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Jiangxi Again Discovered Worldclass Tungsten Mine with Controlled Volume Topping


The reporter recently learned from Jiangxi Province Geological Mineral Prospecting &Development Bureau that following the discovery of ultra large tungsten mine in northwestern Jiangxi in 2010, Jiangxi Province again discovered a world-class large tungsten mine in Zhuxi Mining Zone in Fuliang County in northeastern Jiangxi.

Up till now the maximum ore-body thickness being penetrated is 449m, the highest grade of tungsten mine reached 8%, the average grade reached 0.64%--0.65%, equivalent to 5 folds of industrial grade, meanwhile it has also penetrated nearly 30m thick associated copper orebody.

According to Jiangxi Province Geological Mineral Prospecting & Development Bureau, judging from the existing results, Zhuxi Mining Zone enjoys the exciting prospects of becoming world-class ultra large mineral deposit. Wherein, based on existing workload, the tungsten and copper metal volume under control has topped 1 million tonnes to reach large scale.What’s more important, it is extremely likely that the existing drilling engineering may have detected only broom handle of the ore-body,the bigger broom body remains to be located.

Jiangxi Province’s southern Jiangxi region boasts rich reserve of tungsten mine resources,for which it has been acclaimed as “Tungsten Capital of the World”. Nevertheless, after many years of mining, the available reserve of tungsten mine in this region is diminishing. In 2010, Jiangxi Province Geological Mineral Prospecting & Development Bureau raised nearly 200 million yuan to carry out large-scale geological mineral prospecting work in northern Jiangxi, and discovered an ultra large tungsten mine in Wuning County, Jiujiang City in Northwest Jiangxi, with a proved reserve of 1.06 million tonnes.


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