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Diary of a wimpy Kid


After the Bus Route Was Rezoned


Monday 周一

When Rowley and I got to our bus stop today, we found a nasty surprise. There was a piece of paper taped to our street sign,and it said that, effective today, our bus route was rezoned. And what that means is now we have to WALK to school.


Well, I’d like to talk to the genius who came up with THAT idea, because our street is almost a quarter of a mile from the school.


Rowley and I had to run to make it to school on time today. What REALLY stunk was when our regular bus passed us by and it was full of kids from Whirley Street, the neighborhood right next to ours.


The Whirley Street kids made monkey

noises when they passed us, which was

really annoying because that’s exactly what WE used to do when we passed THEM.


Wednesday 周三

I’m getting really tired of walking to school every day, so this morning I asked Mom if she would drive me and Rowley. The reason I didn’t ask her sooner is because Mom’s car is covered in all these embarrassing bumper stickers, and kids at my school are brutal when it comes to that sort of thing.


I’ve tried scraping the bumper stickers off,but whatever kind of glue they put on those things is meant to last until the end of time.


Today me and Rowley got a ride from Mom, but I told her to let us out BEHIND the school.


Well, I made the dumb mistake of leaving my backpack in the car, so Mom brought it to me in fourth period. And of course she picked

TODAY to finally start going to the gym.


Key points

nasty 讨厌的;令人不愉悦的 rezone 重新规划 genius 天才(本文为讽刺说法)a quarter of 四分之一 bumper 车的保险杠 brutal 残酷的 scrape 刮掉

Friday 周五

Well, I learned my lesson about getting a ride from Mom, so I’m back to walking to school. But when I was heading home with Rowley this afternoon, I seriously didn’t think I had the energy to make it up the hill to my house. So I asked Rowley if he’d give me a piggyback ride.


Rowley didn’t exactly jump at the idea, so I had to remind him that we’re best friends and this is the kind of thing best friends do for each other. He finally caved when I offered to carry his backpack for him.


I have a feeling this was a one-time thing,though, because Rowley was completely wiped out by the time he dropped me off at my house. You know, if the school is going to take away our bus ride home, the least they can do is install a ski lift on our hill.


I’ve e-mailed the principal about five times with my suggestion, but I haven’t heard anything back yet.


When I got to my house, I was pretty tired, too. My new thing is that

I take a nap every day after school.


In fact, I LIVE for my naps.

Sleeping after school is the only way I can really recharge my batteries,and on most days the second I get home, I’m in bed.


I’m actually kind of becoming an expert at sleeping. Once I’m out, I can sleep through just about anything.


Key points

piggyback 背着的 jump at the idea 欣然接受意见

wipe out 擦去;毁灭(此处引申为筋疲力尽)

ski lift 滑雪缆车 principal 校长;负责人

take a nap 打盹;小睡一会

recharge one's batteries 恢复体力

The End 完 结



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