这两件作品出自重庆美术馆专职油画家、雕塑家傅榆翔之手,创作灵感源自“青狮白象锁大江”的典故——乾隆年间,重庆经济兴旺、文化繁荣, 为防止好风水外流,长江两岸分别建有青狮、白象石像,寓意牢牢“锁”住财富。
Right on the banks of the Yulin River in Longxing Park, Liangjiang New Area, there is a green lion and a white elephant, sitting face to face with each other across the river, forming a beautiful scenery line in Longxing Park together with the landscape corridor on both sides of the river.
The two works were created by Fu Yuxiang, a full-time oil painter and sculptor of Chongqing Art Museum, inspired by the allusion of "Green Lion and White Elephant Locking the Great River", which holds that Chongqing saw a period of great abundance and prosperity economically and culturally during the reign of Emperor Qianlong. To prevent the outflow of good fortune, the statues of a green lion and white elephant were built on both sides of the Yangtze River respectively, implying that wealth was firmly "locked".
如今,在渝中區白象街和南岸区南滨路, 依然能寻到“青狮白象”的传闻。
2017 年,傅榆翔将这一历史典故以视觉图腾重现在大众的视野。
“青狮”雕塑作品高 12 米,“白象”雕塑作品高 10 米,重量均为 8 吨。与传统雕塑不同,傅榆翔的白象青狮分别采用全镂空和半镂空造型,呈现出复杂的视觉变化。这其中,雕塑采用镂空的语言符号,以光子、电子、生物细胞为取意象征;镂空花纹采用外圆内方铜钱元素,也是向重庆清末时铜元局造帀厂时代致敬。
雕塑的镂空造型是一大特色,这在全国也极少见,制造难度大,工艺非常复杂。“我们按照1 比1 的比例,做了两件雕塑的泥塑, 再翻制成玻璃钢,最后用不锈钢锻造,手工一点点敲打出雕塑的纹理凹凸感。”傅榆翔说,“比如说白象是全镂空的,锻造时,都是由一个个外圆内方的不锈钢圈拼接而成。每个圈的大小都不同,焊点非常多。而青狮是半镂空,其中狮子头就有六层镂空。”
Today, the story of "green lion and white elephant" can still be found in the White Elephant Street in Yuzhong District and Nanbin Road in Nan'an District.
Fu Yuxiang brought this historical allusion back to the public's vision as a visual totem in 2017.
The "Green Lion" sculpture is 12 meters high and the "White Elephant" sculpture is 10 meters high, both weighing 8 tons. Different from traditional sculpture, Fu Yuxiang's white elephant and green lion adopt full hollowed-out and semi-hollowed-out shapes respectively, showing complex visual changes. The sculptures use hollowed-out language symbols, representing photons, electrons and biological cells. The hollowed-out pattern takes the shape of copper coins, which are round outside but square inside, paying tribute to Chongqing's Copper Cash Manufactory in
the late Qing Dynasty.
The hollowed-out shape is a special feature of the sculptures, which is also rare in the whole country. It is difficult to manufacture and the process is very complicated. "We made two clay sculptures, which are a 1-to-1 replica, then turned them into glass fiber reinforced plastic, finally forged them with stainless steel, and knocked out the concave and convex texture of the sculpture bit by bit by hand." said Fu Yuxiang, "For example, the white elephant is completely hollowed out. When forging, it is made up of stainless steel rings with round outside but square inside. The size of each ring is different, thus there are many solder joints. The green lion is half hollowed out, of which the head has six layers."
除了制作工藝,受力问题也是难点,青狮尾巴有 8 米长,尾端还要承受两吨重的大鹏,要考虑结构力学的问题。
前前后后历时近 4 个月,两件雕塑才完成。如今,青狮被安放在御临河南侧,白象被安放在北侧,基本还原了传说中的位置和朝向。每当夜幕降临,两尊雕塑内部的灯光映射而出,更加炫目。
In addition to the manufacturing process, the stress is also a problem. The green lion's tail is 8 meters long, and the tail end has to bear the Dapeng weighing 2 tons. Structural mechanics have to be taken into account.
It took us nearly 4 months to complete the two sculptures. Today, the green lion is placed on the southern side of Yulin River and the white elephant on the northern side, basically restoring the position and orientation in the legend. When night falls, the lights inside the two sculptures will be mapped out, making them even more dazzling.
"It should connect the historical context of the city with its future development. Sculpture works reconstruct traditional cultural totems through the visual language of the digital age, which will stimulate people's memory of the city." Wu Weishan, Chairman of the Chinese Urban Sculpture Artists Association and Curator of the China Art Museum, highly appreciated the two works.
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