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1. The idea of green packaging has received wide since the government announced specific goals to green the delivery industry.

A. currency B. creativity

C. cooperation D. criterion

2. —Will you take over at the next service area? I want a short rest.

—Sure. You for over four hours by then.

A. have driven B. have been driving

C. will be driving D. will have been driving

3. Save your apology for you really make everything a mess.

A. unless B. once

C. when D. though

4. Big data is the driving force behind this zones development, a steady stream of new big data construction projects constantly .

A. being introduced B. introducing

C. having introduced D. to be introduced

5. The yearend season is the best time not just to reflect on your personal achievements but also to the lessons you missed.

A. live up to B. split off from

C. push ahead with D. catch up on

6. Feng Xiaogangs latest film Youth, now a box office hit, scheduled for release on Sept 29, was held back for two months.

A. casually B. originally

C. temporarily D. eventually

7. China has been working to the legal landscape for autonomous vehicles, which are on a highway to commercial availability.

A. clarify B. accelerate

C. transmit D. preserve

8. Several melon stalls were below the window and above them with a big clock on top of it.

A. was the Telecom Tower

B. were the Telecom Tower

C. the Telecom Tower was

D. the Telecom Tower were

9. The staff were when the company announced a fat bonus for everyone.

A. in the red B. as white as a sheet

C. tickled pink D. in the black

10. During the Singles Day in 2017, the sales of Chinese ecommerce giants such as Alibaba outnumbered of Black Friday and Cyber Monday in the US.

A. that B. those

C. this D. it

11. I my luggage in a locker at the station, saving the trouble of dragging it around when shopping.

A. drained B. deposited

C. distributed D. delivered

12. the fact that your payment misses the deadline, youll have to pay a fine according to the contract.

A. In possession of B. In spite of

C. In case of D. In view of

13. In western countries, only the completely innocent or the determinedly blind could believe that any government activity near to election time electoral implications.

A. hasnt had B. didnt have

C. doesnt have D. hadnt had

14. —I had my computer stolen in my office, but luckily the police got it back to me.

—How unbelievable! The thief it.

A. need have sold B. might have sold

C. should have sold D. must have sold

15. —My colleague is always trying to persuade me to buy goods I dislike at YunJi APP.

—Sounds terrible. I mean, .

A. life is a horse, and either you ride it or it rides you

B. the car will find its way round the hill when it gets there

C. take care of the pence, and the pounds will take care of themselves

D. you may take a horse to the water, but you cannot make him drink


Last year, I heard about the Himalayas and the melting of the ice because of climate change. I decided to do a 16 swim underneath Mt. Everest, the highest mountain on this earth.

When we got up to the small lake undermeath the summit of Mt. Everest, I prepared myself in 17 ways, for this swim would be so difficult. I put on my iPod, listened to some music, got myself as 18 as possible and then I 19 myself into that water.

I swam as 20 as I could for the first hundred meters. Afterwards I 21 the huge problem on my hands. My fingers were 22 the size of sausages becauseyou know were made partially of waterwhen water freezes it 23 . I then could barely breathe, began to 24 and even threw up in the water. It all happened so quickly. I dont know why, but I went 25 . Luckily, the water was quite shallow, and I was able to push myself 26 the bottom of the lake. Ive heard it said that drowning is the most 27 death you can have. I have never,ever heard such nonsense.

In our camp, I 28 about what had gone wrong there on Mt. Everest with my crew. My team just gave it to me 29 . “Lewis, you need to have a complete 30 if you want to 31 it. Every single thing youve learned in the past 23 years of swimming, you must 32 . And also the every single thing you learned when you were 33 in the British army, about speed and aggression. This is the time to swim with real 34 .”

I cant tell how good and 35 I felt when I swam to the other side two days later. But I learned a very, very important lesson there on Mt. Everest: just because something worked in the past so well, it doesnt mean its going to work in the future.

16. A. passionate B. symbolic

C. creative D. remarkable

17. A. different B. simple

C. common D. usual

18. A. aggressive B. optimistic

C. protective D. energetic

19. A. put B. threw

C. walked D. tried

20. A. carefully B. quickly

C. slowly D. deeply

21. A. realized B. touched

C. solved D. caused

22. A. hardly B. exactly

C. mostly D. likely

23. A. freezes B. swells

C. expands D. squeezes

24. A. choke B. weep

C. swallow D. drink

25. A. underwater B. floating

C. ahead D. slower

26. A. towards B. at

C. of D. from

27. A. regretful B. helpful

C. merciful D. peaceful

28. A. debated B. complained

C. worried D. talked

29. A. fast B. straight

C. direct D. forward

30. A. learning B. shift

C. preparation D. understanding

31. A. use B. take

C. make D. keep

32. A. remember B. insist

C. exploit D. forget

33. A. swimming B. serving

C. training D. fighting

34. A. respect B. intelligence

C. imagination D. ambition

35. A. hopeful B. skilful

C. painful D. thankful



The Chocolate Museum

The story of chocolate through the ages

● Experience chocolatemaking from cocoa bean to chocolate bar

● Enjoy the smell, taste and texture of freshly made chocolate

Opening hours

Tues—Fri 10 am to 6 pm

Sat&Sun;+public holidays 11 am to 7 am

Closed on Mondays, Christmas Day and during Carnival week.

Entrance fees

Adults $6.00

Concessions (over 65 years old) $3.00

Groups (of 15 people or more) $5.00

More than a museum!

The Panorama Restaurant can cater for all your corporate events: business lunches, anniversaries, weddings and parties. Groups of 30—300 people are welcome.

Welcome To Auckland Museum

“Nau mai haere mai”

Auckland Museum has a constantly changing feast of fresh events and new exhibitions reflecting the culture of New Zealand. This year is no exception.

Click here to find out more >>

Latest news

Be inspired by the da Vinci Machines exhibition and design and build your own original flying machine. The best entry will win the budding inventor a helicopter ride over Auckland for a family of four.

Avoid the traffic, enjoy hasslefree parking and view the exhibits in peace and quiet on Wednesday evenings! Open till 7:30 pm.

From 28 November until 4 March there will be no public access to the Reading Room.

Click here to find out more >>

Museum opening hours

10 am—5 pm daily (except Christmas Day)

36. If 16 adults, including 3 aged 70, plan to visit the Chocolate Museum, how much should they pay at least?

A.$69. B.$78.

C.$80. D.$87.

37. According to the information of Auckland Museum, we know that .

A. it opens from 10 am to 5 pm every day

B. it has a feast of fresh events except this year

C. the winner will fly a helicopter as a reward

D. the museum focuses on New Zealands culture


GPS technology is one of the latest and greatest developments within the communications world. Also known as a—“global positioning system”, this technology works off of radio signals sent out by satellites in space. Since a cell phone already works like a twoway radio when communicating with cell towers, the GPS capability simply extends the radio signal reach to space satellites. Phones equipped with fullfeatured capabilities work off of javabased radio signals and have database access to their providers system for other data like mapping and voices. Location tracking, and giving directions to and from destinations are some of the more common uses for this technology.

GPS navigational systems are supported by a network of 27 satellites. These satellites orbit the Earth in cyclic patterns 24 hours a day. At any given time, a minimum of four satellites signals is accessible to any one point on Earth. Whenever a receiver device is activated, radio waves with coded messages are sent out to it. This is how satellites know to start tracking the device. A receivers exact location is determined through a process called trilateration (三邊测量法) where three satellites work together to narrow down possible location points. A fourth satellite is needed if the receiver isnt on the ground and altitude is wanted as well. Distance calculations are made based on how long it takes the radio signals to travel back and forth between receiver and satellites. The mapping capabilities are displayed on the phones screen via the cell providers database.

As a GPS device needs to do all kinds of calculations on different data from satellites and providers database, it consumers time. So it can take quite a few seconds for a regular GPS to work out a plan. An assisted GPS can help solve the technology problem. It is an improved that uses a cell networks A assistance Server which is connected to a reference network such as the Internet. Through the use of cell towers, a phone relays satellite signal information to the signal information to the servers. These servers are able to process incoming data at much higher rates than GPS receivers, so information is processed quicker, and is typically more accurate.

38. What does the underlined word “their” refer to?

A. Satellites. B. Phones.

C. Signals. D. Capabilities.

39. Which of the following is right according to the information in the text?

A. Phone GPS is a new technology unrelated to a cell phones original functions.

B. A mobile phone works as a signal receiver and processor in phone GPS system.

C. Each mobile phone is assigned four fixed satellites for their coded messages.

D. Mapping capabilities and distance calculations are affected by the speed of radio signals.

40. What do we know about the Assistance Server in the Assisted GPS?

A. It can speed up calculating process of a regular GPS receiver.

B. It is part of the cell network directly connected to the internet and the phone.

C. It has a better functioning performance in processing received radio signals.

D. It helps the Assisted GPS to receive different data more accurately in bad conditions.


Weve all heard it before: to be successful, get out of bed early. After all, Apple CEO Tim Cook gets up at 3:45 am, Fiat CEO Sergio Marchionne at 3:30 am and Richard Branson at 5:45 am—and, as we all know, “the early birds catches the worm”.

But just because some successful people wake up early, does that mean its a trait most of them share? And if the idea of having exercised, planned your day, eaten breakfast, visualised and done one task before 8 am makes you want to roll over and hit snnoze till next Saturday, are you really doomed to a less successful life?

For about half of us, this isnt really an issue. Its estimated that some 50% of the population isnt really morning or eveningoriented, but somewhere in the middle. Roughly one in four of us, though, tend more toward brighteyed early risers, and another one in four are night owls. For them, the effects can go beyond falling asleep in front of the TV at 10 pm or being regularly late for work.

Numerous studies have found that morning people are more selfdirected and agreeable. And compared to night owls, theyre less likely to be depressed, drink or smoke.

Although morning types may achieve more academically, night owls tend to perform better on measures of memory, processing speed and cognitive ability, even when they have to perform those tasks in the morning. Nighttime people are also more open and more creative. And one study shows that night owls are as healthy and wise as morning types—and a little bit wealthier.

Still think the morning people sound more like CEO material? Dont set your alarm for 5 am just yet. As it turns out, overhauling (大修) your sleep times may not have much effect.

“If people are left to their naturally preferred times, they feel much better. They say that they are much more productive. The mental capacity they have is much broader,” says Oxford University biologist Katharina Wulff. On the other hand, she says, pushing people too far out of their natural preference can be harmful. When they wake early, for example, night owls are still producing melatonin (褪黑素). “Then you disrupt it and push the body to be in the daytime mode. That can have lots of negative physiological consequence,” Wulff says, like a different sensitivity to insulin and glucose (葡萄糖)—which can cause weight gain.

41. What does the author do in the first three paragraph?

A. Raising the problemanalyzing the problemsolving the problem.

B. Leading in the topic—challenging a viewpointdiscussing about the topic.

C. Presenting authors viewpointproviding supporting proofsmaking a conclusion.

D. Introducing a viewpointraising the questionpresenting authors viewpoint.

42. What can we know from the 4th and 5th paragraph?

A. Morning types are more conservative but more optimistic.

B. To beat nighttime people, ask them to do math calculation in the morning.

C. Night owls tend to sacrifice their health for their wealth.

D. Neither night owls nor morning persons perform better than the middle ones.

43. Which of the following does Katharina Wulff support?

A. Dont fall sleep in front of the TV.

B. Avoid being regularly late for work.

C. Stop setting your alarm for 5 am.

D. Better not overhaul your sleep time.

44. Why does the author write this article?

A. To explain why some people are more successful.

B. To compare the differences between early risers and night owls.

C. To advise people to get up neither too early nor too late.

D. To argue against this view that the early bird catches the worm.


Im sitting at home working, minding my business, and the mobile rings. Its DC Lyle from Wandsworth police station. He says that my name was given to Crimestoppers anonymously as a potential witness to the ‘Putney Pusher incident. Remember that madman who pushed a woman into the path of a bus on Putney Bridge while out for his morning jog? Well, six months on and they still havent found him—and DC Lyle wants to meet.

I say I couldnt possibly help as I wasnt a witness. DC Lyle says he still needs to meet. I reaffirm there really was no point, I could be of no value; I wasnt there. DC Lyle insists, and in doing so mentions that he has my email address, and that he tried to see me at my office yesterday (I wasnt in). What? Somebody gave the police my office address, email address and phone number. Who? Feeling invaded and annoyed, I tell DC Lyle he could come at 10 a.m. the next day. I put the phone down, and only then the penny dropped. I was a suspect.

I must know. Who was the person who put my name forward? They obviously know me, but not well enough to call me first and let me know they were going to report me to the police. Or perhaps they do know me well and have it in for me. Thats for another day.

I frantically search for the video footage of the incident online. The images are grainy. Squint (瞇眼看) the eyes and even I can see some resemblance. I look at the Pushers jogging gear. Not premium, I might be OK. Hes got fat calves. Result. Mine are sculpted (my best feature). The Pushers got obvious moobs. Oh dear. I carry some permanent holiday weight, I admit it. All it would take is a bored jury and a halfdecent prosecution barrister, and none of this would be beyond reasonable doubt.

I need evidence proving my innocence, so I fire up the iCal to see what my movements were on 5 May. There is nothing in the diary. This is not going well.

After a fitful night I wake early. 9:45 a.m. arrives. The door buzzer goes. Its DC Lyle and his sidekick. Of course theyre early, sneaky bastards. Look relaxed, Joel. Keep yourself together. DC Lyle and DC Sidekick show me their badges. I show them how extremely nice and friendly I am. Once installed on my sofa (I didnt offer tea) they hit me with it—I am indeed a suspect.

“Someone put you forward as the person that did this, and were here to investigate whether you did. Where were you on the morning of 5 May between the hours of 7:30 and 8:00 a.m.?”

I have nothing. I live alone, work from home most days, no diary events, no witnesses as to my whereabouts. Sweats. “Wait,” I say. “Almost every morning of the working week I go to Pret A Manger to have a coffee at or about the time of incident.” But did I that day? Even if I did, what if it was a day when they gave me a coffee ‘on the house as they often did, me being a regular ‘n all. There might not be credit card records. More sweats.

I get the computer. American Express login. Search for May 2017 expense calendar (消费明细). Double click. Get in: 5 May 2017—Pret A Manger, £1.95.

Im in the clear. DC Lyle peers over my shoulder at the screen. Hes satisfied Im not the Putney Pusher. The Pret evidence is helpful, but he also says Im taller than the real Pusher. Skinnier, too. I tell him thats because Ive been jogging a lot recently.

45. Why did DC Lyle call “me” and insist on a meet?

A. Police thought “I” was the Putney Pusher.

B. The woman charged me with the incident.

C. Someone reported me to the police station.

D. “I” accidentally knew who the suspect was.

46. The underlined sentence in Paragraph 2 means .

A. money was wasted on answering the phone call

B. money should be paid to get rid of my suspicion

C. something serious would follow for days to come

D. something puzzling wasnt understood until then

47. The sentence “I have to clear my name, and reclaim ownership of my identity.” should be placed at the end of .

A. Para. 2 B. Para. 3

C. Para. 4 D. Para. 6

48. What “I” found of the incident indicates that .

A. “I” wouldnt be suspected without putting on holiday weight

B. “I” am exactly the man who the police have been hunting for

C. it is reasonable for DC Lyle to arrest “me” to finish his job

D. it is unfavorable for “me” not to have a habit of writing diaries

49. What can we learn from “my” meeting with DC Lyle?

A. Being extremely friendly makes me more suspicious.

B. The expense calendar provides relief to my suspicion.

C. DC Lyle doesnt assume I am the Pusher in advance.

D. Recent jogging is a key to my tall and skinny feature.

50. What is the best title for the passage?

A. A False Alarm B. The Pusher at Large

C. My Identity Crisis D. Careless Policemen



As the highpriced yoghurt is becoming more and more popular in China, it has become a saviour for the countrys biggest dairies, with revenues of the fermented (发酵的,酿造的) dairy product set to overtake milk sales for the first time.

Chinas dairy market, which generates $55bn in annual sales, is the worlds second biggest after the US, according to consultancy Euromonitor. But dairies have been struggling with slowing milk demand growth and reduced prices since 2013 because of oversupply—a situation that contributed to the stockprice implosion this year of Hong Konglisted Huishan Dairy.

Enter highprofit yoghurt products, the sale of which has saved dairy groups sales and profits in recent years.

Moreover, the success of Chinas three dairy giants in selling yoghurt in the country underlines how skilled Chinese groups have become at marketing, often beating bigger western groups. The three companies control about 70 per cent of Chinas yoghurt market.

“Yoghurt is an area where foreign brands should have had the advantage,” said Mark Tanner, of China Skinny, a marketing agency that works with dairy companies in China. “But they were slow to react to the market trend.”

Chinese milk sales will grow just 4 per cent in 2018 compared with last year, while yoghurt sales will rise 18 per cent to almost Rmb 122bn ($17bn), surpassing plain milk sales for the first time, Euromonitor projects.

Chinas three dominant dairies, staterun Bright Dairy and private competitors Mengniu and Yili, have been able to charge higher prices for yoghurt because of perceptions that it is more nutritious than milk and can be slimming. Income growth has also enabled Chinese consumers to “upgrade” to higherend brands.

Profit margins for yoghurt in China are about 40 per cent—double those for plain milk, according to independent dairy analyst Song Liang. As a result yoghurt has been making an “increasingly large contribution to revenue growth at the three large dairies, and an even larger contribution to profit growth,” he said.

Bright Dairy took the initiative in 2012, launching the Momchilovtsi brand made with bacteria imported from Bulgaria, but has since lost market share to rivals.

Yilis net profit rose 4.5 per cent over the first half of 2018 compared to the same period last year, to Rmb 3.37bn. Sales of the groups flagship Greekstyle “Ambrosial” yoghurt—developed with the Greek Academy of Agricultural Sciences—increased about 31 per cent over the period, it said.

Mengnius net profit over the same period rose 47 per cent to Rmb 1.13bn, with premium yoghurt products its two biggest revenue growth contributors during the period both, it said. The company partnered with French dairy group Danone—which owns 10 per cent of Mengniu—to improve its yoghurt technology.

Chinas yoghurt 51 will overtake milk for first time

Current situation

● With yoghurt gaining increasing 52 in China, revenues of the fermented dairy products are to overtake milk sales.

● 53 the considerable annual sales of Chinas dairy worth $55b, dairies are under 54 for slow demand growth and reduced prices due to oversupply.



of Chinese



● The sales of yoghurt products have saved dairy groups sales and profits.

● In 55 with last year, Chinese milk sales will grow only 4% in 2018 while yoghurt sales will rise 18%.

● Profit margins for plain milk in China are about the 56 of those for yoghurt.

Three dairy giants in China

● The success of Chinas three dairy giants underlines the marketing skills of Chinese groups, often beating their western 57 .

● The yoghurt market in China controlled by the three companies 58 for 70%.

● Yoghurt products being more nutritious and helpful to keep slim and consumers income growth make it 59 for them to “upgrade” to higherend brands.

● They are all committed to developing products via 60 with foreigners.




1. 指出拖延的本质;

2. 提出改正的建议。


1. 词数:150词左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 文章的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

参考词汇:procrastination n. 拖延,耽搁

Dear Cathy,

I am glad to hear from you.

Good luck!




一、1—5 ADCAD 6—10 BAACB 11—15 BDCBD

二、16—20 BDABB 21—25 ABCAA26—30 CDDBB 31—35 CDBAD

三、36—37 BD 38—40 BBC 41—44 BADD

45—50 ADBBBC

四、51. sales 52. popularity 53. Despite

54. pressure 55. comparison 56. half

57. rivals / competitors / opponents

58. accounts 59. possible 60. cooperation

五、One possible version:

Dear Cathy,

I am glad to hear from you. To be honest, I have the same experience as you. But you have to know that procrastination is the thief of time and a lot of students suffer from it. The following advice may help you overcome it soon.

The most effective means to solve this problem is that you can make a “to do” list. For example, you can write “Finish homework before Saturday night” on your plan. If you manage to finish it, you can reward yourself. Otherwise, punish yourself. Whats more, you can find a person to remind you to finish your work efficiently from time to time. Different people have different efficient times. But it doesnt matter what time it is. Just dont waste time, following the schedule strictly. Last but not the least, do it now, just from now.

In a word, dont spoil yourself. Although you have a long way to go, the first step is very essential.

Good luck!





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