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Xinjiang’s Aluminum Production Capacity is Expected to Grow by 106% in 2013


In recent years, the Northwest region witnessed rapid development of aluminum industry. Following Gansu, Qinghai, and Ningxia, Xinjiang has become the focus of market attention today.According to statistics, between 2010 and 2012, the production capacity of aluminum in Xinjiang region climbed from below 500,000 t/a to nearly 1,800,000 t/a, the growth margin surpassed 300%. After entering 2013, as some enterprises’ supporting facilities gradually improved, Xinjiang’s electrolytic aluminum capacity growth continued to rank in leading position nationwide. It is estimated that by the end of 2013, aluminum’s production capacity in Xinjiang region will reach around 3.7 million tonnes, up by 106% on Y-o-Y basis.

Judging from the release speed of production capacity, since most capacity supporting facilities will be gradually launched into operation in the second half of the year, considering the climate factor in Xinjiang region and other features in aluminum’s launching cycle and launching process, the newly added production capacity will have relatively limited contribution value for whole year primary aluminum output. It is estimated that in 2013 the electrolytic aluminum output in Xinjiang region is approximately 2.4 million tonnes, up by 33% on Y-o-Y basis; by the end of 2013, the operating aluminum capacity in Xinjiang region is about 3.1 million tonnes, the operating rate is about 84%.


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