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Advertising appeals directly to individuals. Study of cross-culture is greatly significant for researchers and advertisers. Therefore, research on advertising becomes an indispensable means to understand values.

1. Individualism

America is a country with strong concept of individualism and American citizens live for self-actualization and dignity. Here is one example of AT&T.;

“Highest ranking customer satisfaction. Staying in touch with your customers, suppliers and partners is imperative to business success - whether youre big or small, local or global. At AT&T;, we know that from experience.” (AT&T;)

The AT&T; ascribes its success to “communicating with customer to get the greatest degree of satisfaction”. In other words, you need to respect customers and be honest with customers. To solve every problem for your customers and make they feel satisfied.

2. Freedom and independence

The following advertisements reflect values of Americans.

“When you want the freedom of a cellular phone, you need the quality of Motorola.”

“Youre free to choose. So choose everything.” (Motorola)

Americans think that if a person wants to get dignity and self-realization and makes life meaningful, he is supposed to enjoy the freedom of thought and action; otherwise, all are castles in the air. The two advertisements of Motorola Company are based on the recognition of consumers “freedom” as bait to attract costumers resonance and then sell their products.

3. Respect for privacy and liberation of personality

All the privacy is considered as legitimate, reasonable and is the basic for people in America.

“Separate waiting rooms to ensure your privacy.” ( Medical Association)

This sentence is in the advertisement of a Medical Association in Boston. This advertising commits to ensure the privacy of patients with sexually transmitted diseases, which reflects the absolute respects for personal privacy of the people in the United States.


[1]Hofstede,G(1983).Cultures Consequence:International Differences in Work-Related Values.Administrative Science Quarterly 28(4):625-627.




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