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【关键词】中式英语 命题作文 解决办法


在Pinkham的Translators Guide to Chinglish中提到,中式英语是一些既不是英语也不是中文的不规则的,混合的表达。具体来说,中式英语指的是中国学生不加考虑文化和习惯并且受到母语的影响所使用的英文。

英语写作能力对学生来说非常重要,然而大部分学生对于英文写作都倍感头疼,特别是贵州省非英语专业基础较为薄弱的独立学院的学生,对他们而言,习作中不但会出现知识性错误,也会出现很多非知识性错误的中式英语,因此针对其的习作中的中式英语研究很有必要。笔者考虑到独立学院学生的英语水平,以其学习过的文章Longing for a New Welfare System为题,要求其在45分钟之内以作文的形式谈论个人对美国福利体系的看法。



(1)用词不当。用词不当是学生习作中出现得比较频繁的错误,例如:“Meanwhile, the system also exist some problems.” 这里动词 “exist”是一个不及物动词,不接宾语;因此句子应该为 “Meanwhile, there are some problems existing in the system.”

在 “Every citizen has the right to defend their profit and I hope the government will improve the welfare system.”中,单词“profit” 用来描述利润, 而不是权利,因此应该把“profit” 改成“benefits”。

(2)搭配不当。中国学生往往一个词一个词地学习英语,因此当他们想要表达相应的搭配就容易找不到合适的词。如:“According to the text, I learned some knowledge about the welfare system in United States.”

实际上,“Learn knowledge” is 中式英语,学习知识相应的表达应该是“acquire knowledge”。

在句子“The government should do some change in this system.”中,做出改变不应该是 “do some change”而是“make some change”。

(3)冗余重复。学生容易堆砌一些相近的表达从而造成重复的情况。例如, 在“As we know, every country has a system that help need help people.” 这句话中,尽管出现了语法错误,但是我们可以看出学生在尽力的表达什么是福利体系,然而他采用了两个 “help”反而使得句子重复。因此句子应该改写为“As we know, every country has a system that helps the needy people.” 同样的,句子 “The disabled handicapped bleed the system for a few extra dollars.” 应该为 “The disabled (or handicapped) bleed the system for a few extra dollars.”

(4)词性误用。基础比较薄弱的学生往往容易忽视英语词性。在“I think the government should improve the supervise system.”中, 动词“supervise” 是不能表达形容词“supervisory”的意思的。

而在“and build up more communities to service social”中,形容词“Social” 也不能代替名词 “society”而存在。

(5)介词的误用。介词是英文非常活跃的一个部分,而在中文中没有这一概念,因此学生很容易误用介词。比如“welfare system is important of in countries.” 应该改为 “welfare system is important for countries.”而“the man at the wheelchair” 最好改为 “the man in the wheelchair”.


(1)简单句的过多使用。很多学生的作文没有出现什么大的语法错误,但是也并不出彩,其中一个重要的原因既是过多地使用了简单句。如“Many countries now have a welfare system. The United States has many benefits. But, the welfare has many problems.”句型松散,使读者没有兴趣往下阅读,因此可以改为“Many countries now own a welfare system which can benefit them. The United States is one of these countries that not only enjoy the benefits but also bear the problems form the welfare system.”

(2)主语使用不当。学生容易在行文的过程中省略主语或者过多的转换主语。例如,有学生这么写:“for example, repair wheelchair, first call medical worker, second medical worker certify the situation is true, finally, call repair company and get cheapest bid.” 而这样的句子容易使读者迷惑,因为其中缺乏明确的主语。因此,这个句子可以改为 “for example, if you want to repair your wheelchair, first, you should call medical worker; second, after the medical worker has certified the situation is true, they will call the repair company and get the cheapest bid.”

(3)语序混乱。中国学生容易受到母语的影响从而写出与母语语序相似的句子。例如,“We make it more and more better is necessary.”实际上,这句话涉及的语法是比较简单的,应该为 “It is necessary for us to make it better and better.”。

(4)主动语态的过度使用。尽管学生们在中学时就学习了被动语态,但在习作中仍难以见到学生对被动语态的应用。例如“the United States welfare system should increase attention and let welfare really implement .” 已经表现出了句子结构的头重脚轻,所以可以把它改为“awareness should be increased and welfare policies should be implemented in the United States.”


“For example, the author opted to live a life of complete honesty, he can drum up some business, he earn a little money, he is happy every day.” 很明显上文的四句话有较强的逻辑联系,而学生却并未使用连词。该句可以改成“For example, the author opted to live a life of complete honesty. Because he can drum up some business and earn a little money, he is happy every day.”

3.语篇。中文螺旋式的写作往往被学生用来写英文作文,殊不知大部分的英语文章都是直线型的。比如这篇例文:I learned from this text, welfare clients are supposed to cheat. Some people want to bleed the welfare system for a few extra dollars. Caseworkers know that they are being made fools of by benefited people. The author opts to live a complete honesty life. He drums up his business. He yields to this temptation. Deep down. He thinks that welfare system lends itself to abuse. When his wheelchair broke down, it is a complex process to repair his wheelchair. First, he needs to notify the medical workers. After medical workers certify there is a problem. Second medical workers call the company to get cheapest bid. Later medical workers alert the head office. Only he is lucky enough can his wheelchair be repaired soon. Above all, I think welfare system is unfair for people who work hard.



1.对比分析及错误分析理论。美国语言学家Lado认为语言学习者在外语或二语习得的过程中,通常会把母语中的形式,意义及文化转移到目的语。Krashen 提出了相似的观点,他认为语言学习者在缺乏相应的知识和技巧时,会从母语的语言规则里寻求帮助。而并不是所有的语言迁移都是负面的,也有正面的语言迁移。具体来说,当母语与目的语的语言规则或文化相似时,会产生正语言迁移,学生学习起来就较为容易;反之,则容易产生负语言迁移。

2.中介语与石化现象。Larry Selinker在1969年剑桥国际会议上提出了中介语的概念,其含义为母语向目的语过度的动态语言体系。而石化现象实在中介语的过程中产生的现象。在1996年, Selinker 把石化现象定义为随着年纪和知识的增长,语言知识和规则固话难以改变的状态。即是说,中国的英语学习者在高中时有了一定的语言知识的积累,而到了大学,很多学生受到石化现象的影响,进入瓶颈,难以提高英语水平。





2.来自于思维模式的启发。如同上文所提及的,思维模式代表着文化。因此,英语教学不能孤立于文化教学之外。首先,教师应该先去发觉隐藏在语言之后的文化;其次, 一个英语词汇往往有着多重含义, 因此教师应该多讲解词汇含义的内在联系来帮助学生理解记忆;第三,教师应鼓励学生多使用英英词典来使学生适应英语表达。






[4]Lin Xusu.An Analysis of Chinglish in College Students and Its Implications to College English Teaching[D].2008.



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