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在我看来,如果可以通过图书馆来衡量一个学校的实力的话,昆士兰大学不愧是名列澳洲前八的名校。其他图书馆不说,St. Lucia校区的社会科学人文图书馆和旅游学院的研究生图书馆是我最爱去的两个地方。每一个图书馆都配有多台电脑,和分布在图书馆不同楼层的打印机是联机的,所有UQ的学生都可以使用自己的用户名和密码登陆学校电子系统,自由使用学校提供的任何资料和服务。如果那么不巧想要借的书UQ的图书馆里没有,我还可以向图书馆递交申请,图书馆的工作人员会在一个星期左右的时间里将书的电子版本发到指定的邮箱,当然这种机会是不多的。每个图书馆里都有带电源插座的个人学习室和小组讨论室,对所有学生开放但是要提前预定。不过要是没有预定到学习室也不用沮丧,公共自习的地方有很多,甚至随地坐下,背靠在墙上,打开书本或笔记本电脑就可以开始学习。图书馆所有的地面都铺上了地毯,开放中央空调,环境实在是让人没什么好挑剔。最让我感动的是图书馆的工作人员,不论有任何关于书或图书馆的问题,都会尽自己最大的努力帮助读者,直到问题得到解决。












主人公:He Yun, Master candidate in Tsinghua University, is currently studying in Sydney University as a visiting research fellow.


Chinese Students Need some Change

After a day's flight, I finally arrived in Sydney's Kingsford airport. It was the end of July, deep winter for most other places in the southern hemisphere, but not for Sydney. It's located in the southeast of Australia, very close to the tropic, so even in winter, temperatures could reach as high as twenty degrees in the daytime. Unlike many of my friends, I was sensible enough not to bring my Beijing winter wardrobe all the way across the Pacific. Not only would it have taken up all the space in my suitcase, it would've been completely useless; the weather here is so warm, no heavy clothes are necessary.

Airports everywhere all have the same feel, but the air surprised me. As soon as I got off the airplane, a surge of fresh air rushed into my lungs, and chased away my weariness. All of a sudden I felt alive again. The sky was so blue and clear. When I reached out my arms, it felt as if I could really touch the sky.

My friend Janet, picked me up from the airport. She was nearly eightyfour years old, but looked barely sixty. However, her eyes weren't so good. Driving to Maroubra (where I lived) became the first adventure I had in Sydney. We drove around and around the airport before we finally found the way out. It was fun. People of her age in China wouldn't risk driving on the road. In the rare occasion when they do, it takes a large amount of courage and they have to face strong objections from their family. In Australia the situation is different. Old people here either drive or take public transportation by themselves if they need to travel. Of course, there are advantages for being old. On almost all the municipal buses there are priority seats prepared especially for old people. Also, a young driver would often let an aged driver pass first when both are turning at an interchange. In all, older people in Australia generally prefer to live independently, but they still enjoy the respect and special care from other members in the community.

I settled down quickly. I lived with two nice ladies, Rachael and Rebecca. Rachael is Rebecca's mother; she works as a secretary in a company. Rebecca is a freelance writer. Both of them are very devout Christians. They lived in a lovely three bedroom house in a middle class area. I rented one of their rooms. It cost $120 Australian dollars (about 600 RMB) per week, very expensive for a Chinese student but very cheap by local standards. Most of my friends had to spend $150 to $200 dollars a week on their housing. Even though it's not cheap, both food and other expenses weren't normally included in this price.

Since I had already applied for an internship at the Lowy Institute, I only needed to take three classes at Sydney University, whereas a full time student is usually required to take four. The way classes are run here is very different from a Chinese university. Most of the classes on the Master's programme involve a two to three hours seminar, in which students are encouraged to participate in active class discussions and teachers only play a supplementary role. Undergraduate classes are slightly different. They are usually composed of one class and one tutorial. A typical class is very similar to what we have in China, usually involving the teacher explaining a basic idea from their field to their students. A tutorial, however, is very different. Teachers would often send one of their tutees to either help the students run a discussion or answer their questions.

There are lots of Chinese students everywhere. In my journalism class there were just six local students but ten Chinese students. In class, students from the same country would often sit together so they could chat in their shared language. Very interestingly, I found that most of the teachers when speaking, would prefer to face the local students rather than international students. I didn't think they did it intentionally. But since most of the international students were not confident enough in their English, they wouldn't normally want to speak or participate in any of the class discussions. Teachers often expect a response when they're talking to the class. Naturally they would prefer to look at the local students, who are generally active and talkative, instead of the international students, who don't always know how to respond. The difference was quite striking for me, because I'm used to having the teachers' attention in class. I think in order to change this situation, more and more Chinese students should be brave and speak up, voicing their opinions.

Sydney University has a beautiful campus. Their oldest building, the Quadrangle, was built in 1865. From outside, it looks like a Gothic castle, with tall slim towers and long corridors. There is also a huge pendulum in one of the towers. At 12 o'clock everyday, the pendulum would strike, sending out a lovely piece of music. It was the symbol of the spirit of the university.

In front of Quadrangle is Victoria Park. It looks more like a garden to me, with two small ponds and several aches of lovely green lawn. There are lots of pigeons, ducks, magpies and other nameless birds living in this area. Students would often bring their lunch and settle down to eat on one of the many benches scattered across the lawn, feeding their leftovers to the birds. The birds, because they are so spoiled by people constantly feeding them, sometimes can get pretty aggressive when they're hungry. Once I went down to the park with a sandwich in my hand, a big pigeon swooped right passed me. Before I realized what had happened, the sandwich was gone. I got robbed by a pigeon!

Sydney University also has what they call the 'biggest library in all of the Southern Hemisphere' - the Fischer Library. However, I didn't find it to be particularly big. Compared to Tsinghua University or Peking University's libraries, I'd say their book collections are quite modest. What's interesting is that, there is a Chinese library on the seventh floor of the Fischer, in which you can find most of the contemporary Chinese writers' works.

A school year usually has two semesters. The first semester runs from March to May, and the second from July to November. At the beginning of each semester, school is often slow. If you are a new-comer to Australia, you will find plenty of time to explore the city. I saw the famous Sydney Opera House the second day I arrived in Australia. Its roofs shone under the sun like pieces of shells freshly emerged from the sea. It is said that if you put all the roofs of the Sydney Opera House together, they would form a perfect oval-shape. That was the idea of the original designer, John Utzon. The sea was beautiful, stunningly blue like sapphire and twinkling like the stars. Every so often a ferry full of tourists would pass by, and you could hear the people on them marveling at the beauty of this great architecture.

There are many Chinese people in Sydney. In fact, if you live in the city, you wouldn't even feel it's that much different from say, Beijing or Shanghai. You see people of all colors and cultures in the street. You see buildings of different styles. There is even a Chinese style park in the centre of town, called Suzhou Garden, with a lovely big jade Buddha sitting outside greeting guests from around the world.

Of course they have western restaurant, but they also have many Asian restaurants too and not just Chinese. In any one street it's possible for you to find Chinese food, Japanese food, Korean food, Thai food, etc. all at the same time! If you love food and wanted to taste something new for every meal, Sydney would be a good place to go. Of course, eating in a restaurant can be very expensive. A meal will cost at least $7 dollars, and that's just the cheapest ones. Once I had a bowl of noodles in a Chinese restaurant. I didn't look at the price on the menu, because I thought, hmmm, how expensive can noodles be, I mean, they're cheap everywhere. But when the bill came, it turned out that it had cost me $13 dollars! I could have kicked myself! In China it wouldn't even have cost me 13 RMB.

But you can't always compare prices like that; otherwise your life will be miserable. The best way to balance your costs here is to find a job. Since I had an internship, I didn't have the time to get one. However, an international student would normally work up to twenty hours every week in a cafe, shop or restaurant. Sometimes those hours would be enough to pay for their entire food costs and their rent. So if you are coming to study in Sydney, I strongly suggest you find a part-time job. If Australian expenses are too much for your RMB account, try to make dollars and then spend dollars! Trust me, once the financial burden is lifted, you will find this country considerably more enjoyable!




在不久前的“澳中杰出校友颁奖大会”的启动仪式上,《双语时代》就中国留学生的相关问题采访了澳大利亚驻华大使杰夫先生。让我们一起看看大使先生都有些什么样的建议:(BT: 《双语时代》 G: Ambassador Geoff)


BT: Mr. Ambassador, a lot of Chinese students have studied or are studying in Australia. So compared with other countries, what do you think are the specialties of Australian higher education that attract Chinese students most?


G: Australia has a very strong international reputation for its entire education. We have a long tradition of excellence in higher education. We offer a full spectrum of high quality courses from the sciences right through to the humanities. I think Australia has also has many other attractions. It's pretty much in the same time zone as China is also not far away, there are many Chinese who live in Australia and so there's a sense that Australia has a welcoming openness visible environment for Chinese students. We have international recognized researchers; we have a very large number of Nobel Prizes particularly given the per-capita population of Australia and we place high value on giving Chinese students and any foreign students for that matter, a broad experience of living in another country and of course English is an important element given that so many Chinese students have studied English and want to do their higher education in English. So there're many factors that come together, but it should be recognized that we have now currently a hundred and twenty seven thousand Chinese students studying in Australia and in absolute numbers that's more than. That presence is very welcome in Australia.



BT: However, some Chinese students told us they may be confronted with some difficulties when they are living or studying in Australia, like housing problems or security worries in certain regions. What kind of help can the Australian government offer?


G: The Australian government provides quite a comprehensive range of services. First of all, we have an Education Services for Overseas Students Act. So it's an act of the federal parliament of Australia designed to protect the rights and interests of foreign students from any destination coming to Australia to study. We have also a registration process of education agents and have a capacity to identify those agents which is reputable; we'd strongly recommend you use reputable agents. We've also recently established the Australian government international students' house clause, to address specific concerns that students may have, and address it through proper intergovernmental processes.

It's very important though when coming to Australia that students prepare themselves properly, obviously English language is an extremely important part in doing that and although Chinese students may be very good at passing written exams in English, oral English can be quite different than written English and it's important to build skills in communication so I urge first and foremost students to practice as much oral English as they can and understand the colloquial differences of English. Secondly it's very, very, important that students work only with reputable education agents and those agents will provide a whole range of services to insure that the students are well established in Australia. Obviously it's important to prepare well in advance in terms of identifying accommodation - where you wish to live - but all Australian university campuses have quite substantial student welfare services. These services are provided by the university administration themselves, but also through the various student unions and student bodies at the universities. So there is quite a lot of infrastructure there to insure that most students have a very satisfying experience in studying in Australia. And I must say that the vast majority of experiences of foreign students and particularly Chinese students studying in Australia are very, very positive.




BT: Nowadays, China has suffered from continual brain drain, while Australia is very successful in attracting talents. Could you share with us some of your country's experience in this regard?


G: Well, certainly the number of foreign students including from China studying in Australia has increased quite substantially in recent years and many of these students do find that they are able to stay in Australia to continue to work if they have achieved an Australian qualification and education. That has to be looked at in specific circumstances and essentially it depends on the mix of skills that the student has. So that often means that students will stay in Australia longer than their formal studies. Obviously if you are going on and doing postgraduate work or research, scientific work, then there are outstanding facilities for that and many students who then graduate and go on and do research are very attracted by the quality of the facilities. Also the quality of life in Australia is very attractive and many students once they experience that, find that they would like to continue living in a environment that is very clean and very relaxed and people find it very attractive place to live. And of course we also offer a range of scholarships to attract students including the Australian government 'Devon' scholarship plan.

But I'd like to say on the brain drain question. I think what is clear is that what we are getting is a flow backwards and forwards and I think rather than being a brain drain in the sense that it's one direction - students from China when they're educated in Australia may stay on longer than their formal studies. But my experience is that most of them come back at some stage and they're coming back with new experience, new skills, and a better understanding of the world; how it works and in that way they are able to contribute so much more to the development and well being of China. So I think this is something that there is no need to worry about. I really do think that most students come back and that certainly been possible since China's reform and open door policies, that people in China are more or less free to move as they choose. It's a very healthy situation and one that we encourage. We don't seek to retain skill in Australia, we are very happy for the individuals to make their own career decisions and wish them all the very best in doing so.

Interestingly there is a small but not insignificant flow in the other direction. I'm finding more and more Australians, who have been educated in Australia, Australian citizens coming to China and making China their permanent home. They tend to be in the business areas and most of the major five star, well not most, but many of the major five star hotels in China, the general manager will more likely than not be an Australian. So I think that's quite significant and is bringing those skills from Australia back to China. But increasingly particularly for post grad work there is an increase in interest by Australians to study in China. Increasing numbers of Australians want to learn Chinese and the only place you can properly learn Chinese is in China. So I think you'll see in the years to come not only more Chinese people who have been educated in Australia returning home but many more Australians coming to make China their home and in doing so transferring their skills. So I think it's a very dynamic two way flow and relationship, and will only grow in the future.





BT: Many of our readers plan to study abroad. Could you, Mr. Ambassador, offer a word of advice for people who want to study in Australia?


G: Well, I've already made many of those points in my answers to earlier questions so perhaps I can just summarize. Now as I said oral English is very important and not only for your coursework and study but just to make your community experience that much more fulfilling. So as I said please try and get as much exposure to oral English and when you're doing that remember that there are different ways of speaking in different communities. English is a very diversified language and Australians have an accent and a colloquial way of speaking and we sound different than Americans and different than British and different than Indians when they speak English, so you need to be aware of that.

It's also worth bearing in mind that the Australian education system is very different in its approach and philosophy than the Chinese education system. Where, as I think, still today in China, reflecting Confucians traditions in history there is an emphasis on rout learning and finding the right answers. Australian education system is very differently trying, and works differently trying to encourage creative and independent thinking, and the emphasis is less on trying to find a right answer to a problem but rather than learning, and rather more it's to learn the skills of problem solving and it's often more not the answer you get but how you think about solving the problem and understanding also that there can be many answers of different degrees of a appropriateness to any one question. So it's a much more creative and independent way of learning than what you are accustomed to in China. So you need to be adaptable in your approach to different learning teaching methods. Also it's very important for you to think creatively about the course you are going to do and the reasons why you are studying the course. It's really very important not to be thinking only in terms of the piece of paper that you're going to get at the end of your study. You really must to make the experience rich and fulfilling and to get the most value out of it, think of it as a lifetime experience and not be driven or focused just on the piece of paper that you get at the end of it.

I've mentioned already the importance of having a recognized education agent to help with the process of making the transition from China to Australia both in terms of selecting courses and enrollment processes and all the a visa process, participating in pre-departure seminars and assistance in finding accommodation. So it's very important. Word of mouth and longstanding are good ways of identifying reputable agents and as I also mentioned it's very important that you plan your accommodation and where you're going to live and those sort of personal matters well in advance and don't leave everything till you start at the university because the reality is, as you'll know, as students, once first term begins suddenly you'll find yourselves incredibility busy and if you haven't sorted out all the important basic requirements in terms of living and so on, (say,) accommodation, then you'll find yourself always constantly running to catch up and putting yourself under unnecessary pressure. So that's about it I think, but I would wish students studying in Australia every best. Best Wishes.













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