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【摘 要】英语报刊可以拓展与延伸课内阅读,丰富学生的知识面,拓展学生的词汇量,本文结合我校现采用的 “小组合作式”学习模式来探讨在合作中进行英语报刊阅读的方式方法的教学的必要性及如何在课堂中实践报刊阅读教学。


合作学习对语言学习者是一种值得尝试的学习方法。因为学生语言水平参差不齐,且在个性、英语学习动机、情感因素、 社会经验、 认知水平、智力水平和兴趣爱好等方面存在很大差异。这就决定了他们之间存在信息差距(information gap),这种差距为他们之间开展合作学习提供可能,进而在合作中发展自我,最终达到共同提高语言的运用能力的目标。因此用“合作式”的方式组织学生进行课外英语报纸的阅读,能在很大程度上提高学生阅读能力。

本人尝试在英语报刊阅读课中利用我校征订的“学英语”报,让学生运用小组合作的形式,进行阅读教学,本人以学英语报中“The jar of apples”为阅读材料,阐述小组合作式的英语报刊阅读教学环节:


首先在周五给学生下发英语报,让学生周末自主阅读文本“The jar of apples”,并把生词,不认识的词组,长难句找出来,猜测其意思,同时找出文章的主题句,并提出两个问句。


播放关于主题为“love”组图与音乐,让学生在美图与音乐声中体验爱的感觉。讨论:different kinds of love: love from parents ; love from relatives ;love from friends ; love from teachers; love from strangers… 导入文本主题:love in family。


小组的合作学习与讨论时间控制在 20 分钟左右。学生们共同讨论关于某一论题的信息,并做好笔记。在小组进行共同学习和讨论的过程中,教师可巡回于各组中进行答问和澄清某些观念,但不能取代小组讨论负责人的职责。其过程包括:小组讨论与全班讨论:


生词:Cellar、slips through、smash、 bury、 measures 、notch;

长难句:1、Pa lifts me onto his shoulders. 2、Bits of apple fly everywhere.3、Thats all she says.4、I show him the place where I caught a rabbit.


(1)、Answer the question

a、When did the story happen?b、What would Jimmys family eat to celebrate the Thanksgiving Day?c、How did Jimmy carry the jar?

(2)、True or False:

A) There were many jars of apples in Jimmys family. B)Ma was angry with Jimmy for breaking the jar. C)Ma would make another apple pie. D) Jimmy had caught a rabbit before.E) Pa would be at home after Thanksgiving Day. F)Jimmys family is hard but warm.

2、 全班讨论:对于组内无法完成的问题,进行全班讨论,最后班主任总结归纳。

a. The underlined word “bury” can be replaced by _________.

A.埋葬 B.隐藏

b. The underlined word “measure” in the passage means _____.

A.测量 B.措施


教师设计一定的问题,在完成小组学习讨论之后,由小组的负责人将全组的意见集中并整理,向全班报告。组内其他成员可以补充发言。一个小组在报告时,其他小组认真倾听, 从而达到组与组之间的交流。

对阅读技巧Supporting details(论据)运用:

1、They had a hard life.

Supporting details(论据):

1、Thats the last jar—the one weve been saving and saving to welcome Pa home.2、I bury my face in Pas old jacket.3、I am going to bake a special sugar pie, and it doesnt need apples.4、“Pa, are you home to stay now?” I ask him. “Not yet, son. Got to wait till times get better. And they will. The sun will shine, rain will fall, and things will grow the way theyre supposed to.”

2、There was love around the family.

Supporting details(论据):

Pa lifts me onto his shoulders.

1、I can hear Pa and Ma laughing upstairs.2、“Are you hurt?” Ma comes quickly. “Go on upstairs now. Dont cut your feet.”3、Upstairs, Pa wipes my eyes. “Never mind, son, accidents happen.”4、Ma comes back. She kisses my cheek.5、Pa and I go out. I show him the place where I caught a rabbit. Pa measures me against the back door and cuts a new notch with his knife.6、“Ill take care of Ma while youre gone, Pa.”



Fill in the blanks according to the passage:

To welcome Pa home, Jimmys family were going to ___ an apple pie. Ma told Jimmy to bring the ____jar of apples from the ____ in the cellar.

Jimmy ___ ____ the jar carefully and put ___ his hands around it. Then he ___ up the steps and took the steps ___ at a time, unluckily his foot caught on the middle ___. The jar slips ____ his fingers and smashes on the floor.……





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