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《Module4 Music Born in America》教学设计






1.掌握词组dance to, aspect, breakthrough, side by side, experiment with;

2.能读懂介绍hip hop 的材料;




1.了解 hip hop 的主要内容;



Teaching procedures:

Step1 Pre-reading


Present some information about hip hop by a student.


Task 1: Word Study

Get Ss to say something about this American cultural movement by watching some photos of breakdancing, graffiti arts, DJ-ing, meanwhile, talk about some useful words.


The main idea:

Part1 what is hip hop and how did it start?

Part2 what was the big breakthrough?

Part3 why was hip hop so successful?

Part4 how did rap singers record their songs?

Task2: Skimming

Step 2 While-reading

Read the passage and find out how many parts are the passage divided into and what is it about. Then work in pairs and fill in the table.

Type of music


Task3: Pair work

Read the Part 2 and answer the questions


Step3 Post-reading

Task4: Scanning

Read Parts3 and 4 of the passage again.

Then match column A with B .

Column A Column B

1. England A. The capital of hip hop

2. New York B. West Coast rappers based in

3. California C. Formed a new music-trip hop

4. Miami D. A new style influenced by Cuban and Puerto Rican


Task 5: Work Pairs

Read the passage and check the true statements.

Step 4 Discussion

Ask Ss to talk about the music and study habits.

·Listen to music helps you study.

·Make you fall asleep or concentrate.

·Prefer to study in a quiet or noisy environment.

·The best music for studying.



1.work in groups and find out more information about Hip hop including rap music and other African American Music.

2.Choose one of their favorite rap music and bring it to class to share it with the whole class.

Step 6:Summary

In this reading, we have learnt something about hip hop. It can make the Ss realize that hip hop is different from traditional type of music and can also ask Ss express their own idea between music and study habits.

So much for this class. Bye-bye

(这节课本着面向全体学生的原则进行了设计,整节课贯穿input-intake-output 的思路,通过略读、精读等环节的训练活动培养学生的阅读能力,提高阅读技巧。)

(责任编辑 付淑霞)


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