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Nvwa is a goddess in ancient Chinese legend known for creating mankind and repairing the sky. It is said that Nvwa existed in the beginning of the world and created men from yellow clay. At first, she sculpted each human individually. But she found that she needed a more efficient way to make more people. So she dipped a rope in clay and flicked it. Then blobs of clay landed everywhere and each of these blobs became a human.

But later there was a fight between the god of water Gonggong and the god of fire Zhurong. When Gonggong lost the fight, he smashed his head against Mount Buzhou out of fury. Since Mount Buzhou was a pillar holding up the sky, the sky began to fall and caused a lot of damage. Because of that, peoples lives became miserable. Nvwa was really concerned about her people so she picked out colorful stones in Mount Tiantai and used them to seal the broken sky. In this way peace and happiness returned to mankind.


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