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诸慧琴 徐正会 和玉成 何娟 张鹏 王亮 张扬 刘平

摘要:为全面揭示滇东南地区蚂蚁多样性规律,采用样地调查法研究了滇东南地区的蚂蚁群落结构,合计发现蚁科(Formicidae)昆虫10亚科64属197种。滇东南地区蚂蚁群落中发现优势种1个[拟毛蚁待定种1(Pseudolasius sp.1),占物种数的0.51%],常见种2个(占物种数的1.02%),较常见种18个(占物种数的9.14%),较稀有种38个(占物种数的19.29%),稀有种138个(占物种数的70.05%),丰富的稀有种提高了该地区生物多样性保护价值。该地区5个垂直带蚂蚁群落结构差异明显,师宗垂直带、丘北-师宗垂直带平均海拔较高,植被类型和树种组成相对简单,蚂蚁群落物种较少;西畴-麻栗坡、马关-河口垂直带平均海拔较低,植被类型和树种组成相对丰富,蚂蚁群落物种丰富。在该地区发现了一定数量的待定种,有必要进行深入的分类研究。


中图分类号:Q968.1;Q969.554.2         文献标识码:A


Abstract: In order to reveal ant diversity regularity in southeastern Yunnan, ant community composition of the area was surveyed through sample-plot method. Totally 10 subfamilies, 64 genera and 197 species of Formicidae were recognized. One dominant species(Pseudolasius sp.1, occupying 0.51%), 2 common species(occupying 1.02%), 18 relatively common species (occupying 9.14%), 38 relatively rare species(occupying 19.29%), and 138 rare species(occupying 70.05%) are found in the ant community of southeastern Yunnan. The richness of rare species helps to increase the value of biodiversity conservation in the area. Among the 5 surveyed vertical zones, their ant community composition has expressed obvious differences. The vertical zones of Shizong and Qiubei-Shizong have relatively higher average elevation, less vegetation types and simple tree species, therefore poor ant species are found in the community. In contrast, the vertical zones of Xichou-Malipo and Maguan-Hekou have relatively lower average elevation, rich vegetation types and complex tree species, therefore plentiful ant species are found in the community. It provides good conditions for the survival of ants, and the ant community is rich in species. A number of undetermined ant species are found in area, which indicates that a taxonomic work is necessary.

Key words: ant; species; community composition; southeastern Yunnan

螞蚁是地球上分布最广泛、种类和数量最丰富的社会性昆虫[1],目前全世界已知17亚科334属13 599种[2]。蚂蚁在生态系统中扮演着重要角色,能改良土壤、帮助植物授粉、传播植物种子、防治害虫,有的种类具有药用和食用价值,但少数种类危害植物和人类健康[3]。因为蚂蚁对环境变化敏感,在环境变化中常被作为关键类群进行研究[4]。云南省森林覆盖率高,植被类型多样,具有丰富的蚂蚁资源,西双版纳[5]、高黎贡山[6-8]、哀牢山[9,10]、南滚河自然保护区[11]等地的蚂蚁群落相继被报道。以文山州为主的滇东南地区具有典型的喀斯特地貌,保存有大面积天然林,蚂蚁资源丰富,之前仅报道了滇东南地区的蚂蚁物种多样性[12],为全面揭示滇东南地区蚂蚁多样性规律,对该区蚂蚁群落进行研究报道。

1  研究方法

1.1  样地设置

分别在师宗、丘北—师宗、广南—富宁、西畴—麻栗坡、马关—河口设置5个垂直带,采用样地调查法[3]对滇东南地区蚂蚁开展外业调查。在每个垂直带上海拔每上升一定高度选取植被典型的1块样地,样地大小为50 m×50 m,因野外自然条件限制未能找到典型植被时,允许在标准海拔上适度调整,原则上误差不超过50 m,各样地自然概况见表1。

1.2  样地调查


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