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The article in Time on Feb 17th 2019, Americas Most Diverse Congress mentions that the newest members of the 116th Congress made the legislative body the most diverse in U.S. history not only ethnically and racially but generationally as well. More than 20% of the new lawmakers are millennials, making this a particularly fresh-faced freshman class.


The article with the title saying Heres the right lesson liberals should learn from Scandinavian ‘socialismin Washingtonposton Feb 11th, 2019, mentioned that The Scandinavians have lower corporate tax rates than the United States but much higher individual taxes. Scandinavians pay $25,488 a head in taxes compared with $14,793 a head in the United States — 72% more. This is what it takes to finance a Scandinavian-style social welfare state. It cant be done simply by raising marginal tax rates on the wealthiest taxpayers to 70%, because few taxpayers pay the top rate. It requires a massive tax hike on the middle class. Support for Medicare-for-all plummets from 71% to 37% if it will require most Americans to pay more in taxes.



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