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On January 2, 2018, Opinions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on Implementing the Strategy of Rejuvenating the Country was promulgated by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council.

It is enacted to implement the Village Revitalization Strategy and will come into force on January 2, 2018.

Central Rural Work Conference was held on December 28 to 29, 2017. The conference thoroughly implemented the spirit of the 19th CPC National Congress, Xi Jinping’s socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, comprehensive analysis of the situation and tasks faced by the “issues concerning agriculture, rural areas and farmers”, study on important policies for implementing the strategy of rejuvenating the country and the deployment of rural work in 2018 and in the next period.

As for the rural revitalization, we can see constant strategic concepts from the top level. The reports of 19th CPC National Congress put forward that “agriculture, rural area and farmers” is key to national economy and people’s livelihood. We must take priority to working it well. In accordance with the general requirements of thriving industry, livable ecology, rural civilization,effective governance and affluent life, we should establish and improve the institutional and policy system for the integration and development of urban and rural areas and speed up the modernization of agriculture and rural areas.

On the way to rural revitalization in new era, we are earnest and unswerving.

To achieve rural revitalization, we must adhere to the urban-rural integration and development, reshaping their relationship; We must insist on common prosperity,consolidating and improving the basic management system;We must develop agriculture by quality, deepening the structural reforms in the supply side; We must follow green development in rural areas, adhering to the harmony between human and nature; We must grasp rural culture prosperity, developing and promoting the farming civilization; We must take good governance in rural areas,innovating the system; We must uphold poverty alleviation with Chinese characteristics,implementing accurate poverty alleviation.

It is exhilarating for the practice of rural revitalization in Chongqing, following those clear ways.

There’s “Legend of pear orchard”, an orchard from a barren hill to a tourist attraction.There are inspirational stories of making fortune through grass-planting due to shortage of land. There are hard works before the fruits get ripe. Even the “micro-industries” based on traditional hand-made agricultural products bring real confidence in planning greater ambitions.


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