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查理思,吴克宁,庄大昌 ,姜 钰


查理思1,吴克宁2†,庄大昌1,姜 钰3

(1. 广东财经大学公共管理学院,广州 510320;2. 中国地质大学(北京)土地科学技术学院,北京 100083;3. 青岛市国土资源和房屋管理局崂山国土资源分局,山东青岛 266000)





1 材料与方法

遗址概况和自然剖面描述可详见《古人类活动对土壤发育的影响——以河南仰韶村文化遗址为例》一文[31],不同功能区地基、饮食、瓮棺、陶窑如图1所示。自然剖面在观察深度 4 m 范围内,间隔10 cm 从下至上连续采集土样10 g,不同功能区则在明显特征区位采集土样10 g和土壤微形态样品。色度参数红度(a*)、黄度(b*)、亮度(L*)分析采用日本柯尼卡美能达公司CM-700d 分光测色仪测定,磁化率分析采用英国 BartingtonMS-2 型双频磁化率仪测定,颗粒组成采用英国 Mastersizer2000型激光粒度仪测定,游离铁采用CBD法提取测定,矿质全量分析采用碳酸锂-硼酸熔融,X射线荧光光谱分析法测定。土壤微形态样品用不饱和聚酯树脂——丙酮溶液浸渍,再进行切片、磨片,使用 Nikon 偏光显微镜进行土壤微形态观察。自然剖面各理化性质的400个数据进行平均计算,获得自然背景值[32],以便与不同功能区土壤数据进行对比研究。

2 结 果

2.1 色 度


2.2 磁化率

磁化率结果如表2所示,古人类不同功能区低频磁化率(χlf)范围为124. 6~712. 7×10–8m3·kg–1,平均值为326.0×10–8m3·kg–1;频率磁化率(χfd)范围为4.64%~11.37%,平均值为7.96%。自然剖面χlf平均值为132.1×10–8m3·kg–1,χfd平均值为10.36%。

图1 古人类遗址不同功能区(1. 地基,2. 饮食,3. 瓮棺,4. 陶窑)

表1 土样色度值

表2 土样磁化率值

① Low frequency magnetic susceptibility,② Frequency dependent magnetic susceptibility

2.3 颗粒组成

颗粒组成结果如表3所示,古人类遗址不同功能区黏粒含量范围为41.5~127.0 g· kg–1,平均含量为89.4 g· kg–1;细粉砂含量范围为255.5~506.0 g· kg–1,平均含量为390.6 g· kg–1;粗粉砂含量范围为284.0~461.0 g· kg–1,平均含量为354.5 g· kg–1;砂粒含量范围为38.0~316.0 g· kg–1,平均含量为170.0 g· kg–1。自然剖面黏粒平均含量为119.7 g· kg–1,细粉砂平均含量为440.9 g·kg–1,粗粉砂平均含量为357.9 g· kg–1,砂粒平均含量为81.5 g· kg–1。

2.4 游离铁

游离铁和游离度结果如表4所示,古人类遗址不同功能区游离铁范围为2.13~18.84 g·kg–1,平均值为8.97 g·kg–1;游离度范围为8.37%~29.73%,平均值为16.65%。自然剖面游离铁平均值为12.71 g·kg–1,游离度平均值为25.54%。

2.5 矿质全量

矿质全量结果如表5所示,古人类遗址不同功能区SiO2含量范围为656.10~672.80 g·kg–1,平均含量为660.00 g·kg–1;Al2O3含量范围为110.70~157.70 g·kg–1,平均含量为132.7 g·kg–1;Fe2O3含量范围为41.40~60.60 g·kg–1,平均含量为50.30 g·kg–1;CaO含量范围为6.10~24.80 g·kg–1,平均含量为15.50 g·kg–1;P含量范围为5.48~9.98 g·kg–1,平均含量为8.42 g·kg–1。自然剖面SiO2平均含量为670.08 g·kg–1,Al2O3平均含量为143.91 g·kg–1,Fe2O3平均含量为54.04 g·kg–1,CaO平均含量为8.94 g·kg–1,P平均含量为0.67 g·kg–1。

表3 土样颗粒组成

表4 土样游离铁和游离度

表5 土样矿质全量

2.6 土壤微形态


3 讨 论



图2 贝壳

图3 植物残体

图4 定向分布碳屑

图5 海绵状分布碳屑

图6 氧化铁

图7 陶片





4 结 论


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Soil Properties of the Yangshao Village Cultural Relic Site, Henan Province Relative to Function

ZHA Lisi1, WU Kening2†, ZHUANG Dachang1, JIANG Yu3

(1. School of Public Administration, Guangdong University of Finance and Economics, Guangzhou 510320, China;2. School of Land Science and Technology, China University of Geosciences, Beijing 100083, China;3. Laoshan Land Resources Sub-bureau, Qingdao Municipal Land Resources &Housing Administrative Bureau, Qingdao, Shandong 266000, China)

In order to fully understand contents and degrees of the various ancient human activities in the Yangshao culture period, soil samples were collected from different functional areas (housing foundation, living quarters, urn coffin, pottery kiln) and soil profile not disturbed by ancient human activities (natural profile in short) in the Yangshao Village site for analysis of chromaticity, magnetic susceptibility, particle size composition, free iron, total mineral content and soil micromorphology. By comparing the findings with the natural profile data, it was learnt how much ancient human activities affected the soil. Results show that among the four functional areas, the housing foundation area is the highest in clay content and P content and relatively higher in CaO content and had various ingredients added into the lime layer as the analysis of soil micromorphology indicates; the living quarters is the highest in content of carbon dust content, which exists along a certain direction; the urn-coffin area is the highest in χfd, and the highest in content of free iron and ionization degree of the iron; and the pottery kiln area is the highest in χlfrelatively higher in content of P and has soil that had been calcinated under high temperature ion as analysis of micromorphology indicates. The conclusion shows that, ancient people chose on purpose clay and calcium carbonate sand to pave the ground. Long term residence produced a large amount of phosphorus. Ancient people cooked food, producing a lot of carbon dust in the living area. After burial of the dead with urn, decaying of the corpses facilitated growth of animals and microorganisms, which in turn helped formation of soil fine particles and soil development. In calcinating pots, they might probably used domestic waste as fuel.

Soil characteristics; Ancient human activities; Yangshao culture




查理思,吴克宁,庄大昌,姜钰. 河南仰韶村遗址不同功能区土壤特征研究[J]. 土壤学报,2020,57(2):500–507.

ZHA Lisi,WU Kening,ZHUANG Dachang,JIANG Yu. Soil Properties of The Yangshao Village Cultural Relic Site,Henan Province Relative to Function[J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica,2020,57(2):500–507.

* 国家自然科学基金项目(41371226)资助Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.41371226)








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