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例1:This insurance is extended to indemnify the Assured against such proportion of liability under the contract of affreightment“BothtoBlame Collision”Clauseasisinrespectofa loss recoverable hereunder.(本保险扩展赔偿被保险人根据货运合同中“互有责任碰撞”条款的比例责任有关可获赔偿的损失。)

“hereunder”意为“after this term”,“under the terms of this agreement”。

例2:capture,seizure,arrest,restraint or detainment(piracy excepted),and the consequences there of or any attempt thereat.(捕获、扣押、扣留、拘留或羁押(海盗除外),及由此引起的后果或企图这么做的任何威胁。)

“there of”意为“of or concerning capture”,“seizure”,“arrest”,“restraint or detainment”。

“thereat”意为“(an attempt)at capture”,“seizure”,“arrest”,“restraint or detainment”。




例3:This Insurance shall not inure to the benefit of the carrier or other bailee.(承运人或其他保管人不得主张本保险的利益。)

例4:In the event of claim the Assured shall provide the Underwriters with evidence of the amounts insured under all other insurance.(万一提出索赔,被保险人应向保险人提供所有其他保险的保险金额的证据。)




例5:This insurance covers general average and salvage charges,adjusted or determined according to the contract of af-freightment and/or...(本保险承保根据货运合同及/或……理算或确定的……共同海损和救助费用的损失……)

例6:...where,after attachment of this insurance,the destination is changed by the Assured,held covered at a premiumand on conditionsto be arranged subject to prompt notice being given to the Underwriters.(……如果在本保险责任开始后,被保险人变更目的地,应按重新商定的保险费率和条件续保,但以迅速通知了保险人为前提。)




例7:...and shall not include charges arising from the fault negligence insolvency or financial default of the Assured or their servants.(……且不包括因被保险人或其雇员的过错、疏忽、无偿付能力或财务困境而引起的费用。)

例8:This insurance attaches from the time the goods leave the warehouse or place of storage at the place named herein for the commencement of the transit,continues during the ordinary course of transit and terminates either...(本保险责任始于货物运离保险单载明的仓库或贮存处所开始运送之时,在运送的通常过程期间持续,终止于……)


作为法律文本,《协会条款(A)》使用“in the event of any claim”代替“if there is any claim”,使用“in no case shall this insurance cove”r代替“this insurance will never cover”。

例9:In the event of claim the Assured shall provide the Underwriters with evidence of the amounts insured under all other insurance.(万一提出索赔,被保险人应向保险人提供所有其他保险的保险金额的证据。)

例10:In no case shall this insurance cover loss damage or expense attributable to willful misconduct of the Assured.(在任何情况下本保险不承保可归因于被保险人的故意不端行为造成的灭失、损害或费用。)



并列双字词和三字词现象在法律语域中很平常,可以说是司空见惯。《协会条款(A)》中就有“wearand tear”,“costand expense”,它们通常是部分同义词。

例11:Inno case shallthis insurance cover...ordinary leakage,ordinary loss in weight or volume,or ordinary wear and tear of the subject-matter insured.(在任何情况下本保险不承保保险标的通常的渗漏、通常重量或体积损失或通常磨损。)

例12:In the event of any claim by ship-owners under the said Clause the Assured agree to notify the Underwriters who shall have the right,at their own cost and expense,to defend the Assured against such claim.(在船东根据该条款提出任何索赔的情况下,被保险人同意通知保险人;保险人有权自负费用,为被保险人对此种索赔抗辩。)




例14:In no case shall this insurance cover loss damage or expense caused by war civil war revolution rebellion insurrection,or civil strife arising therefrom,or any hostile act by or against a belligerent power.(本保险在任何情况下均不承保下述原因造成的灭失、损害或费用:战争、内战、革命、叛乱、暴动,或由此引起的民间冲突(civil strife),或来自交战方或针对交战方的任何敌对行为。)


例15:...except those excluded in Clause 4,5,6 and 7 or elsewhere in this insurance.(……但第4,5,6和7条或本保险其他条文的除外条款除外。)

同样,立法者未能将所有除外条款一一列举,为了法律的严密性,用了“or elsewhere”包括了所有存在的除外条款。








法律英语文本经常使用特殊的限定词,如“the same”(该人、该情况)、“such”(此人、此物、该情况)和“(the)said(adj.)”(上述的、该……的)等,来重复前面提到的名词,有时候直接重复该名词。《协会条款(A)》中有以下一些句子片断:

·against such proportion

·against such claim

·when such stowage is carried out

·are privy to such unseaworthiness or unfitness

·transit to such other destination

·under the said clause

·within the said period of 60 days






例16:if,afterdischarge overside fromthe oversea vessel at the final port of discharge,but prior to termination of this insurance,the goods are to be forwarded to a destination other than that to which they are insured hereunder.(如果,在最后卸货港卸离来自海外的船舶后,但在本保险终止之前,货物被转运至非保险承保的其他目的地……)

此处的被动语态为设定条件。再如:“...the insuredtransit is terminated”以及“the subject matter is reasonably abandoned”等。


法律文书中关于义务部分的陈述是至关重要的,它是享受权利的前提和条件。在法律英语中关于义务的陈述表现在句子结构上,往往使用条件状语分句或让步状语分句,从而成为法律英语长句多的主要原因。《协会条款(A)》文本以“if”开头的句子4个,以“in the event of”开头的句子3个,以“unless”引导的条件分句有5个。如前文例9。

例17:The Underwriters waive any breach of the implied warranties of seaworthiness of the ship and fitness of the ship to carry the subject-matter insured to destination,unless the Assured or their servants are privy to such unseaworthiness or unfitness.(保险人放弃运载保险标的至目的港的船舶不得违反船舶适航和适运的任何默示保证,除非被保险人或其雇员对此种不适航或不适运有私谋。)

除此而外,在法律英语中还常常使用由“Whereas...”,“Provided that...”,“Where...”,“When...”等引导的表示条件意义的状语分句。




4 In no case shall this insurance cover

4.1 loss damage or expense attributable to wilful misconduct of the Assured.

4.2 ordinary leakage,ordinary loss in weight or volume,or ordinary wear and tear of the subject-matter insured

4.3 loss damage or expense caused by insufficiency or unsuitability of packing or preparation of the subject-matter insured...

4.4 loss damage or expense caused by inherent vice or nature of the subject-matter insured

4.5 loss damage or expense proximately caused by delay,eventhough the delay be caused by a risk insured against(except expenses payable under Clause 2 above).

4.6 loss damage or expense arising from insolvency or financial default of the owners managers charterers or operators of the vessel.

4.7 loss damage or expense arising from the use of any weapon of war employing atomic or nuclear fission and/or fusion or other like reaction or radioactive force or matter

“loss damage or expense”的重复使得法律条文语义明确且严密,不致引起歧义;而在普通英语中,4.4、4.5、4.6和4.7中的“loss damage or expense”都可以用“those”来代替。



例19:...loss damage orexpense arising fromthe use ofany weapon of war employing atomic ornuclearfission and/or fusion or other like reaction or radioactive force or matter.(因使用原子或核裂变和/或聚变或其他类似反应或放射性力量或物质造成的任何战争武器产生的灭失、损害或费用。)



例20:In no case shall this insurance cover...

例21:...if,afterdischarge overside fromthe oversea vessel at the final port of discharge(...),the goods are to be forwarded ...

例22:This insurance is extended to indemnify the Assured against such proportion of liability under the contract of affreightment“Both to Blame Collision”Clause as is in respect of a loss recoverable hereunder.In theeventofany claimby shipownersunder the said Clause the Assured agree to notify the Underwriters who shall have the right,at their own cost and expense,to defend theAssuredagainstsuchclaim.(本保险扩展赔偿被保险人根据货运合同中“互有责任碰撞”条款的比例责任有关可获赔偿的损失。在船东根据该条款提出任何索赔的情况下,被保险人同意保险人,保险人有权自负费用,为被保险人对此种索赔抗辩。)




In no case shall this insurance cover loss damage or expense

7.1 caused by strikers,locked-out workmen,or persons taking part in labour disturbances,riots or civil commotions

7.2 resulting from strikes,lock-outs,labour disturbances,riots or civil commotions

7.3 caused by any terrorist or any person acting from a political motive.

(本保险在任何情况下均不承保下列灭失、损害或费用:由罢工、被迫停工工人或参加工潮、暴乱(riots)、民事骚乱(civil commotions)的人员造成者;罢工、停工、工潮、暴乱或民事骚乱引起者。)

句中的“caused”、“resulting from”和“acting from”分别修饰、限制各自前面的名词或词组,达到准确、严密和不产生歧义的目的。







其次,与普通立法一样,《协会条款(A)》所使用的选词连句的衔接手段(cohesive device)使得每一个命题都旨在实现法律条文的周全和严密。如在许多情况下省略标点符号,如:“...caused by war civil war revolution rebellion insurrection,or civil strife arising therefrom”。文本中用数字分段和根据问题细节分段,普遍地使用复杂句式等等,所有这些构成了一典型的严谨合理和准确规范的法律语篇。


例24:This insurance covers all risks of loss of or damage to the subject-matter insured except as provided in clause 4,5,6 and 7 below.(本保险承保除了下述第4、5、6和7条规定的除外责任以外的保险标的的灭失或损害的一切风险。)

例25:...until terminated in accordance with the provisions ofClause 8above.(……直至根据上述第8条的规定而终止。)



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[5] 潘其军.法律英语的用词特点与法律翻译[J].澳门理工学报,2008(4).

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The Discourse Analysis of LLoyd's Marine Insurance Association Clauses(A)

Pan Qijun

This paper analyses the English textof LLoyd's Marine Insurance Association Clauses(A)fromthe perspectives of vocabulary,syntax and discourse,pointing out the lexical features like terms of art,frequent use of jargons,nominalization of verbs,etc.,the syntactic features like frequent use of passive voices,conditional clauses,anaphora,etc.and some discourse features like unique contexts,high stylization,consideration to the levels back and forth,anaphora,compact structure,in detail and proper,etc.,with the purpose of highlighting the significance of legal discourse study to the understanding and application of English legal texts.

legal English;ICCs(A);lexical features;syntactic features;discourse features





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