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A Raisin Cake


The father wants to make a raisin cake for his son and he is mixing the flour.

Father: "Now, it can be put into the oven."

Son: "Oh, dad, we forgot to add raisins."

The father and the son don't know how to solve it.

The son has a good idea and he gets his toy gun.

Son: "Dad, you can shoot the raisins into the cake."

Then, the father aims at the cake…

①父亲想给儿子做一个提子蛋糕,他在和面。 ②父亲:“现在可以放进烤箱了!”

③儿子:“糟了,爸爸,我们忘记加提子了!” ④这可怎么办呀,父子俩犯了愁。

⑤儿子想到了好办法,他取来了玩具枪。 ⑥儿子:“爸爸,你可以把提子射进蛋糕里。”



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