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Nonferrous Geological Prospecting Institutions Discover Important Mineral and Ra


Nonferrous Geological Prospecting Institutions Discover Important Mineral and Rare Metal Reserves

The quadrennial Secretary General's meeting of the Geological and Mineral Resources Branch of the China Nonferrous Metals Industry Association (CNMIA) took place on April 9. It's learned from the meeting that nonferrous geological prospecting institutions across the country completed 3,901 geological projects and discovered important mineral resources / reserves (metal reserves) in 2017, once again highlighting the industry's support for national resource security.

According to incomplete statistics, in 2017, nonferrous geological prospecting institutions across the country completed 3,901 geological projects including 2,831 new projects and submitted a total of 693 geological reports. Major breakthroughs were made in a number of mineral prospecting projects including prospecting of the polymetallic mine (zinc, tin and copper) on the periphery of the Dulong mining area in Maguan County, Yunnan Province, geological prospecting on the periphery of the Fankou lead-zinc mine in Renhua County, Guangdong Province, prospecting of the Xinmin bauxite mine in Daozhen County, Guizhou Province, prospecting of the Youmapo tungsten-molybdenum mine in Bobai County, Guangxi Province, productive prospecting of the tin-copper mine in the Gaofeng Mountain mine section of the Gaosong mine field in the Gejiu mine area in Gejiu City, Yunnan Province, and prospecting of the Wangjiaping gold mine in Shanyang County, Shaanxi Province. These institutions completed drilling of 1.0861 million meters, pit prospecting of 81,200 meters, costeaning of 1.0758 million cubic meters and shaft prospecting of 10,800 meter, and discovered new (333 and above) mineral resources / reserves (metal reserves): 1.8697 million tons of copper, 6.2071 million tons of lead and zinc, 34,900 tons of tungsten, 192,000 tons of tin, 59,000 tons of molybdenum, 81.28 tons of gold, 32 million tons of iron, 32,300 tons of antimony, 65.856 million tons of bauxite, 29,000 tons of bismuth, 2,300 tons of beryllium, 3,100 tons of cadmium, 2,300 tons of gallium, 400 tons of germanium and 1.0523 million tons of rare earth.

The above data show that nonferrous geological prospecting institutions across the country have not only made important progress in the prospecting of important minerals, but made breakthroughs in rare metal and rare earth prospecting, providing resources support for China's high and new technology industry.

Meanwhile, these institutions have actively responded to the "Belt and Road" initiative by establishing themselves into an important geological support force. For example, the Ethiopia copper, zinc and gold mine project of the Beijing Institute of Geology for Mineral Resources has discovered a large amount of resources and received a mining license. The Guangxi Bureau of Geology & Mineral Prospecting & Exploitation has supported the Cambodia national geological laboratory project apart from entering into two framework agreements on gold mine prospecting & exploitation with Indonesian partners. China Nonferrous Metals (Guilin) Geology and Mining Co., Ltd. has made substantial progress in the copper and gold prospecting projects carried out with mining companies of Malaysia and Laos respectively. The gold mine in Luang Prabang, Laos of the Tianjin North China Geological Exploration Bureau successfully completed trial production as scheduled and achieved design capacity, sales, profits and bonuses in the same year. Quite a few of nonferrous geological prospecting institutions including the Hainan Geological Bureau, Inner Mongolia Nonferrous Geological Exploration Bureau, Northwest China Nonferrous Geological Exploration Bureau, Yunnan Nonferrous Geological Bureau, and Henan Province Nonferrous Metals Geological Mineral Resources Bureau have achieved good results in overseas prospecting business.

At the meeting, the participating Secretary Generals had a thorough discussion about the development and reform of nonferrous geological prospecting institutions, as well as how to unify them and further improve their support for national resources security and ecological civilization construction.


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