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◇| 文本刊记者 陈科龙 图 | 受访者提供



The day after the beginning of spring, sunshine leaked into Long Hong’s study through layers upon layers of leaves.

In the study, on the desk pile up high copybooks of famous calligraphers, at the corner lade with old newspapers he had used for calligraphy practices. Since Long Hong learned calligraphy at 15 this art has been an indispensable part in his later dozens of years. He takes everything usable, like old newspaper or his son’s scrap books to practice calligraphy by copying the model calligraphic masterpieces. And every day he would spare some time for it no matter how busy he is. Long Hong’s accomplishment in calligraphic mark-making is the recollection of his teachers and the condensation of his ceaseless learning and cultivation.

书写对恩师的追思Respect and Affection for Teachers









In Long Hong’s living room there is an eye-catching calligraphy work “养拙斋” (nurturing stupidity) wrote in powerful and vigorous stroke. He welcomed me into the living room with his palms pressed together and told me that was a piece of work of his doctoral supervisor who had lost his sight when wrote it.

At first the one who introduced calligraphy to Long Hong and broaden his opportunity later is his mentor Miu Xiaocheng. In 1982 when Long Hong was 15, he studied at Chongqing First Normal School. Before the self-study class at night the school assigned Miu Xiaocheng the librarian there who had high attainments in calligraphy to teach students the art.

“Mr. Miu taught us calligraphy for two years. We all learned a lot.” At that time Long Hong often won prizes in Chongqing’s calligraphy competitions and received praises from his teacher that his calligraphy was pretty natural.

After graduation Long Hong was recommended for admission to the Department of Chinese Language under Southwest Normal University (now Southwest University). There he learned calligraphy of renowned masters and professors including Xu Wuwen, Xun Yunchang and Qin Xiaokan.

Though at 51 years of age, Long Hong looks very energetic with short hair and presents a touch of scholarliness during conversation.When speaking of Mr. Xu Wuwen,he walked into the study and took out a scroll of calligraphy work by his teacher which he treasured long.

Long Hong carefully unfolds the scroll, on which writes Mr.Xu’s poem:

When Peach Garden started I was still in my youth. Only seen a single blossom then it was destroyed by a heavy storm!Deserted garden had no flowers in eye, speechless as I was to see the bleak sight. Time went by and things changed a lot. Now the Peach Garden came back and I’m in grey all. But there’s no need to sigh for the aging since we have hope in the new generation, whose articles bloom and exceed the old. Hope the magazine live for good and history never repeat.

“Taoyuan (Peach Garden) is our SWU’s literary magazine.When it was firstly published in 1957, Mr. Xu once wrote articles on it. And till the magazine eventually resumed publication in 1991,he was 60 years old and then he wrote this heartfelt poem.” Long Hong was the chief of SWU Book Community then and Xu Wuwen was a mentor to him. For 27 years he has often taken out Mr. Xu’s calligraphic work for copying and practice.

既要雕虫更要雕龙Integration of Calligraphy and Writing






In ancient times, calligraphy was called Diaochong (carving insects) and writing Diaolong(carving dragon) to compare the two kinds of skills.Long Hong, on the other hand, deems calligraphy as a practical byproduct of the literati, and he himself is never confined to the calligraphic circle.

“I changed my major from Chinese language into art. First it’s calligraphy and seal cutting, then art, and in the end art theory research.” In 2004 Long Hong was enrolled in Southeast University as a doctor in art theory under the supervision of the great artist Zhang Daoyi. In talkative mood, Long Hong fetched out his doctoral paper, a bulky greencovered volume titled with Art Research on Dazu Rock Carvings.

Dazu Rock Carvings was listed as a World Heritage Site in 1999. Under the guidance of Zhang Daoyi, Long Hong eventually chose such a cultural treasure in his hometown as a subject of research. Guo Xiangying, the previous director of Research Institute of Dazu Rock Carvings was terribly glad to see that, “because researches on Dazu Rock Carvings are mainly based on archeology, but lacks the touch of art.”

By day Long Hong was engaged in the religious carvings and inscriptions on the rocks, at night he went back to guest house combing the clues of research. In this way he gradually became obsessed with the relationship between Buddhist legends and related image creation.

After graduation of doctor, he continued his study as a postdoctoral researcher at the Academy of Arts of Tsinghua University. There Long Hong stuck to writing ceaselessly and in the end completed the book Exploration of Ancient Mind: Research on Ancient Chinese Design and Legends.

以学铸人以学养书Cultivation by Learning






Advance in art theory research in turn nurtures Long Hong’s calligraphy creation.

Professor Li Yanzu, advisor of Long Hong in his post-doctoral period,knows deeply about his student. “As a teacher and researcher, Long Hong has gone on to experiment widely, but his enthusiasm with calligraphy art research never compromises.His researches have touched upon from the pre-Qin period to the modern times and are very much though-provoking. His works are mostly seal script,clerical script and cursive script, full of integrity and elegance.”

All this should be deeply rooted in the nourishment of ceaseless learning and practice as well.

One might be surprised to see the big pile of middle school students’ workbooks in the corner of Long Hong’s study. It turns out that on the books are all practices of calligraphy. These are the used books of Long Hong’s son. He did not want to sell them to junk yards, so just kept them as calligraphy papers. Till now there have been more than 100 workbooks altogether.

“Calligrapher Long Hong is adept at multiple styles like running script, clerical script, etc. His works are archaic and gentle, natural and casual,presenting with beauty and artistic flavor too,”remarked art critic Mr. Yang Libin.


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