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My Pet


浙江省杭州市萧山区汇宇小学四(3)班 孙 麦 指导老师:王懿珊

批阅:Downe House School / Noure缪挪

It has a pair of tentacles(触角) with eyes on the top, a small mouth, a soft body and it is always carrying its house. What is it? It is a snail.

A snail crawls very slowly. Scientists measured a snail’s crawling speed and found out that it can only advance 12 meters in an hour. I found out that snails love moving, although they crawl very slowly.

I kept a snail in a glass jar once and observed it. It was restless. It climbed from the bottom to the top of the glass jar and left a shiny water mark. I put it back at the bottom of the glass jar, but it climbed up again for a second time. The snail’s body was clinging onto the surface of the glass jar, struggled upwards and would not give up.

I was moved by the will of the snail. So I let it go.

Comments 评语

The little snail shows great perseverance.



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