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Whether to immerse yourself in the settings of your favorite books, to get a better perspective on what made the authors tick1) or to engage with a community of like-minded literature-lovers, you will definitely find something to write home about2) in these six bibliophile3)-friendly cities.


Dublin, Ireland 爱尔兰的都柏林

It's only natural that the capital of the country with the gift of gab4) would produce some of the greatest writers in history. Home to the likes of James Joyce, William Butler Yeats, George Bernard Shaw, and Samuel Beckett, Dublin is a literary Mecca5). It was named a UNESCO City of Literature in 2010, which is a testament to the fact it has produced more Nobel Prize laureates for Literature than any other city in the world. Today, fans of Joyce and all can get a taste of Dublin literary history by visiting the Dublin Writers Museum, the National Print Museum of Ireland and the famous Abbey Theatre.


Paris, France 法国的巴黎

Few cities in the world have inspired as many bons mots6) as the City of Lights. Who's to say what inspires the literary air in France's capital, but it's certainly true that it's difficult to admire its beauty without getting a little florid7). And this is perhaps what inspired so many expat8) writers like Henry Miller and Gertrude Stein to leave their home countries to lift their pens at Paris' cafes. Of course, Paris' homegrown talent is legendary as well. Tributes to Honoré de Balzac, Cyrano de Bergerac, Voltaire, and Jules Verne, among many other giants of French literature, can be found throughout the city in the form of boulevards, memorials, and cafes.


Montreal, Canada


Mordecai Richler's9) vivid portrait of Montreal in the 1940s, The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz, is actually the literary guide to the city. Though much has changed in the 55 years since its publication, there is no question the book still evokes Montreal's distinct electric10) atmosphere. But Richler was not the only one to be fueled by Montreal's reserves of inspiration. Yann Martel's best-selling Life of Pi was finished here. Contemporary novelist Heather O'Neill's Lullabies for Little Criminals casts a light on Montreal's grittier11), darker corners. Leonard Cohen authored Beautiful Losers in Montreal (and then became a world-famous musician). In fact, he's still known to hang around Parc du Portugal on Boulevard12) St. Laurent.endprint


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