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Magic Dog神奇的狗



Once upon a time,there was a poor baby dog. When he was born,his mother died. So he was given up in the forest.

The baby dog was crying and soon his crying got weaker and weaker. A mother wolf happened to find the baby dog. She took pity on him and brought him home. She put him with her babies together and fed him with her milk. Because the baby wolves often bit him,he was often black and blue.

It was not long before the baby dog grew up a little.

One day,the little dog with the little wolves was following the mother wolf,looking for food. They suddenly found a hunter and ran away as fast as they could. But the little dog could not run so fast as the wolves. He was caught by the hunter. The hunter could see that he was not a wolf but a dog. He sold the dog to a pet trainer. The little dog learned a lot from the trainer. Two months later,the trainer sold the dog to a young and beautiful actress. Since then the dog helped her do a lot of work and made her very happy. The young actress loved her dog very much.

It was three years passed before it was known. One day,the young actress with the dog was having a walk in a park when a magician came. He felt the dog’s head with his hands. Suddenly the dog changed into a handsome boy.








die/dai/ v. 死,死亡

forest/'fɔrist/ n. 森林

wolf /wɔlf/ n. 狼

bit /bɪt/  v.(bite的过去式)咬,咬伤

suddenly/'sʌdənli/ adv. 突然地

hunter/'hʌntə/ n. 猎人

trainer/'treinə/ n. 训练者

magician /mə'dʒiʃn/ n. 魔术师


1. was / were+done:表示过去的被动动作 例如:

He was caught by the hunter.


2. not so (as)…as:不如……


He is not so tall as his brother.


3. not…but…:不是……而是…… 例如:

Tom does not play football but basketball.




1. The baby dog was fed


A. by his mother

B. by a mother wolf

C. with dog milk

D. with much meat

2. The Chinese meaning of “black and blue” is .

A. 黑色和蓝色

B. 黑白相间

C. 遍体鳞伤

D. 深蓝色的

3. Who bought the dog at last?

A. A hunter

B. A trainer

C. A magician

D. an actress


4. When the dog was born his father died.

5. A hunter caught the dog.

6. The dog was not useful to the actress.


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