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周 昊,徐爱俊,周素茵



周 昊,徐爱俊,周素茵※

(1. 浙江农林大学信息工程学院,杭州 311300; 2. 浙江省林业智能监测与信息技术研究重点实验室,杭州 311300)



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衡量畜禽尤其是生猪养殖污水水质状况的主要指标有氨氮(ammonia nitrogen,NH3-N)、总磷(total phosphorus,TP)、总氮(total nitrogen,TN)和化学需氧量(chemical oxygen demand,COD)等[16]。针对这些指标的检测,除了传统的实验室化学检测法,一些新兴领域的测量方法和去除方法也相继问世。陈一辉等[17]基于生物药物的“酶法”检测污水中NH3-N含量,该方法操作简单,精度和灵敏度高,但所用试剂不易保存,且成本相对较高;何金成等[18-19]利用近红外光谱法先后实现了废水中COD、五日生化需氧量(five-day biochemical oxygen demand,BOD5)和酸碱度(potential of hydrogen,pH)等指标的快速测量与预测建模,能较好的反应水体中有机物含量;Luo等[20]提出了一种基于人工湿地种植肉芽孢菌高效去除生猪污水中TP的方法;干方群等[21]发现了高岭土对畜禽废水中的TP有较好的净化效果;基于神经网络模型的水质预测与评价也是一种较常用的水质研究方法[22-24]。

基于相关性分析方法,寻找水质指标与其他因子的关系的研究也较为普遍。张贤龙等[25]研究发现艾比湖流域的水质指标溶解氧(dissolved oxygen,DO)和COD可通过二维荧光峰值进行快速估算;徐利等[26]得出张家口市清水河中叶绿素a与TP呈极显著正相关;Copetti等[27]通过实验室分析法和现场连续测量相结合,对意大利米兰的Seveso河流中微量金属与浊度、总可溶性固形物等分析,发现二者相关程度较高。张苒等[28]通过对广东省主要流域的2个水质自动监测站连续3年的自动监测数据的分析,发现pH、浊度、电导率(electrical conductivity,EC)和DO之间均有不同程度的相关,同时EC与TP、COD和NH3-N均具有较强的相关性,并基于该特点成功实现了污水的预警监测。


1 材料与方法

1.1 采样区域概况

选择浙江省北部地区一家规模生猪养殖场作为采样点。该养殖场占地33.35 hm2,各类猪舍建筑面积约30 000 m2,每年生猪出栏量约20 000头。养殖场的污水处理工程采用较为先进的“养殖废水低C/N比厌氧沼液高效脱氮除碳处理”工艺。

1.2 样本采集与检测

1.2.1 样本采集


1.2.2 指标检测及方法

本研究的检测指标为电导率(electrical conductivity,EC)、酸碱度(potential of hydrogen,pH)和溶解氧(dissolved oxygen,DO),以及《畜禽养殖业污染物排放标准》中规定的氨氮(ammonia nitrogen,NH3-N)、总磷(total phosphorus,TP)、总氮(total nitrogen,TN)和化学需氧量(chemical oxygen demand,COD)。其中,EC、pH和DO等均于现场检测,之后使用相应容器对水样进行密封,立即运送到实验室对NH3-N、TP、TN和COD 4个水质指标进行实验室化学法检测。



表1 水质指标检测方法及仪器


采用SPSS 24.0软件对污水中各水质指标进行Pearson相关性分析、相关系数计算以及数据建模;采用Origin Pro 9.0软件进行图表绘制。

2 结果与分析

2.1 各水质指标特征

将检测后的水质指标数据输入SPSS软件进行分析,得到各自的统计特征如表2所示。由于每组水样中溶解氧(dissolved oxygen,DO)的大小基本无变化,故将其忽略。

表2 水质指标的统计特征

由表2可以看出,氨氮(ammonia nitrogen,NH3-N)、电导率(electrical conductivity,EC)和总氮(total nitrogen,TN)3个指标的变异系数相对较高,均超过了40%,浓度大小波动较大;而总磷(total phosphorus,TP)、化学需氧量(chemical oxygen demand,COD)和酸碱度(potential of hydrogen,pH)的变异系数仅为24%、20%和6%,数值变化幅度相对较小。


图1 水质指标浓度或数值变化

综合表2和图1可以看出,NH3-N、TN和EC 3个指标的大小总体均呈缓慢下降趋势,因此推测三者之间可能存在某种联系,但直接从图表中得出具体的数值关系,难度系数较大。

2.2 水质指标间相关性分析

首先对研究的6个水质指标进行分组。基于各指标的测量方法的不同以及所用传感器检测成本的高低,将NH3-N、COD、TP和TN 4个在实验室进行化学法检测的指标归纳入组Ⅰ;将pH和EC 2种由仪器直接检测的指标归纳入组Ⅱ。组Ⅰ内各指标检测成本及复杂程度总体来说均高于组Ⅱ内各指标,对组Ⅰ和组Ⅱ中各指标进行Pearson相关性分析,分析结果如表3所示。

表3 各水质指标间的相关系数


Note: * Indicates<0.05, ** indicates<0.01.

表3中的相关性分析结果表明,在不同条件下采集的水样样本中:NH3-N与TN、NH3-N与pH、NH3-N与EC、EC与TN这4组数据均存在极显著相关关系(<0.01)。其中TN与EC之间存在极强的显著正相关关系,Pearson相关系数高达0.920;NH3-N分别与TN和EC 2个指标存在较强的显著正相关关系(<0.05),Pearson相关系数分别为0.772和0.775;此结果与2.1小节中NH3-N、EC和TN 3个指标变化规律大致相似的情况相吻合。


2.3 模型构建与验证

2.3.1 模型构建

由2.2中的分析可知,NH3-N、TN和EC 3个水质指标两两之间均存在较高的显著相关性。基于该相关性,本研究构建了三者之间的具体回归模型。


表4 NH3-N和EC拟合效果比较


Note: RSS is Residual sum of squares, MSR is Mean square regression,2is coefficient of determination, the same below.


表5 TN和EC拟合效果比较



表6 NH3-N和TN拟合效果比较

图2 拟合效果



2.3.2 模型验证






图3 模型验证

2.3.3 综合建模

在上述模型建立和验证过程中,虽已得出针对TN的较高精度回归模型,但由于缺乏对比参照模型,极易导致结论的片面性,同时NH3-N的回归模型精度也有待提高。为此,本研究对NH3-N、TN和EC 3个水质指标进行综合建模:




图4 综合模型验证

2.3.4 综合模型验证






3 讨 论

3.1 模型精度及其影响因素

评估生猪养殖污水排放是否达标的关键依赖于各水质指标的监测结果的大小。但生猪养殖污水成分构成极其复杂,除了本研究中的主要指标外,还含有铜、铁、锌、锰等多种微量元素、抗生素、悬浮物等污染物。本研究仅仅是根据《畜禽养殖业污染物排放标准》的规定,对污水中的几个主要指标氨氮(ammonia nitrogen,NH3-N)、总磷(total phosphorus,TP)、总氮(total nitrogen,TN)、化学需氧量(chemical oxygen demand,COD)、酸碱度(potential of hydrogen,pH)和电导率(electrical conductivity,EC)等的浓度或数值进行了检测、相关性分析与部分指标的建模。在本研究中的污水指标检测环节,为保障数据测量的精度和模型的准确性,pH和EC的现场采集分别使用的是具有温度自动补偿功能和较高精度(±0.01 pH和±0.5% F.S)的便携式仪器,溶解氧(dissolved oxygen,DO)使用的具有盐度补偿功能、精度为±0.01 mg/L的荧光溶氧仪;4个主要指标(NH3-N、TN、TP和COD)的检测采用的仍是传统的实验室化学检测法,该方法虽然存在效率低、时效性差、人工成本高等缺点,但数据的准确性和可靠性可以得到保障[30]。


3.2 高效低成本监测方案可行性分析


3.3 本研究不足之处


4 总 结

通过数据分析,确定了生猪养殖污水中NH3-N、TN和EC 3个指标之间均存在极显著的正相关关系。基于这3个指标的强相关性,首先构建出NH3-N、TN和EC两两之间的回归模型,通过比较各模型的决定系数2、残差平方RSS和均方回归MSR筛选出拟合效果最佳的回归模型(模型Ⅰ和模型Ⅲ);在此基础上,将模型Ⅰ与模型Ⅲ组合并建立出新的NH3-N回归模型(模型Ⅱ);随后研究又对3个指标进行综合建模,分别得出了NH3-N综合模型(模型Ⅳ)和TN综合模型(模型Ⅴ)。至此本研究共建立模型Ⅰ-Ⅴ 5个回归模型。在模型验证环节,利用10组检验样本数据,对模型的拟合效果进行模型精度验证,并最终筛选出能较好地反映污水中NH3-N和TN浓度的最佳回归模型:模型Ⅰ和模型Ⅴ。基于这2个模型,对生猪养殖污水高效、低成本的自动监测方案进行了可行性分析。

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Correlation analysis and modeling of water quality indexes for swine breeding wastewater

Zhou Hao, Xu Aijun, Zhou Suyin※

(1.,,311300,; 2.,311300,)

According to the difference of treatment process about swine breeding sewage, the treatment methods are divided into ecological treatment, industrial treatment and centralized treatment. The components of sewage treated by industrial treatment are extremely complex, there will be a great risk of environmental pollution if the sewage is directly discharged into the natural water body. It’s very important to monitor sewage quality. The monitoring methods commonly used in swine breeding sewage mainly include laboratory monitoring and automatic monitoring. The laboratory monitoring is traditional, which has the advantage of high data accuracy and the disadvantages of low efficiency and poor timeliness, the sewage indexes can be detected fast but costly using automatic monitoring method. To find a monitoring scheme that combined the advantages of laboratory monitoring method and automatic monitoring method, took the sewage from a large-scale pig farm as the research object, the change characteristics, correlation of seven main indexes of sewage quality and regression modeling of two main indexes were studied. The seven indeices were respectively ammonia nitrogen, total phosphorus, total nitrogen, chemical oxygen demand, the potential of hydrogen, dissolved oxygen and electrical conductivity. Through the detection and correlation analysis of 30 random samples from different seasons and climatic conditions, it was found that ammonia nitrogen, total nitrogen and electrical conductivity had similar variation trends and strong correlation each other, the correlation coefficient of ammonia nitrogen and total nitrogen was 0.772, and that of ammonia nitrogen and electrical conductivity was 0.775, the correlation coefficient of total nitrogen and electrical conductivity was 0.920. Based on the results of correlation analysis, many types of monadic regressive and multivariate regression models for ammonia nitrogen and total nitrogen were established respectively, the relatively optimal “polynomial regression model” (model I) for ammonia nitrogen and the “comprehensive model” (model V) for total nitrogen were determined by comparing the coefficient of determination, residual sum of squares and the mean square regression of each model. The verification results based on 10 sets of data showed that the estimated values of these two models were closest to the measured values, the coefficients of determination of model I and model V were 0.855 and 0.953 respectively. Therefore, these two models could be used to evaluate the concentration of ammonia nitrogen and total nitrogen in swine breeding sewage. The existing studies shown that the data obtained by laboratory monitoring and automatic monitoring had the same change law although the value was different, which meant that there was a good linear relationship between them, hence a linear regression model based on the automatic monitoring data could be established to achieve the monitoring of water quality indexes accurately and rapidly. Based on this conclusion and the above two models, the feasibility of an efficient and low-cost automatic monitoring scheme for swine breeding wastewater quality was analyzed in this study. The indexes involved in the solution included electrical conductivity, the potential of hydrogen, ammonia nitrogen, total phosphorus, total nitrogen, and chemical oxygen demand, the total nitrogen that was difficult and expensive to detect automatically does not require to detect directly, the concentration of which could be calculated by the value of ammonia nitrogen and electrical conductivity according to model V, the concentration of ammonia nitrogen with relatively low difficulty and cost could be obtained by the value of electrical conductivity according to model I, the detection of electrical conductivity and potential of hydrogen was more convenient and the cost was lower, the data of total phosphorus and chemical oxygen demand would be obtained by linear regression model based on automatic monitoring data. Compared with the existing monitoring methods, the number of indexes that needed to be detected directly in this scheme would be significantly reduced, which would make the overall difficulty and the cost of monitoring decreasing, and the monitoring efficiency improved. Consequently, these two models could provide an important theoretical basis for the establishment of an efficient and low-cost automatic monitoring scheme for swine breeding sewage.

swine breeding wastewater; water quality; correlation; regression analysis

周 昊,徐爱俊,周素茵. 生猪养殖污水水质指标相关性分析与建模[J]. 农业工程学报,2020,36(1):200-207.doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2020.01.023 http://www.tcsae.org

Zhou Hao, Xu Aijun, Zhou Suyin. Correlation analysis and modeling of water quality indexes for swine breeding wastewater[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2020, 36(1): 200-207. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2020.01.023 http://www.tcsae.org




周 昊,从事污水监测等物联网方向的研究。Email:1220470928@qq.com







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