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Discontinuation of Recycled Lead RefineriesPlanned in Jiangxi Province


The first round of rectification action of the Central Environmental Inspection Group will be fully implemented in the near future.Six Central Environmental Inspection Groups will successively station in 10 provinces,including Henan,Hebei,Inner Mongolia,Heilongjiang,Jiangsu,Jiangxi,Guangdong,Guangxi,Yunnan and Ningxia,to carry out special inspections on key areas for fighting againstpollution.Affected by the news disclosed on CCTV,the production of battery plants in Yifeng,Jiangxi Province was limited,affecting the demand for lead of approximately 1000 tons per day in the region.According to reclaimed lead refineries in Jiangxi,the recent environmental inspections by provincial departments and Central Environmental Inspection Groups will continue to be severe. Large-scale refineries are currently operating normally,and will wait for instructions from the relevant departments;smallrefineries are more likely to face difficulties and plan to suspend production for one month.Some local refineries have not yet resumed production after the local solid waste supervision earlier,which is estimated to affect the daily output of recycled lead in Jiangxi Province by about 1,000 tons.

Tin Production by Province or City in 2018 Unit:metric ton

Magnesium Production by Province in 2018 Unit:metric ton

Refined Copper Production by Province or City in 2018 Unit:metric ton

Aluminium Production by Province or City in 2018 Unit:metric ton

Alumina Production by Province in 2018 Unit:metric ton

Nickel Production by Province or City in 2018 Unit:metric ton

Production of the Ten Major Nonferrous Metals in 2018 Unit:metric ton

Fabricated Copper Production by Province or City in 2018 Unit:metric ton

Lead Production by Province or City in 2018 Unit:metric ton

Copper Mine Production by Province or City in 2018 Unit:metric ton(metal content)

China’s Major Non-ferrous Metals Imports&Exports(End of March 2018)

Continued from the previous page

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