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倍数结构“N Times Bigger”和“Increase by N Times”的释义探析


钱龙 胡仲彬 朱倩茹 都洁 李洋

(成都文理学院,四川 成都 610401)


目前国内关于“N times bigger”和“increase by N times”的意思尚未统一,是“是N倍”和“增加到N倍”,还是“是N+1倍”和“增加到N+1倍”?不少翻译教材和英汉词典说法相互矛盾。

全国翻译资格考试教材3级笔译的实务和配套训练相互矛盾。前者有例句“地球的体积是月球的四十九倍……译文三:The earth is 48 times larger than the moon.”,认为“N times bigger”是“大 N 倍,是(N+1)倍那么大”。后者论述“‘A比B大5倍’不可译成A is 5 times larger than B,应译成A is 6 times as large as B,或 A is 6 times larger than B”,认为“N times bigger”是“大(N-1)倍,是 N 倍那么大”。

柯林斯系列英汉词典factor词条下例句“The cost of butter quadrupled and bread prices increased by a factor of five”有三种翻译。《柯林斯英汉双解学习词典精编版》译为“黄油价格涨了3倍,面包价格涨了4倍”;《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》译为“黄油价格涨了4倍,面包价格涨了5倍”。《柯林斯高级英汉双解词典》译为“黄油的价格是原来的4倍,面包的价格上涨了5倍”。

文章将查询英英词典里fold,triple,factor下关于倍数的释义,通过两种方法探究“N times bigger”和“increase by N times”的意思。


首先确定triple的意思,柯林斯高阶英语学习词典中解释为“If something triples...it becomes three times as large”,即“成为三倍那么大”。麦克米伦高阶英语词典将triple解释为“to increase something so that it is three times bigger than before:He helped triple the value of the company.a.to increase by three times:Sales tripled over a six-month period”,麦克米伦高阶美语词典的解释完全相同。麦克米伦两部词典先将triple解释为“three times bigger”,说明“N times bigger”意为“是 N倍那么大”或“大(N-1)倍”;随后又解释为“increase by three times”,说明“increase by N times”的意思是“增加到N倍”或“增加(N-1)倍”。至此,麦克米伦词典已经给出了答案,“N times bigger” = “increase by N times” = “是N倍那么大”或“大(N-1)倍”,英语和美语一致。




(一)通过-fold的释义论证“N times bigger”的意思

朗文高阶英语词典英语版对-fold解释有“The value of the house has increased fourfold(=it is now worth four times as much as before).”,说明 increase N-fold的含义为“成为N倍”,牛津高阶英语词典为“multiplied by.”,兰登书屋韦氏大学英语词典为“‘multiplied the number of times'specified by the initial element.”,同为一个意思。麦克米伦高阶英语词典为“a fourfold increase(=an increase in an amount that makes it four times larger than before)”,可以不再作为论据,与后文不矛盾即可。而柯林斯高阶英语学习词典有解释“if an amount increases fourfold, itis four times greater than itwas originally”,结合朗文词典,说明“increase N-fold” =“N times bigger”=“是N倍那么大”或“大(N-1)倍”。

(二)通过 factor的释义论证“increase by N times”的意思

牛津高阶英语词典对factor有解释“the amount by which sth.increases or decreases.”,看不出比较关系,兰登书屋韦氏大学英语词典未列出相关释义例句,麦克米伦高阶英语词典的解释为“if something increases by a factor of 5,10,20 etc, it becomes 5,10,20 etc times larger.”,依然不作为论据,只查验是否与后文矛盾。

柯林斯高阶英语学习词典有释义“if an amount increases by a factor of two, for example, or by a factor of eight,then it becomes two times bigger or eight times bigger.”,朗文高阶英语词典英语版有“if something increases or decreases by a factor of five,ten etc., it increases or decreases by five times, ten times etc.”,从这两部词典可知“increase by a factor of N” = “N times bigger” = “increase by N times”,结合上一节的结论,可知“increase by a factor of N”= “N times bigger” = “increase by N times” = “increase N-fold”=“是N倍那么大”或“大(N-1)倍”。推理过程中各词典释义未出现矛盾,假设成立,所列六部英英词典观点一致。


文章通过对六部权威英英字典的查阅,对比倍数单词“triple”“fold”“factor”的释义,证明了“N times bigger” = “increase by N times” = “increase by a factor of N”=“increase N-fold”=“是N倍那么大”或“大(N-1)倍”,从词典层面厘清了该倍数结构的含义。


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