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“Don’t eat your cake so fast,” said Arthur’s mother. “You’ll get the—”“Hic,” said Arthur. “Hic, hic.”

D.W. giggled.

“Arthur’s got the hic!cups! Arthur’s got the hiccups!” she laughed.

“It’s not—hic—funny,” said Arthur.




“Drink a glass of water,” said his mother.So he did. But still he had the hiccups.



“Hold your breath and count to twenty,”said his father.

So he did. But still he had the hiccups.



“I know how to get rid of your hiccups,”said D.W.

“I don’t—hic—need your help,”said Arthur.“My friend the Brain will—hic—know.”

Arthur ran to the telephone and called the Brain.




“Hiccups can be serious,” the Brain told Arthur.

“I read in my Book of Records about an old man who had hiccups for three years.”


“Three years!” said Arthur. “Wow, what happened to him?”

“He died,” said the Brain.


Key points: giggle 咯咯笑 hiccup打嗝

breath气息 count 数 get rid of 除掉;摆脱serious 严重的 die 死亡

“But don’t worry,” said the Brain.

“You can get rid of them by standing on your head for fi ve minutes.”




So Arthur stood on his head. But every time

he hiccuped, he fell over.

“This is more fun than television!” laughed D.W.“Maybe Buster can help,” said Arthur.



Buster came right away to Arthur’s house.He brought his Big Joke Book. “A good laugh can cure anything, ” said Buster.

“Here’s a funny one: ‘What’s smaller

than an elephant, more annoying than a

mosquito, and never goes away? ’ ”

“I—hic—don’t know,” said Arthur.

“'Your sister!'” said Buster.





Key points: minute分钟 television电视joke笑话 cure 治愈 annoying恼人的mosquito 蚊子


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