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Chunyun, the typical Chinese great migration during the Spring Festival, has just passed and it makes the book From Dadu to Shangdu-Rediscovering China in Ancient Paths come at a more appropriate time. In the book, Professor Luo Xin from Peking University spent fifteen days walking from Jian de men in Beijing to Zheng Lan flag in XilinGol League in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. The history of the empire was compacted in the 450 kilometers and the details the author captured and his memory and thoughts, make me think a lot travelling on Chunyun.

这是一条怎样的路?What road it is like?





Dadu, now Beijing, was where Yuan Dynasty built its capital. Shangdu is Kaiping official residence where Jinlianchuan Bakufu was before Kublai became Khan. He established two-capital systems and make Yanjing as Dadu and Kaiping as Shangdu, which was similar to Beijing and Shenyang in Qing Dynasty.

Every early summer, when the wheat fields were becoming yellow, and the heat has arrived, the Yuan emperor would leave Dadu for Kaiping(Shangdu). The road he travelled on was called imperial carriage road, which was exclusively for emperors.

The imperial carriage road has two ways, one way to go and the other for return, for the emperors cannot retrace his steps. It was recorded that it would take over twenty days for a single way. Luo Xin wrote, according to Liu Ji’s Bei Xun Si Ji(Journal of an Inspection Tour in the North), the last time when the Yuan emperor left Jian de men for Shangdu, on September 11, 1368,force of Zhu Yuanzhang was pressing hard on Yuan Dadu, so he ran away at 3a.m. with his concubines. But when they arrived at Shang du,it has already been plundered and burned out by Ming army.

Yuan Shun Emperor cannot help sighing“How could I know the current situation without going out the capital?”

为何徒步辇路?Why travel Imperial carriage road on foot?





The over-four-hundred-kilometer-long royal road once standing for majesty several hundred years ago, took Luo Xin fifteen days to go on foot but it took him over ten years to do it. Why?

Ten years ago, when Luo Xin read about Court Ci in the Yuan Dynasty to the thirteen pieces, he was thinking about retracing the imperial carriage road. He was then in his prime time but he is now gradually grey. He quoted a passage from Travels with Charley, in Search of America by John Steinbeck:

When I was very young and the urge to be someplace else was on me, I was assured by parents that maturity would cure this itch. When I grew up, the remedy they prescribed was to hit middle age, upon which I was assured that greater age would calm my fever. Nothing has worked yet. I still feel urged and thirsty for a getaway.

At 6:30 a.m. of June 24th, 2016, Luo Xin set off on his own at Jian de men, having been taken a backlit photo by a passerby, and started rediscovering his research subject and visit his spiritual home. Before that, he repeatedly asked himself: “Do I, as a Chinese history profession,really know the country I have been studying for years?”

你在路上找到了什么?What did you find on the road?









The hiking took him fifteen days while finishing this book took one year. During those days, he has a more direct, clearer, and perceptual understanding of the imperial carriage road and he also could return to the “home of youth and soul”.

The moment the book was published it became well known. Some said it is “the most important travel book written by mainland Chinese for forty-nine years”, and some said it is a multi-angle historical prose. Indeed,the great prose craze caused by Yu Qiuyu’s Cultural Perplexity in Agonized Travel has declined in recent years and writings in which history, geography and speculations running through seem to have gone out of favor. In Luo Xin’s book, the shadow of the former is faintly visible.

Grass, trees and bricks described in the book all become a time machine. For example, it writes that when Japanese anthropologist Torii Ryuzo went to Ka la qin Prince Mansion in the spring in 1906, the pine forest has reduced a lot due to deforestation but the mountain near Prince Mansion were still inhabited by some wild animals like tigers and deer. The dormitory Torii Ryuzo lived in was close to the wall and wolves often haunted outside the wall.

Despite many quotations and comments on history and life in the book, it is not a “heavy” one. Luo Xin is more like a good story-teller. His writings are concise and clear. Such as the following passage:

He stared at me for a while and said, “Well, your body may not stand it.” I said, “Probably yes.” He said, “You may get hurt.” I said, “Yes, I may get hurt.” He asked: “Do you still want to go?” I answered, “Yes, I still want to go.” He said, “So I support you.”

On the Chunyun, ten millions of people take airplane or high-speed train or driving their cars in the direction of coming. Many people even did not have time to think why they go out and why they go back.

Luo Xin seems to awake something by way of his words.

He measured the journey home on foot, which he has been thinking for more than ten years. His writing evoked memory of going out, coming back and youth. How about us? What should we use to measure the way home and thoughts and with what to record them?


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