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【关键词】同位语 名片 商务英语 案例分析法

【Abstract】There are large amounts of side-by-side appositives in Business English articles which are difficult to be understood for readers. With case analysis, this paper discuss how to use card thinking mode to interpret side-by-side appositives. This reading way and skill will make business English reading easier, relaxed, cheerful.

【Key words】appositive; business card; business English; case analysis method


句子中指代同一事物的两个词、片语或子句,称同位关系。例如:My brother, Jone Smith, will travel with me. 句中My brother和Jone Smith指的是同一个人,它们是同位成分,后一成分通常叫做前一成分的同位语。一个名词(或其它形式)对另一个名词或代词进行修饰,限定或说明,这个名词(或其它形式)就是同位语。同位语与被它限定的词的格要一致,并常常紧挨在一起。商务英语文体中存在大量的并列式同位语语句。这些语句句式结构长,较难翻译,不仅让刚刚接触商务英语的学习者倍感阅读难度大,而且阅读兴趣也会大大受挫。这些语句看似非常复杂,实际上并不是复杂句,而是简单句。下面以暨南大学出版社2013年二月出版的《英语阅读教程》第二册课文中的众多素材作为例句,分析如何运用名片化思维方式来解读并列式同位语的长难句式,从而使商务英语素材阅读变得简单而轻松。


“People are becoming a lot more aggressive,” says Tiffany Taylor, director of recruiting and talent management for Atlanta-based Consolidated Container. “they often wind up hurting themselves.”

以上句子是一个简单句,典型的主语+谓语+宾语的句式结构。句中只有一个同位语,句中的“director of recruiting and talent management”是“Tiffany Taylor”的同位语,“for Atlanta-based Consolidated Container”是介词短语在此做定语修饰前面的 “director”,用名片式解读,即可变出下面的一张名片形式:

Tiffany Taylor


Recruiting and talent management

Atlanta-based Consolidated Container

用名片式思维方法解读该语句, 句子结构立刻变得清晰,语义明了,这个句子翻译成英文为:亚特兰大Consolidated Container公司招聘和人力资源管理主任Tiffany Taylor


“Signal confidence by offering a firm handshake”, adds Williams Smith, president of Wenroth Consulting Inc., an executive coaching firm in New York. “Focus your attention on the interviewer. Avoid looking around the room, tapping your fingers, or other nervous movements.”

上面这个句子很长,句子有两个同位语,即并列式同位语,对于初学商务英语文体的学生来说,读来有点费解,尤其是翻译起来有困难。而实际上这个句子仍然是主语+谓语+宾语的简单句,不是复杂句,句中的“president of Wenroth Consulting Inc.”是前面的先行词“Williams Smith”的同位语,“an executive coaching firm”又是前面的“Wenroth Consulting Inc.”的同位语,“in New York”是介词短语修饰前面的“an executive coaching firm”。同样用名片式解读,即可变成下面的一张名片形式:

Williams Smith


Wenroth Consulting Inc.

Executive coaching firm

New York

用名片式解读,以上句子就很容易理解,翻译为:纽约高管培训公司Wenroth咨询公司总裁Williams Smith


“Meanwhile, show you've done your homework on the company by explaining how your background and track record relates to its current needs”, adds Charles Clinton, founder of Columbus Advisors LLC., an executive-search firm in New York.


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