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Qaidam is Expected to Become China’s New “Capital of Nickel”


On January 24, the reporter learned from the Haixi Delegation Review Meeting of the First

Session of the 12th Qinghai Province People’s Congress that a large high grade nickel ore deposit had been discovered in Qaidam Basin,Qinghai Province. This discovery will make Qaidam China’s new “Capital of Nickel”.

Last year, after geological prospecting in XiariHamu area within the boundary of Golmud City, the geological prospecting department discovered a copper, nickel and cobalt mine which could reach large above ore deposit size.After further prospecting and discussion, the geological prospecting department developed the opinion that the nickel resource volume is expected to top 500,000 tonnes, reaching ultra large scale, as a result Qaidam Basin is expected to become the development base of China’s new nickel industry.

China’s nickel resource reserve is about 9 million tonnes, ranking 9th worldwide. The large copper and nickel ore deposit discovered in Golmud City this time, which is about 180km from Golmud City, marks a significant breakthrough in the nickel resource prospecting in Eastern Kunlun region and even Qinghai Province, it is expected it would further expand and activate the copper & nickel ore deposit prospecting work in the entire Eastern Kunlun region in this year and the next year.

Relevant industry insiders suggest that when developing Golmud nickel mine, relevant departments should consider the option to build processing base in Golmud, so as to enable Golmud and even Qaidam to become China’s new “Capital of Nickel”.


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