tao hasn’t finished his homework yet!


Your teacher wanted you to call her back. Have you called your teacher yet?


2. already用于肯定句时,表示“已经”,置于句中或句尾。例:

I have already returned the book.或者 I have returned the book already. 我已經把书归还了。


Have you had your lunch already? 你吃了午饭了?

3. Just表示“刚刚”,位于动词have和过去分词之间。例:

Bob has just arrived at the party. 鲍勃刚到聚会处。


1.I the History Museum twice. I’ve learned a lot there.

A. visit    B. am visiting    C. have visited D. will visit

2. William Shakespeare for 400 years, but his works still have great influence today.

A. died  B. was dying  C. has died  D. has been dead

3. —Lucy has to London. How can I get in touch with her?

—Don’t worry. She will phone you as soon as she there.

A. been, will get      B. been, gets          C. gone, will get    D. gone, gets

4. I my hometown for a long time. I really miss it.

A. went away from

B. have been away from

C. have left

5. The water dark and dirty. It’s no longer safe to drink.

A. became            B. has become          C. will become        D. was becoming

6. Our team another point! I’m sure we’ll win the game.

A. will get  B. has got    C. is getting  D. was getting

7. —Look at these stamps. I them for five years.

—Wow, they are fantastic.

A. have kept        B. have bought        C. borrowed          D. kept

8. —Yunnan is very beautiful. I there last year.

—Yes, I there twice.

A. went, have gone    B. went, have been    C. have gone, went  D. have been, went

9. The movie for about 5 minutes, so let’s see the next one.

A. has been on B. has started          C. started          D. began

10. It seems that El Nino some disasters in the world in the past few months.

A. has caused      B. is causing            C. will cause      D. caused

11. —May I speak to Mr. Lee?

—Sorry, he Harbin, he the city for two days.

A. has been to; has been in

B. has gone to; has been to

C. has gone to; has been in

12. This medicine millions of people’s lives since it was put into use.

A. is saving          B. will save

C. has saved      D. had saved

13. It’s nice to see you again. We each other since 2014.

A. won’t see  B. don’t see

C. haven’t seen D. didn’t see

14. My sister English since she was 9 years old. She can talk to foreigners freely.

A. learns            B. learnt

C. has learnt        D. have learnt

15. —I think our teacher, Mrs. Allen, knows everything.

—I agree. Because she over 2,000 books.

A. read              B. has read

C. reads          D. is reading

Keys: 1-5 CDDBB 6-10 BABAA 11-15 CCCCB


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