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Institute of Plastics Processing and Application of L ight Industry


Institute of Plastics Processing and Application of L ight Industry

Institute of Plastics Processing and App lication of Light Industry was set up in 1983,based on the p lastics p rocessing center sponsored by UNDP.Since 1999,it has been attached to Beijing Technology and Business University.

Institute of Plastics Processing and App lication of Light Industry consists of Research Division,Inspection and Standardization Division as well as The Editorial Office of China Plastics.The National Info rmation Center of Plastics Processing Industry,China National Center(Beijing)for Quality Supervision and Test of Plastics Products,and the National Standardization Technical Committee for Plastics Products are attached to the Institute also.

Main research work of the Institute focuses on the development of functionalmaterials for p lastics,such as functional and environmentally-friendly materials w ith high perfo rmance,functional film s,modification of commodity polymers and p rocessing technologies,recycling technologies of p lastics waste;life cycle and failure mechanism as well as standardization fo r p lastics p roducts.


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