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Jeffery the Giant had many friends. Everyone liked Jeffery because he was so kind. He likes to help his friends.

If Peters ball got stuck in the tree, Jeffery would get it down.

“Thanks, Jeffery.”

“Oh, youre welcome, Peter.”

If Mary hurt herself, Jeffery would carry her home.

“Oh! My leg!”

“Mary, are you OK? Here let me help you up.”

“Ouch! It hurts. I cant walk.”

“Ill take you home.”

“Thanks, Jeffery.”

Jeffery liked all his friends, but Jeffery was sad. It was too hard for Jeffery to play with his friends, because ...

... their hide-and-seek hiding spots

were too small.

... their jump ropes were too short.

... their basketball hoops were too low.

... their seesaws always went up, but they never came down.

One day Jeffery came home early. He sat down under the biggest tree he could find. He didnt want to be at the playground anymore.

“I am too big to play with my friends,” said Jeffery to himself.

“Hi, my name is Eddy. Im new here. Do you want to play with me?” Jeffery didnt look up. He kept his head hidden in his hands.

“Im too big to play with anyone,” cried Jeffery.

“I dont think youre that big,” said Eddy.

“Really?” asked Jeffery hopefully.

“Yes, really,” said Eddy.”Youre big like me.”

Jeffery took his head out of his hands.



got stuck被卡在……(got是get的過去式)



spot地点;hiding spots躲藏地点

rope绳;jump ropes跳绳

hoop篮圈;basketball hoops篮球框





“Oh, hi! ” said Jeffery shyly. “My name is Jeffery.”

Eddy smiled. “See, I am big. Why were you crying, Jeffery? ”

“Oh, I was crying because I am too big to play with my friends.”

“Youre not too big,” said Eddy. “Their games are just too small. Lets go to the playground together, and Ill show you how to make their games bigger.”

Jeffery and Eddy went to the playground together, and Jeffery learned how to play bigger games. Jeffery and Eddy became best friends.

They had fun with the other children, too. Jeffery was glad to have such a big friend.


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