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The Bermuda Triangle is in the Atlantic Ocean(大西洋). Lots of ships and planes came to this area but never came back. Do you know any explanations(解释) for this puzzle(谜团)? Lets sail(航行) to the Bermuda Triangle together and learn more about it. Are you ready for the adventure(冒险)?

If you draw a line from Bermuda(百慕大群岛) to Florida(佛罗里达) in the US, to Puerto Rico(波多黎各) on a map, youll get a triangle(三角形). It covers(覆盖) a large area of the Atlantic Ocean. People call this area the Bermuda Triangle. Over the years, many ships and planes disappeared(消失) in this triangle. As a result, this area is known as a mysterious(神秘的) and dangerous(危險的) place.

On December 5, 1945, five US planes went missing during training(训练). They were over an area of the Bermuda Triangle. Then another two planes went to search(寻找) for them but they disappeared, too. No one sees these planes again and no one finds the wreckage(残骸).

People make mistakes sometimes. And some mistakes are deadly(致命的). For example, people didnt put enough fuel(燃料) on the plane, or sailors(水手) sailed in thick fog(浓雾) and lost their way.

Some people think there are giant(巨大的) sea animals living under the sea. They pull(拉) people off ships and eat them.

Bad weather, such as hurricanes(飓风) and storms(风暴), could easily make ships sink(下沉). And hurricanes happen often in the Atlantic Ocean.

There is a large amount of methane gas(沼气) in the area. It can make gas bubbles(气泡) sometimes. If the bubbles become large, they could make the ships sink.


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