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50年前人类遭遇来自外星的虫族(Formics)入侵,导致数以百万计的人伤亡,一位伟大的指挥官Mazer Rackham在关键时刻英勇献身,拯救了全人类。为了抵御虫族的再次进攻,确保人类的安全,国际舰队遴选世界上最聪明的孩子组成预备军团,让他们从小在战争游戏的砥砺中长大。

作为预备军团中的一员, Ender兼具哥哥Peter的凶狠和姐姐Valentine的善良,同时非常善用战术和策略,还有一个与众不同的特质——能洞察敌人的意图,从敌人的角度思考问题。这让Ender一直深受通过监视器关注他的Graff上校的赏识,但他在战争游戏中屡屡获胜也招来了其他成员的嫉妒、仇恨和排挤,甚至被污蔑在游戏中作弊。


Graff: The Formics might have wiped us out the last time, you know. A brilliant commander is the only thing that saved us.

Ender: Mazer Rackham.

Graff: Mazer Rackham. We need minds like yours, Ender. Young people integrate complex data more easily than adults. If there is a chance that, because of you, the Formics might leave us alone forever, then I have to ask you to come with me.


Dear Valentine,

So this is Battle School. Every day hours of training and far more homework than we ever had on Earth. We train in hand-to-hand combat. It keeps us in shape and aggressive. I feel Peter in me whenever I fight. I wish I didn't. We've been studying Formic flight patterns for three months now, but they seem entirely random. The truth is we really don't understand our enemy. And no one ever adequately (充分地) explains how Mazer Rackham actually defeated the entire fleet. The Colonel (上校) said he expects me to lead. But how? What makes a good leader? Everyone here is very different. So many, many things to learn. Always very little sleep. Please write back. I haven't heard from you. How are you? Is Peter behaving? Are you getting my e-mails? I miss you.




Ender: Listen, I know you want to trade me. But no one will take me if I don't know anything. Let me practice. You can get rid of me sooner.endprint

Bonzo: I already gave you an order!

Ender: I know. In front of everybody, and you don't want your soldiers to think that you backed down. So, for tonight, you can say that you won this argument. Then tomorrow, you can tell everybody that you changed your mind. You'll look generous. I'll get to train. We both win. Deal?

Bonzo: You'd better watch your back, Wiggin.


鉴于Ender优异的成绩及他与 Bonzo的矛盾,Graff上校任命他为飞龙队的队长,希望他能领导这支由不合群的人组成的战队打破零胜利的纪录。没有谁能比曾饱受冷眼和排挤的Ender更懂得“己所不欲,勿施于人”的可贵,新上任的Ender既不严厉也不苛刻,却深得人心,很快就让飞龙队成为一支战绩显赫的队伍。随着与虫族的决战日益临近,国际舰队指挥学院迫切需要一个人选进入下阶段的终极训练。在一场飞龙队同时对抗火蜥蜴队和美洲豹队的比赛中,聪明的Ender巧用战术,带领队员打了漂亮的一仗,让飞龙队一举跃居所有战队之首。这再次印证了Graff上校对他的期望,他是完美的领导者。可对昔日的“常胜将军”火蜥蜴队队长Bonzo而言,Ender的胜利是对他的羞辱,气急败坏的他想要教训Ender一顿,不料却被Ender失手打伤,可能再也醒不过来了,只能被送回地球。善良的Ender无心伤害任何人,他自责不已,濒临崩溃,想要退出战斗学院和整个计划。Graff上校无奈之下把Ender带回地球,并请来他的姐姐Valentine做说客。伴着美丽的景色,Ender对姐姐敞开了心扉。

Ender: I've been sitting by Bonzo's bed, waiting for him to wake up. But he may never wake up.

Valentine: Ender, he attacked first.

Ender: And I fought back, just like Peter taught me. I've had a lot of fights, Val. I've won because I've always understood the way my enemy thinks. When I truly understand them ...

Valentine: You also love them.

Ender: I think it's impossible to truly understand someone and not love them the way they love themselves. But in that moment ...

Valentine: You beat them.

Ender: I destroy them. I make it impossible for them to ever hurt me again.

Valentine: Ender, they want me to talk you into going back.

Ender: I told them I won't cooperate.

Valentine: I don't think you're hiding here just because you care about Bonzo. I think you're hiding because you're afraid, afraid you don't know your enemy, afraid you might lose. But what if you're the next Mazer Rackham? You can't hide here forever. But if you stay here, if you don't try, then we'll all be lost.


在姐姐的开导下,Ender决定重回太空战斗学院。不料,Graff上校这次直接把他带到了虫族母星附近的高级指挥基地,开始终极训练。在这里,Ender遇到了传说中的指挥官Mazer Rackham。原来他不仅没有在50年前的那场战斗中牺牲,还发现了消灭虫族的关键所在。在终极训练中,指挥官Mazer Rackham负责模拟虫族战略与Ender领导的战队对抗。Ender和同伴们被告知,随着虫族种群数量的快速增长,虫族母星的资源面临枯竭,因此虫族不断加强军力以扩张到其他星球,对人类的威胁日趋紧迫。在模拟战争的磨砺中,Ender的指挥才能日益成熟。但随着模拟战争越来越多,越来越复杂和真实,距离真正开战的时间日益临近,Ender和同伴们的睡眠时间越来越短,Ender的压力也越来越大,有时难免会有失误,在模拟战争中失败,招来Graff上校和Mazer对他的失望甚至斥责。终于在一次大败后,三个人都忍不住爆发了。endprint

Mazer: We can't absorb these kind of losses! War isn't a game where you get to reboot and start over!

Ender: Sir, I can't win if I don't take any risks.

Graff: Nobody's saying not to take risks. Just don't try and control everything. Let Bean (一名队员) improvise in the mop-ups. You focus on the big picture.

Mazer: Delegate (授权) more to your teams!

Ender: My teams are burned out! How can they be effective if they don't get any sleep?

Mazer:Sleep deprivation is part of your training! A battle with the Formics could last for days! If I'd been smarter, I could have annihilated (歼灭) Petra's Little Doctor (指进攻的核心武器) while you were micro-managing Bean! That can't happen, understand?

Ender: Yes, sir.

Mazer: Do you? 'Cause I've trained others. Each one so hopeful. Each one ultimately a failure.

Graff: All right, Colonel. He understands.

Ender: So I'm not the first?

Graff: No.

Mazer: But you will be the last. There's no time to train anyone else.

Graff: Son, tomorrow Colonel Rackham will run your final simulation.

Ender: And if I win tomorrow? What happens?

Mazer: You will be ready to face the real enemy.

Graff: And you will be the finest commander we've ever trained.




Ender: If I had known it was real, I would ...

Graff: What? Call for a dialogue? They can't even speak.

Ender: Watched them! What were they thinking? Were they building an army for a second invasion? Or ... or simply preparing to ... defend themselves ...

Graff: Ender, stop.

Ender: From us? They came to Earth to establish a colony. We chased them away. And in 50 years, they never returned.

Graff: Makes no difference now.

Ender: I will bear the shame of this genocide (灭绝种族的大屠杀) forever.

Graff: No. You will be remembered as a hero!

Ender: I will be remembered as a killer!


影片以Ender写给姐姐的邮件结束:Dear Valentine, You won't be hearing from me for a while. I need to find out if I'm as gifted at peace as I am at war. They've awarded me the rank of Admiral and left me to my own devices, which suits me fine. I'll travel the universe and carry with me a precious cargo, because I have a promise to keep.



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