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Who Stole My Snacks谁偷了我的零食

Tuesday 星期二

Yesterday in the cafeteria,when I emptied out my lunch bag, I got two fruits—and

no snacks.


This was a pretty big problem.Mom always packs cookies or sugar wafers or something in my lunch bag, and it’s usually the only thing I eat. So I had no energy for the rest of the day.


Key points: cafeteria 自助餐厅 empty out倒空snack零食 energy精力

When I got home, I asked Mom what the deal was with the two-fruits

thing. She said she always buys enough treats to last us the whole week, so one of us boys must’ve taken the snacks out of the bin in the laundry room.


I’m sure Mom thinks I’m the one stealing the snacks, but believe me, I already learned my lesson about doing that.


Last year I took treats out of the bin, but I totally paid the price

for it when I opened my lunch bag at school and pulled out Mom’s

substitute snack.


Key points: enough充足的 treat零食 steal偷窃learn one's lesson 吸取教训 pull out掏出

Dad wasn’t any help, either. When I complained to him, he just made up a penalty for anyone caught stealing snacks, which was “no drums and no video games for a week.” So obviously he thinks it’s either me or Rodrick①Rodrick 罗德里克,主人公格雷的哥哥。.


Like I said, it’s not me, but I figured Dad might be right about Rodrick.When Rodrick went up to the bathroom after dinner, I walked down to his room to see if I could fi nd any wrappers or crumbs.


But while I was poking around in Rodrick’s room, I heard him coming downstairs. I had to hide quick, because for some reason Rodrick gets really bent out of shape when he catches me in his room, like he did yesterday.


Key points: complain抱怨 penalty惩罚 drum鼓 obviously明显地bathroom浴室 wrapper包装纸 poke around 到处翻找

Right before Rodrick got to the bottom of the stairs, I dove into his desk cabinet and shut the door. Rodrick walked in the room, then flopped on

his bed and called his friend Ward.


Rodrick and Ward talked

forever, and I was starting to think I might have to spend

the night in that desk.


Rodrick and Ward got into a pretty heated debate about whether or not a person could throw up while standing on his head, and I started to feel like I was gonna throw up myself. Luckily, right around then, the phone’s battery died. When Rodrick went upstairs to get the spare phone, I

made a run for it.


Key points: bottom底部 dive into潜入;钻入cabinet柜子 flop沉重地躺下 heated 激烈的debate争论 throw up 呕吐 battery电池



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