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ChatGPT, the new artificial-intelligence technology created by Open AI, has many worrying about the future of education. The two largest public school districts, New York and Los Angeles, have stopped the chatbot, though with its limited abilities, from their devices and networks, worried that students may use it to cheat on exams.

But educators needn’t fear this change. Such technologies are transformative, but they influence only the information-centric type of education that is failing to help students succeed. What young people need today is educational models that help them focus on their studies and instruction that prepares them for an economy in which mechanical tasks will be increasingly performed by machines. AI may be a useful invention that speeds up much-needed educational reform.

Our experience with AI is perhaps best understood when compared with previous disruptions(沖击) in education. When printed books, for example, began to appear in the mid-1400s with the invention of the movable type, one can imagine university professors were filled with scare. Yet in practice, printing had the opposite influence: The number of universities increased along with the total number of books. The new technology disrupted the mechanical aspect of education, but in doing so, it allowed educators to refocus on higher-level skills—the strategic elements.

This change didn’t make the underlying(根本的) skills

unnecessary; it only transformed what could be done with them. The effect of such technology as ChatGPT will likely be similar. AI will serve as an information-gathering and mechanical-organizing tool, but it won’t reduce the need for critical thinking. These skills are here to stay and only increase in value.

Unless schools can address the strategic reasons for learning and provide an education that trains students in how to use the tools of information, they will, without doubt, be left behind by rapid innovation and change. AI is best seen as another tool, which, when used strategically, can unleash(解放) student learning and performance in ways not yet seen.

(材料出自“Opportunity Education”网站,有删改)

1.Why did schools in New York and Los Angeles quit using chatbot?

A. Because of its limited abilities.

B. Because of its potential of being wrongly used.

C. Because of their inaccessible to networks.

D. Because of their fear of change.

2. Why is the movable printing mentioned?

A.To stress the anxiety of university professors.

B. To prove the importance of technology in education.

C. To help people understand AI’s positive influence.

D. To inform us the disruption brought by printing.

3. What is the author’s attitude towards the role of AI in education?

A. Doubtful        B. Worrying

C. Cautious         D. Approving

4. How can a school adapt to the era of AI?

A. To equip students with capability to use AI.

B. To promote students’ strategic abilities.

C. To improve itself in a creative way.

D. To set up an AI course for students.

1.B。解析:細节理解题。根据材料第一段第二句“The two largest public school districts, New York and Los Angeles, have stopped the chatbot, though with its limited abilities, from their devices and networks, worried that students may use it to cheat on exams.”,我们可知,尽管聊天机器人能力有限,但部分学校仍担心学生可能会在考试中用它作弊。故选B。

2.C。解析:细节理解题。根据材料第三段第一句“Our experience with AI is perhaps best understood when compared with previous disruptions in education.(我们与人工智能的相处可以通过之前一些新事物对教育的‘冲击’来理解)”,后文举movable printing的例子主要是说明人们不必过度担心AI对教育的冲击,其有着积极的影响。故选C。

3.D。解析:推理判断题。根据材料最后一段中的“AI is best seen as another tool, which, when used strategically, can unleash student learning and performance in ways not yet seen.(AI最好被看作另一个工具,当我们有策略地使用它时,它将能以我们无法预见的方式解放学生的学习,提升学生的表现。)”,我们可看出作者支持AI在教育中的使用。故选D。

4.A。推理判断题。解析:根据材料最后一段的第一句“Unless schools can address the strategic reasons for learning and provide an education that trains students in how to use the tools of information, they will, without doubt, be left behind by rapid innovation and change.”,我们可知,除非学校能够解决学习的战略问题,并提供培训学生如何使用信息工具的教育,否则毫无疑问,它们将被快速的创新和变革抛在后面。故选A。


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