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On the inheritance and development of lacquer art



Abstract:the so-called art refers to a kind of natural lacquer processing and as material made into art process through the use of artistic means, as a traditional art form in China, lacquer art has a long history of development in our country, and with the passage of time, the process is more and more exquisite shape, pattern, color, etc. are becoming more and more diversified. On the basis of traditional lacquer art to process forms, active and modern art to achieve a combination of long-term stability and development. Therefore, this paper will start from a brief overview of the traditional lacquer art, combined with the current situation of the development of modern lacquer art, with emphasis on the inheritance and development of lacquer art The path is briefly analyzed and explored.

Key words:lacquer; inheritance; development

1. A brief overview of the traditional lacquer art

1.1 design principles

The traditional lacquer art as a kind of art, for both appreciation and use function, therefore has long been loved by the people. In KAOGONGJI <>, <>, Xiushi recorded historical notes which are a large number of records the development process of Chinese traditional lacquer art and design principles of the glorious and resplendent, aspect, traditional lacquer art advocating adaptation the nature and the pursuit of. two principles of aesthetic value and practical value both according to the Kao Gong Ji >"material harmonious beauty" and "Xiushi Lu >" clever method creation "records a glimpse into the traditional lacquer art advocate mostly because Shi Yi, through pure natural paint and relatively primitive techniques use, retain their self However, in pursuit of natural attribute, the highest level. And recover the original simplicity of the traditional lacquer art also recorded "commandments" in <> Xiushi recorded, namely "quit obscene skillful swing heart" and "abuse of dazzling" is in the process of production, the need to pay attention to avoid the lacquer in the decoration and too much the loss of use value, to avoid flooding the market. Inferior lacquer.

1.2 decorative techniques

In addition to the pure natural lacquer as material and other means, in the traditional lacquer also through the use of a variety of decorative techniques and continuous conversion and upgrade paint decoration style and decoration. For example, among the records including record > in < painted, painted decoration paint brush, paint, bud, filling the general class, class, lacquer carving, repeated a variety of techniques. The wire brush is for example, by use of a brush out trace as lacquer decoration, especially refers to the use of different colors to paint a thread for superior. Usually use brush Mao Youchang and strong, and the flower shaped like foam brush brush, dipped into the thick paint Directly on the lacquer surface brush brush marks on the vertical meridian like similar.

1.3 color language

According to the different dynasties have different preferences for color, color language lacquer is rich, but overall in the traditional ancient lacquerware which in black and red two colors of lacquer ware, but in order to enhance the lacquer art and ornamental effect, in addition to the use of red and black, Chinese ancients also use intelligent paint the unique viscosity, many nature material paste beautiful in the lacquer, therefore the birth mother of pearl inlay, gold and silver level off, eggshell mosaic, stone mosaic or bone and a series of magnificent, or simple elegant many with classical black lacquer, lacquer embraced, too wonderful for words.

1.4 pattern shape

In our country the previous surviving lacquer kind has been scanty, therefore based on the study of traditional lacquer decorative patterns with the design, mainly focuses on the Warring States to the Qin and Han Dynasty lacquer, we can be found in the Warring States period by observing the unearthed lacquer, in addition to the performance of dance, hunting, feasts and other high painting life picture as a decorative pattern, there are many geometric patterns and symbols, abstract patterns, but these patterns are purely decorative, lacquer modelling also to imitate the natural images. In the Qin and Han Dynasties, lacquer decorative patterns gradually increased, the animal pattern, cloud pattern As a typical representative, and moulding is also more concise, practical strong.

2. a brief overview of modern lacquer art

2.1 the inheritance and development of lacquer art in Japan and South Korea

The traditional lacquer art spread in Japan and South Korea has a history of one thousand years, in one thousand years, South Korea and Japan in order to inherit China traditional lacquer art on the actual characteristics and their own combination of the innovation and development of lacquer art. For example, in Japan, has increased its unique sink lacquer Kim, maki-e technology, and strive to close to the daily life and the actual needs of the people in the lacquer design, the lacquer to maintain its vigor and vitality in Japan. In addition, South Korea and Japan also attaches great importance to the advanced science and technology used in lacquer production, according to the latest reports, Japan has develop Lacquer products sterilization and heat preservation function and to put it into the field of health care, to achieve innovation once again. Lacquer art both in Korea and Japan, has engaged in a large number of artists and craftsmen and the creation of lacquer art, there is no distinction or distinction between the two, which is also in lacquer art South Korea and Japan's long-term development has laid a solid foundation of talent.

2.2 the current situation of the development of Chinese lacquer

In the modern times, the lacquer lacquer art become a large number of researchers and skilled craftsmen research emphasis, and has made certain achievements, but unfortunately in our research, the development of lacquer art product is obviously inadequate, especially for the public as well as the cognitive degree of lacquer lacquer is relatively low, in a certain the degree of influence on the lacquer and lacquer art works to further open the market. Moreover, China's modern lacquer lack the spirit of innovation and creativity in the field of technology, not only creative ideas and creative technology is more conservative, in the design of lacquer has gradually entered into the pursuit of artistic and aesthetic The mistakes, the practicability is strong lacquer had gradually dissipated, causing between lacquer and the daily life of people distance more and more far, undeniable, lacquer art in the present stage of our country is far behind Japan and South Korea, China lacquer has entered into a key stage of the development of.

3. Transformation

3.1 innovative creative ideas

Although the history of the Chinese lacquer art glorious and resplendent and brilliant, dazzling achievements, but blindly inherit the traditional lacquer art technique to meet the ancestors in the creation of lacquer art left to the "special skills", the use of obsolete conservative lacquer technology, creative ideas and creative techniques, to promote long-term stable development of lacquer art in China so the modern lacquer art. China in absorption, on the reference and inheritance of the essence of traditional lacquer technology foundation, also need to dig out the humanistic spirit and cultural characteristics behind the traditional lacquer art and modern art, the creation of lacquer painting, modern organic combination, innovative art The creation idea, makes the creation of lacquer and lacquer production can be more free, more humanization, and constantly enhance the artistic expression and creativity, to create favorable conditions for art in the inheritance and development of our country.

3.2 rich expression language

Although traditional lacquer colors are rich in language, decorative patterns and shapes, but obviously it cannot meet people's aesthetic needs diversification and diversification of modern living space, that is to say the modern lacquer China in addition to the need to inherit the traditional lacquer when in excellent performance beyond language, also need the technique of making traditional lacquer art. The visual aesthetic unity and standardization, the creation of lacquer and lacquer ware production gradually introduced into the manifestation of people's pursuit of fashion, the pursuit of aesthetic and the individual pursuit, the contemporary art style and other art forms actively combined with traditional lacquer for example. Said Chinese can learn from the traditional paper-cut art, lacquer art patterns in the art of calligraphy, painting, lacquer art to achieve higher level of inheritance. In the aspect of the selection of lacquer material, in addition to the use of pure natural paint, also can actively use synthetic or chemical raw materials, such as cashew paint, polyurethane paint for increasing lacquer the artistic effect, and makes the art creation can be more convenient and quick.

3.3 to enhance the cognitive level

Compared with South Korea and Japan, the public in China on the creation of lacquer and the level of awareness of the lacquer manufacturing is obviously low, even many people have never seen this for lacquer, lacquer has the hindrance function in the long-term stable development of our country. Therefore, our government and the need to increase the traditional lacquer art and support on the basis of the existing funding efforts, and actively promote public lacquer and lacquerware. Through the establishment of special lacquer Museum, museum and free and open to the public, so that people can have more opportunities and platform for "zero distance contact with the creation of lacquer and lacquer ware production. Moreover, lacquer The artists also need to actively establish cooperative relations with the art gallery and the mass media, through the creation of lacquer painting exhibition or by making special promotional documentary for lacquer in micro-blog, WeChat, and other types of television media for scrolling, lacquer art to further expand the social influence, so that more people can truly understand and lacquer the value of art, to enhance the social identity for the creation of lacquer and lacquer made sense, and this is an important prerequisite in lacquer art can achieve long-term development of our country.

3.4 Practical Watch

The lacquer first appeared in our country and the basic reason for the widespread use is its strong practical function, especially after intensive development of China's ancient people and skilled craftsmen, to achieve the perfect unity of art aesthetic and practical, and achievements of the Chinese traditional lacquer art brilliant. But at the present stage in China the lacquer is caught in the stick to the excessive pursuit of aesthetic and artistic "vicious circle", so that the lacquer art between social daily life gradually widened the distance, which have great influence on the development of lacquer art in our country, the long term therefore, we need to establish the aesthetic and practical both lacquer the concept of creation , and actively carry on the innovation and development of. for example, considering the nature of the lacquer is hard, has good corrosion resistance and moisture-proof, moth and other advantages, so it can be used in metal, jade, glass and clay and other artifacts of decoration, thereby increasing the personalized and artistic objects. In addition lacquer, can also be used for furniture, interior decoration, jewelry and industrial products, and constantly enrich the form and development of the field of traditional lacquer art.

3.5 training of professional personnel

Lack of a large number of high-quality professional talents but also affect the creation of lacquer, lacquer art in one of the important factors to achieve the long-term development of our country, considering the current Chinese lacquer production technology updates are inadequate, the lack of creative arts, especially the part of teachers' lack of lacquer craft skills rich, resulting in difficulties. This talent training lacquer and we can take the "going out, please come in" strategy, technology division is a part of the comprehensive quality of delivery have higher learning ability to Japan, South Korea and other related professional education developed lacquer art colleges and regions, so as to constantly improve their own artistic accomplishment Innovation, their creative ideas. The major art colleges in China also need to set up art related courses, and actively recruit around the senior technician as technical guidance, and continuously strengthen the teachers, for the creation of lacquer and lacquer manufacturing to develop more high-quality talent.

Conclusion: in a word, just as in other Chinese traditional crafts, lacquer art in China is also in the development of the vacant period, is facing new opportunities, but also need to face the reality of the impact and challenges. Along with the people to China traditional process concerns efforts continue to increase, and the re emergence of lacquer art in the public eye among them, and because of its great advantages of use and aesthetic has made more and more people began to love lacquer and lacquer. Therefore, to inherit the essence of traditional lacquer art in our country, and try to combine it with modern phase, through continuous innovation and creative ideas, enrich the art language, enhance paint The social cognition of art, and strive to cultivate a large number of outstanding professional creation of lacquer and lacquer manufacturing personnel, and actively introduce advanced science and technology, and a series of measures to promote art in China's long-term stability and development, and constantly increase the lacquer new vigor and vitality.


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