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The windmill trend


TikTok users are posting videos of themselves swinging their arms around in an attempt to try to avoid any pain in the days following after they got an injection.

In the explanation for one video,the poster wrote,“I hope,through this movement,my arm won't hurt tomorrow.”Another shared the video of herself swinging her arms around and laughing,captioning(为……添加说明文字)the short video,“fully vaccinated”.

Although most of the posters are having fun with the unusual new trend,sadly,medical experts have confirmed that it won't actually have any impact on relieving the pain of your arm except that it could comfort you a little.

“It's harmless,looks very silly,and won't do anything.The painful arm does not actually happen immediately as the immune(免疫的)response has not yet happened,”said Beate Kampmann,a medical professor of the Vaccine Centre at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.

A spokesperson for Astra Zeneca said they were “unwilling to rule anything out” when it came to helping with post-vaccine aches but they were“certainly not aware of it being helpful”.Pfizer and Johnson&Johnson,two medical experts,both thought that there was not enough scientific evidence for them to be able to comment.

Elsewhere,Azeem Majeed,a professor of primary care and public health and head of the Department of Primary Care&Public Health at Imperial College London,looked on the positive side,saying,“If it raises the awareness of the injection and makes it seem like a joyful,playful thing,then it will be very good to dance.”

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