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Lithium-ion batteries are the standard in EV manufacturing, but the average driving range for a fully charged Li-ion vehicle actually dropped in 2021 to only 234 miles. Superior energy density in lithium-sulfur (Li-S) batteries is seen as a replacement that could boost range up to five times to around 1,000 miles.

Scientists at the University of Michigan have produced a stable lithium-sulfur battery using Kevlar(纖维B), the material used in body armor, to increase the amount it can be charged and discharged—its cycle life. Research group leader Nicholas Kotov called the design “nearly perfect” in terms of capacity and efficiency. The battery can handle summer heat and winter cold extremes found under the hood, and in real-world driving conditions, its lifespan should be 1,000 cycles or ten years.

In Japan, university researchers have developed a lithium-air battery with an energy density (500Wh/kg) two to five times better than Li-ion. Lithium-air uses lithium and oxygen from air to create current and has potential as a more efficient, lightweight, and cheap alternative to heavier Li-ion batteries. So far the team has tested the battery at room temperature and is now looking at higher performance materials to replace components that do not improve battery reactions or its cycle life.

Added to these breakthroughs in battery materials and energy density are newer quantum(量子) technologies

that will speed up vehicle charging times. Lithium-metal, often talked about as solid-state batteries, are long-lasting and capable of rapid charging especially when they are paired with quantum technologies that connect all the battery cells at the same time. Korean researchers say their work on quantum batteries shows cars could charge at home in three minutes rather than overnight. And once investments in quantum charging and batteries are made, it could revolutionize transport and the way we use energy worldwide.


1. What is probably the major concern of people who are willing to buy an EV?

A. Battery energy density.    B. Production standards.

C. Total driving range.          D. Battery materials.

2. Which is not the advantage of lithium-sulfur battery?

A. Its good adaptation.

B. Its special material.

C. Its longer cycle life.

D. Its better recharging performance.

3. What can be inferred about a lithium-air battery from Paragraph 3?

A. It has the highest energy density.

B. It promises better chemical reactions.

C. It requires more expensive materials.

D. It still needs further research.

4. What makes quantum technologies important to EV batteries?

A. It can link all battery cells.

B. It can have batteries charged at home.

C. It can accelerate charging.

D. It can be partnered with different batteries.


-ion batteries are the standard in EV manufacturing, but the average driving range for a fully charged Li-ion vehicle actually dropped in 2021 to only 234 miles.(锂离子电池是电动汽车制造业的电池标准,但在2021年,一辆充满电的锂电池汽车的平均行驶里程实际上下降到了234英里。)”,我们可知,目前,锂电池汽车出现行驶里程下降的问题,所以人们在购买电动汽车时可能更关注其总行驶里程。故选C。


3.D。解析:推理判断题。根据材料第三段最后一句“So far the team has tested the battery at room temperature and is now looking at higher performance materials to replace components that do not improve battery reactions or its cycle life.(到目前為止,该团队已经在室温下测试了该电池,现在正在寻找更高性能的材料来取代其中不能改善电池反应或循环寿命的部件。)”,我们可知该电池仍需再改进。故选D。

4.C。解析:推理判断题。根据材料最后一段中的“Added to these breakthroughs in battery materials and energy density are newer quantum technologies that will speed up vehicle charging times.”,我们可知,除了电池的材料和能量密度方面取得突破,还有新的量子技术将加快车辆充电时间。故选C。


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